Vir: The Island of Red Clay Cliffs, Croatia


Welcome back to my Croatian travel diary! While browsing my previous posts may provide a broader picture (Zadar ferries; Biking in Ugljan and Pašman, and the ancient city of Nin), feel free to skip them. Some might assume that cliffs are always composed of tall, pointy rocks. However, allow me to prove them wrong by introducing you to Vir, one of the many Croatian islands. I had initially believed that its name originated from the Latin word "vir," meaning man, husband, or soldier. However, its Italian name "Puntadura" and the Dalmatian name "Punta de Ura" suggest that the true origin is Slavic, and thus unrelated to any possible Roman military camp or Kaštelina, ruins of a 16th-century Venetian fortress that we, unfortunately, missed. Our original plan was to venture elsewhere, but in the eleventh hour, we switched to "just go swimming someplace special." And since Vir boasts some secluded beaches, a rarity in a touristy country like Croatia, along with a breathtaking coastline adorned with red-clay cliffs, it seemed to be the place to go.

Vítejte zpátky u mého chorvatského cestovatelského deníčku. Pokud jste nečetli předchozí posty, pro lepší obrázek si je můžete prohlédnout (Zadarské trajekty; Na kolech po Ugljaně Pašmanu, a historické město Nin), ale nutné to není. Spousta lidí si myslí, že útesy jsou vždycky strmé, špičaté, a hlavně kamenné. No, nemusí být. Vyvést z omylu vás může třeba jeden ze stovek chorvatských ostrovů, Vir. Původně jsem si myslel, že jeho jméno pochází z latiny, kde "vir" znamená muž, manžel nebo voják. Ale italský a dalmátský název ostrova (Puntadura a Punta de Ura) naznačují, že jméno bude spíše slovanské, a tak nebude mít nic společného s římským vojenským táborem, který tu mohl být, nebo Kaštelinou, zříceninou benátské pevnosti ze 16. století, kterou jsme bohužel vynechali. Původně jsme ten den chystali vypravit jinam, ale na poslední chvíli jsme změnili názor s tím, že se "prostě půjdeme vykoupat na nějaký super místo". A protože na Viru je pár celkem opuštěných pláží, což je v tak turistické zemi, jako je Chorvatsko, celkem rarita, a zajímavá scenérie útesů z červeného jílu, vypravili jsme se právě tam. (see the map)

Vir is connected to the mainland by a bridge, and the island can be roughly divided into two halves. The first half is closer to the mainland and less captivating. It primarily consists of flat terrain filled with typical Croatian villas housing tourist apartments. As you progress through the urban area, you may encounter a point where the road appears closed. Although we chose to walk from that point, many others disregarded the rule and drove to the farther edge of the island where the cliffs are. We even came across several caravans in the restricted area. Nevertheless, walking along the road proved to be a pleasant stroll, at least in late May in the afternoon.

View of the Vir landscape with the Velebit Mountains in the backdrop. In one of my next posts I will take you on a short hike there.

Pohled na Vir a pohoří Velebit na pozadí. Na krátkou túru do hor vás vezmu v jednom ze svých dalších postů.

We didn’t come to admire the blossoming late spring nature, though, so we hastened our pace and made our way towards the closest beach nestled amidst the striking red cliffs. From there, we strolled along the coastline until we discovered a spot worth taking a dip. The landscape felt quite distinct from the mainland of Croatia. No more words are needed, enjoy the views:

Ale nepřišli jsme sem obdivovat rozkvetlou přírodu pozdního jara, a tak jsme přidali do kroku směrem k nejbližší pláži uprostřed červených útesů. A pak jsme šli podél pobřeží až k místu, které nejvíc lákalo k vykoupání. Okolí vypadalo dost odlišně od pevninské části Chorvatska. Dost bylo slov, užijte si výhledy:

The clay cliffs on Vir are a popular spot for witnessing sunsets, particularly among those who drive there. Since we obeyed the restriction and parked our car quite a distance away, we decided to leave earlier to avoid walking back in the dark.

Jílové útesy na Viru jsou oblíbeným místem k pozorování západu slunce, zejména mezi těmi, kdo na ně jezdí autem. Ale my jsme respektovali zákaz vjezdu a zaparkovali celkem daleko od moře, a tak jsme k autu raději vyrazili dříve. Nechtělo se nám jít za tmy.

After indulging in a swim in the waves and making our way back to the car, our appetites began to grow, prompting us to venture into the namesake town. However, Vir, being a typical touristy town, failed to offer any intriguing venues for us to explore, so we decided to seek dining options elsewhere.

Po plavání ve vlnách a návratu k autu nám docela vyhládlo, a tak jsme vyrazili do stejnojmenného městečka. Ale Vir je bohužel typické turistické město, nebo spíš vesnice, a nebylo v něm moc co podniknout a kde se najíst. A tak jsme se rozhodli, že povečeříme jinde.

Nevertheless, our excursion in Vir revealed a fascinating thing. As darkness fell over the town, we noticed several elderly individuals strolling along the beach promenade, armed with sticks and lanterns. They were on a hunt for octopuses and squids, or so we deduced from their behavior. We took a leisurely walk along the promenade, and although we didn't witness any successful catches, several stains on the pavement could have been squid ink. Some of them appeared rather fresh. Speaking about ink stains, squid-ink black risotto is a local specialty. We tried it out later on in Biograd na Moru and I must admit I liked it. But that's another day and another story. Stay tuned!

A přesto jsme ve Viru narazili na jednu zajímavost. Když se setmělo, na promenádě se objevili staříci, kteří pochodovali s tyčí a lucernou podél moře a svítili do vody. Očividně lovili chobotnice a olihně, nebo tak jsme si alespoň jejich chování vysvětlili. Pánové nás samozřejmě zaujali, a tak jsme se chvíli toulali po promenádě a pozorovali je. I když jsme neviděli žádný úspěšný odlov, na chodníku byla sem tam skvrna, která mohla být od inkoustu ulovené olihně. Některé vypadaly čerstvé. A když jsme u toho inkoustu, černé rizoto obarvené inkoustem olihně je místní specialitou. Ochutnali jsme ho v Biogradu na Moru a musím uznat, že mi dost chutnalo. Ale to se stalo jiný den, a tak je to jiný příběh, o kterém se ještě rozepíšu.


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I have heard many stories about Croatia and how beautiful there is, I have never been there yet, but I will visit Croatia one day, it is on my to do list 😀 beautiful pictures !PIZZA !ALIVE


Well, there are many direct flights from Poland that are pretty cheap off season - meaning now or in September.


Yes, many people from Poland visit Croatia and all of them say there is beautiful 😊


What an adventure!

I have never been to Croatia or even taken the time to explore it in picture and now I have been there via hive this morning!

The seafood there must be fantastic and that squid ink pasta sounds enticing.

Awesome trip my friend.


I'm glad you liked the post, several more are to come based on this trip :) Then I will have to travel somplace else :))


@godfish I have read about this island before. It is located off the southern coast of Dubrovnik, and is known for its colorful red cliffs and towering rock formations at the coastline, creating a magnificent view.


Hi @sophronia! Thanks for stopping by. I believe it was another island if it lies close to Dubrovnik. This one is is about 300 km far, see the map:

In this case, the cliffs are actually clay, not rocks.


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Wow, very beautiful pictures. This place looks wonderful ❤️ Thanks for sharing with us 😊


What an incredible tour you're taking us on! I'd love to visit Croatia, which looks so beautiful, but I haven't had the chance to go there yet. The colors of the land and sea are so vivid and what a beauty the first image is with the mountainous coast, the sea and the clouds :)

Thank you for sharing, it really feels like we're right there with you !


Well, I am already back to Prague, but I am glad you liked the post ;)


It was a pleasure and I'm sure you enjoyed well this journey :))

Have a good day ✌️


Whoot, what a nice post from this beautiful scenery.

Enjoy a !BEER from me


Cheers! I just happened to post about my stroll across the tripoin close to Aachen - I managed to discover some of the old Prussian borderstones there. Did you know it used to be a quadripoint a century ago?


Ja, we had Neutral-Moresnet

May I do a post about that, as the story is interesting?


It indeed is, I read a bit about the disputed mine, but was not that sure about having enough knowledge to share, so I only localized two old Prussian borderstones :) I loved the woods around there.


I guess you will love the real truth at the comment to your post by a fun oriented Detlev


I love all fun oriented people :))
