Splinterlands: Possibilus the Wise is an amazing summoner card to use in the Melee Mayhem ruleset
Splinterlands is a complex game and it allows for various different cards and strategies. Each fight is different as there are various different rulesets applied and this can give specific cards an advantage depending on how you use them. In this post, I talk about a card named Possibilus the Wise.
Featured Monster: Possibilus the Wise
Possibilus the Wise is a water summoner card that costs 7 mana. It gives +2 health, trample, and reach. Leveling up this card increases the level of the cards that you can use in battle. I currently have this card at level 2 so I can use cards up to the limits of Silver league. The current cost of a card is $12.68 per BCX.
Rule set, Battle and Plan
The ruleset this time is Up Close & Personal and Melee Mayhem. This means that only melee monsters can be used and melee monsters can attack from any position. There is also 38 mana available and I am left with the choice of fire, water, and life splinter.
Splinter | Mana Cost | Position | Reason |
Possibilus the Wise | 6 | Summoner | +2 health and trample |
Diemonshark | 8 | 1st | Enrage |
Coastal Sentry | 10 | 2nd | Double strike |
Demented Shark | 6 | 3rd | +1 attack |
Cruel Sethropod | 3 | 4th | Filler |
Pelacor Bandit | 3 | 5th | Sneak and flying |
Hardy Stonefish | 1 | 6th | Filler |
Total Mana: | 37 |
My plan is just to have Diemonshark up front and it will also increase it's damage when it gets hurt. The rest of my lineup is all melee monsters and I have Demented shark for the inspire ability. This increases my damage and the rest of battle will rely on my damage output with the trample ability there.
Round 1
At first glance of my opponent's lineup, I think I have the advantage. My opponent doesn't have many high damage cards and I should be able to make quick work of some cards once my trample kicks in. It's too bad that my opponent has demoralize so my inspire ability was negated.
Round 2
I took out one monster from my opponent and I only lose some armor on my cards. It's looking quite good for me.
Round 3
The trample made quick work of my opponent's card and I was able to take out 3 more cards on my opponent's side. At the same time, I only lost one card. I don't see any way of me losing because the speed difference isn't that large but my opponent does have a evade monster left.
I was lucky and I didn't miss and won the match through the trample ability.
The battle this time around went exactly as I expected. The lineup I went for increased my damage and took advantage of the rulesets. The trample ability is very powerful and it easily increased my damage because my opponent didn't have many high-health monsters. My focus was on triggering as much trample as possible in this melee only match.
You can see my entire match here.
What did you think of my match? Was there anything you would have done differently? I think it is quite interesting to see how different players use the same card.
Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
Possibilus is specially great paired with healing, since many monsters get healed for more due to having higher max health.
It does help but I just find that focusing on damage seems to work out better for me. I'd rather get an inspire or opportunity monster instead.
Possibilus the Wise is very deadly I have been losing fights against it a lot recently. It makes Costal Sentry very useful.
Yea. It's very deadly with Coastal Sentry.
Having the Possibilus the Wise card was a huge advantage. Congratulations on a nice victory.
Thanks. I like it due to the trample ability and in a match where only melee can be used, it's very powerful.