Pic1000 : Learning Unity

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“Give it back”, Jeremy shouted at his brother on the top of his lungs.

“No, this is mine, it doesn't belong to you”, his brother, Smith, shouted back as he tried to hide the teddy bear at the back of the chair.

Jeremy caught up to him and tried to drag the teddy bear from him. They both struggled to hold on to it and in the process, it tore into two.

“Look at what you’ve done. You’ve torn it”. Jeremy accused Smith. “No, you tore it”, Smith fired back and they both started causing a ruckus in the sitting room.

Their mom, Mrs Joshua , came into the sitting room and saw them almost on the verge of hitting each other.

“What's going on here?”, their mom asked, looking at them sternly.

They both looked down, unable to meet her eyes.

“What happened?”, she asked again.

“He started it”, they both spoke simultaneously.

“Hush! both of you”, she interjected, almost shouting at them.

She asked them one after the other and each of them gave statements that made themselves sound like the innocent one.

She understood what had happened. Jeremy was her first son and when he was born, she and her husband got him a teddy bear to play with. When Smith came two years later, she and her husband got another teddy bear so they could both play with it(the second one is bigger than the first).

Now that they are both grown a bit, It seems they both want to have separate teddy bears. With Smith trying to take the bigger one since it was gotten “for him” while Jeremy opposed him and decided to have the bigger teddy bear as he is the oldest.

Now that the bigger teddy bear had been torn into two. Their mum told them that their punishment will be to share the smaller one together. Not taking turns in playing it but playing with it together. She also told them to apologize to each other and promise not to fight anymore.

At night, when her husband got back, they both talked to the two boys. They taught them the importance of love, living in unity and sharing things together.

“What your brother owns also belongs to you and vice versa, " their mom said, advising them calmly.

They both thanked their parents and promised to always be united.

“What did I See?”

I see two boys holding a toy with their backs turned to each other. They both wore a frown.

“What did I feel?”

I could relate to the tension between the siblings.


They learn how to share. Nice one👍


Thank you for reading.


It was good of their parents to teach them how to share things and relate with each other. Boys Sha, they will always be boys 😂😂😂😂


That's it. They can disturb for Africa.

Thanks for reading.


How about parents teaching that there's no need always to share and you have the right to keep something for yourself? Would you like it if I take all your possessions away with the words: Sorry, you have to share?
Most likely you would call me a thief. But how should children learn to defend what is theirs and set boundaries?


That's true but most African parents want to have peace so they just come up with whatever works for them.


I feel sorry for the eldest. A teddy bear is not just a toy but a companion and a friend you take along and sleep with. I find it very hard to believe they thanked their mother unless they were afraid of her.Always being force to share breaks a person and for sure it isn't fair of those parents to give the youngest more than the eldest who always has to share what is his. I assume the mother is not able to repair a bear or the father can't or they can't give their son something they like and don't want to share? Children should be taught that they should respect one another and there's no need to always share and if parents are wrong and like one child more (which they do in the eyes of a child) they should admit that as well.
