How Much Do We Rely on Luck in Crypto?

Good luck or bad luck are either there or not there. They are part of life. But do we seek them on purpose or treat them as an element of randomness we can't control? OK, the "we can't control" part is not that straightforward, as human-programmable "luck" has odds which can be calculated and, what some call "luck", others call "math" or "game theory". Many love games of chance (or "luck"), but few have the knowledge, discipline, and endurance to win at these games given enough time or trials.

Most gamblers are simply wishful thinkers with some money to lose.

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And we, in crypto, have so many of them, unfortunately. And with enough money to lose too. To be honest, I don't care much about them. It's what they choose to do, at their own risk.

But there is such thing as demand and offer. And if there is so much demand for casinos, then crypto will slowly become a casino place, with nothing of value, because, what for, if demand is for gambling?

I heard a smart guy (Raoul Pal) say that we should make as much money as we can by 2030. Why this rush? Nobody knows exactly what will happen after 2030 with the exponential growth of AIs, but everyone already wealthy wants to be as wealthy as they can by then, apparently... He even likes the "meme culture". What's not to like? A versed former Wallstreet guy like him, could make a lot of money off of the novices playing the meme pump & dump games. I'm not saying he does that, he made plenty of profits in bitcoin since 2014, plus whatever else investments he has.

If we have a "deadline", whatever that deadline could be, does the slow & steady investment strategy still work? On the other hand, isn't this a way to add some fuel on the casino fire, to make it burn (read transfer away) even more money from the poor and the middle class.

So, the question is: do you plan for luck in crypto (which could mean going to the moon or going bankrupt) or do you plan for slow & steady growth? Do you combine them?

Personally, I take the "slow & steady" approach, whatever that means in crypto, where slow and steady could be 3x-5x in a cycle (or more). I have had both good and bad luck in my crypto journey, but I rarely sought it intentionally (with few exceptions, like on Splinterlands, on occasions, for example, but I haven't taken profits, so it doesn't count). It generally just happened. Nothing that one could define as "going to the moon" or life-changing, but they can proof significant at some point, if prices change. That doesn't mean I totally ignore the "meme culture", but it's more on my peripheral view.

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Luck is a big factor for whatever we tend to gain in this realm. Its also the same fate for every business enterprise and money attached to it.

I dont know that if, big chunk of profit is a good idea to get due to risk attached to it - but we can surely start from little to large holdings. Thats the apparently profitable way to gain good returns.


In a way, you are right. In can be considered luck that bitcoin and the alts with a decent history behind gathered the initial interest and momentum to become a global movement and that it survived for so long, when it could have been crushed early in its existence, when the space was much more frail.

But other than that, "luck" is very different depending on people's investment strategies, and can have a huge impact or a rather negligible one. And that's true for businesses too, and the way they are built and managed.


I believe in luck a lot but I don’t know if it will work for me so I always believe in slow and steady growth
Slow and steady wins the race


I guess it would be the universe trying to make a point if you wouldn't believe in luck but you'd be consistently lucky.

I'd lie if I'd say I've been unlucky in my life (or investments). I had a good share of luck, but also some share of bad luck. It probably balances out in my case.


I like slow and steady, however we all rely on the market cycles to bring our plans to life, and that includes making profit and also buying the dip. Although we're more of calculated risk takers and quite different from gamblers


That's certainly different in my eyes. The cycle is scary predictable. While with meme coins you don't get that predictability. They either pump like crazy and you have your bags in the right place, or they slowly (or quickly) die off and that's a waste of time and funds.


I am not for the luck
I just want to keep doing my things slowly and steadily


I prefer slow and steady. The luck factor can be there but I think that is more for the memecoins. Then again, even for strong cryptos, luck can also be a factor.


I think we are created, genetically, for the slow & steady model, but the modern world has moved into a fast & faster model. Let's see how well we'll be able to cope with it. As for casinos, in the real or online world, they were always an attraction to people, and in the long run, "the house always wins".


It's a bit of both for me(since it's a bit more realistic), but more on the slow and steady growth. The latter can be sustainable in the long run. I think it will be really painful to make a lot of money and then lose it all in almost every crypto cycle, at some point, the value or essence of what crypto is might be forgotten.


Being a realist at this point in the crypto evolution is probably the right path.

the value or essence of what crypto is might be forgotten

I suppose the "value" of crypto will be redefined in time, with trends. Nothing stays the same, not even bitcoin, with all the L2 developments. Some may continue to hold on to the same values for a long time, but if the space move into the opposite direction, there's either going to be a fraction or a convergence, with some islands that will keep their own course no matter what.


Right, especially in a digital age, value is very much dynamic and even fundamentals can change from time to time, through disruptions or something similar. I'm leaning more into a fraction of values, many islands each having its own set of values and building something useful and/or amazing through that.


I'm leaning more into a fraction of values, many islands each having its own set of values and building something useful and/or amazing through that.

That seems more plausible, it's true. And better suited for decentralization.
