The Privatization Of Roads And Water: Progress Or Inequality


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.Things and services like roads and water are usually managed by the government. Although I would say, in my country water isn't managed by the government. There isn't any water pipe system in my country so it isn't managed by anyone.
We also have treated water that is owned and managed by numerous private individuals and companies, which is available to anyone who wishes to purchase it.
Many people argue that if these services were privatized, there would be a great improvement in efficiency and maintenance.
While some argue that privatizing these services would only lead to inequality and people always put themselves first no matter what, it's human nature. This means that human nature wouldn't let these services, if they were privatized, have great outcomes and benefits to all.

Arguments in favor of privatization

Improvement in quality and efficiency:
private companies normally have better qualities and efficiency. Private companies would have a high level of business innovation to stay competitive. Unlike the government which suffers from bureaucratic inefficiency and corruption for their gains.

Reduced government burden:
The privatization of roads and water would transfer the financial burden of the government to private individuals and investors, therefore allowing the government to focus on other sectors like healthcare.

Economic development:
Privatization of modernized road infrastructure and better water systems attract investors which in return gives economic growth.

Arguments against privatization:

The first thing to look at is the limited access to the poor. If these services are all privatized citizens with low or no income would have absolutely no access to these services. With the rate of individual greed and, of course, the owner's need for returns, we would end up having a society where only the wealthy have access to these services and the poor are left at their mercy.

Profit over public welfare:
As I said before, privatizing these services would make them private businesses. And the number one mistake people who own private enterprises is making their number one aim profit and not the satisfaction of customers which ends up de-railing the whole point of the enterprise. In the case of water, the company might choose the production of bottled water over having drinkable tap water available to households, and road owners would make traveling fees expensive, making traveling costly.

Risk of monopoly:
Essential services aren't easily replaceable. Privatization might lead to monopoly. Imagine a certain company can dominate the market completely through maybe connections and making the right moves, they end up being the only one left. Citizens will have no choice even if they aren't satisfied with the services. And when these companies know that they are the only choice, they will exploit their position in the market and set high prices over the roads and water, knowing very well there is no competition.

While privatization brings potential benefits like efficiency, it still poses the risk of monopoly, personal interest over public welfare, inequality, and profit-driven exploitation.
The only possible solution to this would be the regulation of privatization, where private companies are allowed to manage some of these services and are ruled and regulated by policies that ensure affordability and equality.
Therefore creating a choice for every economic class and maintaining economic efficiency and social balance.


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Generally private road services and in general, they end up being better, I have been commenting on this and giving examples of what I think. And I agree with you in the monopoly, but even so, it is a risk that I believe must be willing to run, because at least you still have a quality service, and the option is to have nothing. I think there is a big difference and the choice is clear.


Surely they always end up better.
But the major problem that will always be there is that not everyone can afford them.
