Key To Success: Optimism
If there is one thing that separates the wildly successful from the rest, it is this one trait.
Optimism is a difference maker. Those who approach life from this perspective find more opportunities to take advantage of. They also do not live in fear of taking chances.
In short, they do not worry about the future. Instead, they create it.
This was the one key alluded to by Oprah Winfrey. She believed it was what had a profound impact upon here life.
Of course, to prove this theory, just look at those who have the opposite approach. How successful do they tend to be?
The Naysayers
For years, I railed against the naysayers.
You know who these people are. They are the Debbie Downers; those who believe the sky is always falling.
These are the people who kneel at the later of Peter Schiff. For decades they were spreading their doom and gloom. Best by gold, the market is going to crash.
Of course, this isn't limited to just financial or monetary issues. We see it everywhere. Those people who exude pessimism. It wraps their entire being.
How often are these the people who are the true innovators? When do you see them creating societal changing businesses? The answer is rarely are they doing that. How can they? After all, they are busy telling anyone who will listen all the reasons it will not be successful.
Setbacks Are Temporary
One of the core tenets of optimism is that setbacks are just temporary.
This is a start difference as compared to the Chicken Littles of the world. With optimistic, circumstances simply provide a set of challenges to overcome. It is not the end of the world. Instead, get busy and solve the problem.
There is also the belief that someone you will overcome whatever befalls you. After all, haven't that been the case your entire life? While a lot of things did not go as planned, most of them are no longer an issue.
The stoics discuss the concept of situations shaping us. Once of the views is that hardship should not be avoided. In doing so, that makes us weak. It is only through struggle that we get stronger.
One of the biggest challenges facing the developed world is that it is a population full of marsh mellows. These people are physically weak and, even worse, emotional immature. When we look at the number of people taking pills for this psych ailment or that one, it is sickening.
Certainly, there are ones who truly have major issues. Yet, when we look at the rise in the pills, the ratios do not match What we have is people who want things to be comfortable and are basically incapable of dealing with the world around them.
Life's setbacks are permanent to them.
Take Action
Optimists believe it can be done, whatever it is.
That about sums it up. If you want success, it starts with the belief that you can make it happen. This applies to relationships, weight loss, career, and finance. It also is applicable to businesses.
I keep saying that everyone on Hive needs to look at their account as a business. That is a starting point. From there, one also needs to believe he or she can achieve whatever it is that is desired. Of course, this is going to take work, time, and probably a large degree of failures.
It is a common saying that the people at the top failed the most. They did not do everything right. However, their commitment and dedication is what separated them from the pack. They carried that optimism into everything they did.
The top selling people in any organization are the ones who receive the most rejections. They are the ones who make the most calls, do the greatest number of presentations, and ask for the business. It is through this process they get the highest amount of rejection.
Yet they still persevere in spite of that. This is why they make the big bucks as they say. It can be a lucrative profession because most are unwilling to do it.
Of course, this is true for many aspects of life.
Nothing New
What I write here is nothing new. Many of you heard (or read) this stuff before. Then how come things are not going as you desire. Why are you dealing with the same challenges in life as you always have?
This is something to consider. We see alcoholics and addicts talking a good game, how they are going to clean up their act. The reality is that few do. Most end up just repeating the same behavior because the next incident that life throws at them, they turn tail and run. What is the use?
Does that sound optimistic to you? Of course not. That is why most who try to get clean never do. They sabotage themselves from the start.
So if you want to change your life, and bring success into your realm, it is time to get optimistic. Thinking that all is going to fail is a sure-fire way to keep you trap right where you are.
One final thought: being the most optimistic person in the world while sitting on your butt doing nothing isn't going to achieve any results either. No matter what the endeavor, action is required.
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
O>O I'm not sure if im optimistic but i know you are TM ;3. keep building hive and inleo~ let's gooooo
It is nothing more than a mindset. Start by seeing the positive in every situation. Even the more dire situations have a positive aspect, even if they just make you stronger.
O.O Ok i will change my mindset. I will become taskmastershawnnft. will that work
It certainly could if that is your goal. But perhaps you should be the best version of you.
O.O but you are my idol. the best version of me would be at your level or surpassing u
How can you compare naysayers to fear mongers cause I always felt that fear mongers use this trait to their advantage to hook people to grab their attention and then take money from their pockets please shed light on it help.
Not everyone has a financial incentive when spreading fear. Look at social media. There are a ton of people spreading fear on X about, say the economy, and many dont have any financial incentive at all.
Yes, but fear-mongering helps in grabbing attention some how always has. With attention comes money-making opportunities automatically.
Certainly we, as humans, appear to be drawn more to the negative than positive. It is why the news is filled with negativity. It captures attention from the masses. So yes it is a tool because people buy into it.
Yes I feel that you are right on the money with this analogy thanks for clearing it up for me.
I think that is why those who can separate themselves from that natural tendency can go counter to society and achieve success.
You are right on the money there as I feel very few people are successful and like you said they are successful because they work on progress (positivity) rather than going into the rabbit hole of negativity.
This post draw me back to my early life in 2019 when I just started a new and this first timer relationship which one may think that it will never end , after first two months I changed the contact name to my optimal . I held the relationship as the number one priority but where is the girl now ? She waked up one day and told me that she is no longer interested in the relationship , I don't know how optimistic I am or I was but I know that my optimal relationship just ended without issues , I am still ur nigha offiaclementoffia
I bet Phil Hartman wished his wife had left him. Instead, she killed him.
So sometimes the girl leaving is the best thing.
Alright I appreciate the fact that you cared about my life thanks man
It is one of those we never can tell.