The Anime Realm Contest #3: Kenshin Himura's duality.

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Banner created in canva with the cover of the OVA of Rurouni Kenshin from IMDB

  I have many characters from anime that were important to me and they are always in my mind when I think about a special character. It can be dumb but when I think of anime, it reminds me of Goku in Dragon Ball Z. Not because of the character by itself but what he represented in a stage of my life. I can also cite some other special characters like Heero from Gundam Wing. Gundam Wing is an old anime and Heero was pretty special as well. Shinji in Evangelion is a strong character that even with the death of his mother and his father abandoned he grew strong. Many other special characters I can cite but I felt that I needed to make a special post about a specific character so that I could reflect a bit about the personality and even make a comparison with another fictional character that I love. Last post I mentioned that I loved Rurouni Kenshin, since the TV show and the OVAs. Specifically, we can see different moments in Kenshin Himura's life.

  Eu tenho muitos personagens de anime que foram importantes para mim e eles estão sempre em minha mente quando penso em um personagem especial. Pode parecer bobo, mas quando penso em anime, me lembro de Goku em Dragon Ball Z. Não apenas pelo personagem em si, mas pelo que ele representava em uma fase da minha vida. Posso citar também alguns outros personagens especiais como Heero de Gundam Wing. Gundam Wing é um anime antigo e Heero também era bastante especial. Shinji em Evangelion é um personagem forte que, mesmo com a morte de sua mãe e o abandono de seu pai, tornou-se forte. Muitos outros personagens especiais eu poderia citar, mas senti que precisava fazer uma postagem especial sobre um personagem específico para que eu pudesse refletir um pouco sobre a personalidade e até mesmo fazer uma comparação com outro personagem fictício que eu amo. No último post, mencionei que adorava Rurouni Kenshin, desde a série de TV até as OVAs. Especificamente, podemos ver diferentes momentos na vida de Kenshin Himura.


  The development of the character is very complex during his story, he was trained to kill and the OVAs show how he was cold-blooded blooded to kill his opponents. However, he starts to change when he meets Tomoe and gets in love with him, he tries to run from his past but assassins looking for him make him fight them again, but this time he accidentally kills his wife Tomoe. Before dying Tomoe carves a new scar on his cheek, crossing with the one that he had before, making the known "X" shaped scar on his cheek.

  In addition to the physical scar, the scar created in Kenshin's soul was so big that made him go true a deep loneliness. That ending created what was Kenshin at the beginning of the TV Show. I lonely samurai with a deep scar that prevented him from making friends and also that promised to not kill anyone, do you remember someone else like that?

  If we go to the comics we can do some parallels with Bruce Wayne, yeah the Batman. In the case of Batman, the scars were made after he saw his parents die in front of him, but he also didn't kill when bringing justice. Both characters bring us the idea of an imperfect hero, the hero who made many mistakes in the past and who hunts you.

 However, Kenshin during the TV show continues his progression, something that in my point of view Batman had some highs and lows concerning. Rurouni Kenshin shows that love can help fix a broken soul. Kenshin makes many friends during the story while fighting enemies and still doesn't kill them. Including, he could love again meeting the stubborn Kaoru and he could have even a child, Kenji. So The end of Kenshin was much happier compared to Batman, for now at least.

  O desenvolvimento do personagem é muito complexo durante sua história; ele foi treinado para matar, e as OVAs mostram como ele era frio e impiedoso ao enfrentar seus oponentes. No entanto, ele começa a mudar quando conhece Tomoe e se apaixona por ela. Ele tenta fugir de seu passado, mas assassinos que o procuram o obrigam a lutar novamente, e, dessa vez, ele acidentalmente mata sua esposa Tomoe. Antes de morrer, Tomoe esculpe uma nova cicatriz em sua bochecha, cruzando com a que ele já tinha, criando a conhecida cicatriz em forma de "X" em sua bochecha.

 Além da cicatriz física, a cicatriz criada na alma de Kenshin foi tão grande que o levou a uma profunda solidão. Esse desfecho criou o que Kenshin era no início da série de TV: um samurai solitário com uma cicatriz profunda que o impedia de fazer amigos e que prometeu não matar mais ninguém. Você se lembra de mais alguém assim?

 Se voltarmos aos quadrinhos, podemos fazer alguns paralelos com Bruce Wayne, sim, o Batman. No caso do Batman, as cicatrizes foram feitas depois que ele viu seus pais morrerem diante dele, mas ele também não matou ao buscar justiça. Ambos os personagens nos trazem a ideia de um herói imperfeito, o herói que cometeu muitos erros no passado e que o assombram.

 No entanto, Kenshin durante a série de TV continua sua progressão, algo que, na minha opinião, Batman teve altos e baixos em relação. Rurouni Kenshin mostra que o amor pode ajudar a consertar uma alma quebrada. Kenshin faz muitos amigos durante a história enquanto enfrenta inimigos e ainda se recusa a matá-los. Além disso, ele pôde amar novamente ao conhecer a obstinada Kaoru e até teve um filho, Kenji. Portanto, o final de Kenshin foi muito mais feliz em comparação com o Batman, pelo menos por enquanto.


  I like it when someone creates a complex character with deep reflections, the character still can be a hero, but a hero can make mistakes and bad things. A good person isn't the one who only saves the day, but the one who learns from their mistakes and builds a new future based on these learnings. For me, Kenshin Himura was very humanized and very close to what a human is, much different from Goku in DBZ, for example, that you can't feel close to a normal human, like us.

  Eu gosto quando alguém cria um personagem complexo com reflexões profundas; o personagem ainda pode ser um herói, mas um herói pode cometer erros e fazer coisas ruins. Uma pessoa boa não é aquela que apenas salva o dia, mas aquela que aprende com seus erros e constrói um novo futuro com base nessas aprendizagens. Para mim, Kenshin Himura foi muito humanizado e muito próximo do que um ser humano é, muito diferente de Goku em DBZ, por exemplo, que você não consegue se sentir próximo de um humano normal, como nós.

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I think I saw this anime, I don't remember it right now, but if I did, it was a long time ago. If I haven't seen it, I'm going to do it because it really catches my attention.

Thanks for sharing. Good luck in the contest.



it isn't a new anime , I would recommend watching the OVAs, despite of I started first with a tv show, lol


If it looks like an old anime. I'll see if I watch it, it catches my attention.


wow dont think ive seen this O.O seems the time i didnt get into anime yet probably


Lol it is a classic 😬


hmm seems like they had a remake o.o last year that is onl y24 episodes


Can u find the Movies trust and betrayal?


o.o u mean to watch it probably ya for the anime site i watch anime on :')


Oh lol in my good days of downloading animes wasnt difficult to find lol


o.o people upload on websites for free D: not hard to find nowadays


definitivamente kenshin es uno de los mejores personajes samurais que hay, su fisica no concuerda con su fuerza y audacia, es lo mejor.

kenshin is definitely one of the best samurai characters out there, his physicality doesn't match his strength and boldness, he's the best.


I like also the samurai thing it is another thing that appeals in this anime, but the personality of Kenshin for sure is different in the anime world


It seems like a really interesting character. The comparison you made about him with Bruce Wayne really caught my attention. I haven't watched this anime yet but it looks entertaining.

Was this broadcasted on Cartoon Network? Because the animation seems familiar to me, idk.

Anyway, nice post :)


Yes it was!!! Thats how i met it lol! I was a CN fan :)


Oh then I probably watched the promo for it or maybe a few loose episodes. I kinda remembered seeing that face somewhere lol.

I was also a huge CN fan, totally loved that channel :)


I thought that i was the only "kid adult" to watch it lol now i rely watching stuff on netflix which includes also animes and some other cartoons!! Thanks for passing by!


I watched this anime as a child, but I don't remember much about it. However, I enjoyed watching the live action films. :) Guess I'd have to give this one a shot! ^^


The live action films aren't bad...but it isn't comparable yet to the anime in my point of view!


I have to agree with you, though. The anime/manga... and in some cases light novels would always be so much better. :) I should watch the whole anime series, then. ^^
