The drama in the face of the reference I used drew me in. I measured the Runeseer's features immediately with it afterwards. I realized it would be a far stretch but still gave it a shot. The process was just as challenging but having made a straightforward lineart, the whole thing fell in place. I enjoyed the process of this drawing and would appreciate you going through them. Runeseers as I know are very powerful beings and to fall into their wrath is deadly. That's one of the reasons their faces are mostly depicted neutrally.
I drew the lineart with my blue pen and tried to keep the drawing in shape
I retraced the lineart with black pen and made sure just as in the previous that I keep everything in order..
The next step was to shade the hat and the hair
I dotted on the hair and marked the parts for depth and painted the staff too
...the eye on the staff was what I painted next with blue ink. I didn't have the full card at the time and worked on what I had. The armour was shaded as well as the tip of the horn.
The parts that were originally yellow, I shaded them red. Touched up the eyes too and was close to the end.
The hinder parts of the hat was what I shaded next..
The final shadings were the next and after doing that, the art piece was done.
The materials I used while making this sketch are blue, black and red pens from two brands: BIC and SCHNEIDER
Thanks for sharing! - @isaria