Mbebe, The Wanderer [Fiction]


I am a wanderer. A restless soul. Or perhaps a descendant of the Biblical Cain? I often wonder why I can't stay still in one location for a long time.

I left home when I was twelve.

"Please, my child. Must you go with that crazy craftsman?" Mama begged, her bloodshot, tired eyes already mourning my departure as I stood beside her.

The 'crazy' craftsman was also a wanderer. He went from villages to towns, making handy things like dolls and carving statues for sale. I was fascinated by his works. I would sit with him, pick my colour pencils and draw a replica of his dolls on paper.

When he was leaving my village three months later, he offered to help me improve my drawing skills.

"Yes, mama. I want to. Ngongo is moving to the next village. I won't be far away and I'll come back soon." I promised.

I think she didn't believe me, but she let me go.

Like a bird with new wings, I flew with Ngongo for a few years and later, solo. My paintings got better each year and made me more money.

It's been years and I've not returned home to see my mama. I often wrote to her about my adventures.

She would write back with the same enthusiasm, wanting to know more. I told her in my last letter that I'd left the African continent and was in Europe.

I waited for her warm response. It didn't come. I'm still waiting.

Then I wandered to this mesmerising neighbourhood that looked like a dream. The sight was overwhelming, stirring my creative juices. My palms began to itch.

Image credit: @wakeupkitty

The greenery surrounding the hills and quaint houses spaced with lush vegetation and blossoming flowers was the perfect image of a paradise in the midst of a dying world.

Quickly, I dropped my rucksack in the middle of the hilly green field that gave me a fantastic view of the neighbourhood. I set up my easel and put a blank canvas on it. I arranged my paintbrushes and other instruments beside me.

Just when I positioned my paintbrush to begin, I heard, "Hey. Howdy there!"

I glanced up. It was a middle-aged, sturdy man strolling towards me. His cheeks were a little flush revealing he'd spent the better part of the morning outdoors.

I waved.

"You are new around here." His stare was suspicious.

I nodded calmly. "Yes."

He walked around me and my easel for a moment. "You are a painter?"

"Yes. Do you live here?"

"As a matter of fact, I'm the mayor. Roy Manchester. We don't often get strangers coming here."

"Nice to meet you, Mr Manchester. I'm Mbebe. I'm fascinated by this place so I want to make a painting of it. Is that alright?"

"Of course! Sure. Will you sell the painting at an exhibition or something?"

"No. I usually sell my work to private collectors. Will you like a copy?"

His face took on a new shine. He grinned and gave me his card. "I'll very much love a copy. You can look me up at the office when you're done here."

We shook hands and he left while I started my painting.

By evening, I had a perfect, almost too perfect painting of the beautiful neighbourhood.

When I visited Roy's office, I was astounded for a moment. Two of my paintings graced his walls. He beamed at me and shook my hand vigorously. "If a man was allowed to faint, I may have when I saw you at the field. But I wasn't sure."

Roy Manchester was an admirer of my works.

I gave him the new painting and did not make a copy of it.

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The sun was slowly descending when I drove my jeep into the village and parked in front of my mama's house.

Children playing around quickly surrounded the car curious as to who the visitor was.

I stepped out and heard a hoarse scream. It was Mama, a little hunched over and leaping towards me with a cane. I left the driver's door open and ran to meet her halfway, lifting her into the air.

The pain of staying away for so long tore at me as I buried my face in the crook of her neck. She whispered blessings into my ears.

"A good day to you, mama," a gentle voice said. Mama pulled away from me to see a young, white-skinned lady smiling at her.

"Mama, this is my wife. Lilian Manchester Mbebe."

I spent the night regaling Mama with the tales of my adventures and how my paintings made me who I am. I promised my mama I would be back. I'm glad I kept my promise.

What I see

I see a beautiful neighbourhood surrounded by lush vegetation and landscaped fields.

What I feel

I feel the neighbourhood is serene, a place for a budding plant or person to grow and thrive.

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This is my entry to A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words. To participate, click on the link.

Thank you for visiting my blog.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 164 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!


The strong bond between mother and son is a strong one. Mbebe searched for his star and then came back home with a nice wife. I like the way you skipped the wedding and romance by time-hopping between scenes. Very clever way of doing it!


Thank you for the compliment. Mbebe becoming a star, as you rightly put it, is the main focus. He follows his heart and explores his talent to become a popular painter. Thanks again for reading. 😊 !LUV


You really did keep to your promise, but you met mama a changed old woman, I'm glad you showed her your achievement as a wanderer.......your wife🤣


Hehe. Mbebe brought home a beautiful wife and his popularity as a great artist! Thanks for your visit. !LADY


An excellent use of the picture prompt Kemmy💜.

This lifted my spirit this morning, he made a promise and indeed fulfilled it.

I made a promise too of course to myself and this just gave me the reason I needed to keep pushing(You may not understand because it's something personal).

I have missed a lot of your beautiful writings because of my instability on here but I'm glad I could read this one. 💜💜💜


I'm pleased I made your morning with this short story and I hope you keep your promise as well! I hope you are doing okay. Thanks so much for reading. 😊 !LADY


I'm doing fine🥰. It was a pleasure reading through ✨


I thought Mama would be dead since she no longer wrote. It must feel bad to raise a child that no longer cares.

Thank you for sharing your story.


Mama believed she had lost her son to another continent and might never see him again. She felt there was no point replying his letters...until he showed up at the village as promised many years ago! Hehe.

Thank you so much for reading. 🙂
