I miss those periods when we had physical education in school.


I miss those periods when we had physical education in school.

Seriously the prompt for this week is really taking me back to those days in school. It was one of the best moments of my life. I love physical education as a subject and the reason is that I can easily relate to it because it is practical and without reading much, it is only if you are intelligent you will still pass the subject without reading.

I would like to go straight to the point now. Like I said earlier I really enjoyed my secondary school days because I could express myself and I was able to bring out the best out of me by performing better in all sport activities in my school then , I love playing table tennis and I love football too , but the reason I mentioned these two sports is because I am very certain that I can play them very well. Others are relay race and volleyball. I was also in the school's football and table tennis teams, which gave me a great sense of pride and accomplishment. I also developed my team-working skills and learnt to work with people from different backgrounds. Overall, secondary school was a great experience that helped shape me into the person I am today. I was able to take on leadership roles and learn how to manage people and projects. I was also able to develop my communication skills, which has been invaluable in my career. I am grateful for all the opportunities I had in secondary school and the life lessons it taught me.

In my school at that time , people know me to be very good in playing football , my nickname was Lampard as at that time .I really miss those days , P.E was called P.H.E during my time in school but I think P.E is the same as P.H.E ,

I remember the time broke my leg in school then , it was a very serious thing for me I was out of school for 3 weeks, but it was worth it because I got better. I also made a lot of friends during that time, and we still keep in touch. Those were some of the most memorable days of my life. It was a difficult period for me, but I learned to be more independent and resilient. I am grateful for the experience and the people I met during that time. It made me a stronger and better person and I thank God that I was able to recover from what happened to me.

To cut all the stories short, the exercise I engaged in during our physical education period made me more healthy and sound. I am now more aware of the importance of physical and mental health. I am more conscious of my actions and I strive to stay healthy and make the right decisions for myself and for others. I also try to pass on what I have learned to others who may be going through a similar experience.

Till now I don't joke with exercise , because it is already part of me and doing of the exercise keep me fit I also make sure to eat healthy and get enough rest. I'm mindful of my mental health and take time to relax and do activities I enjoy. I strive to make healthy lifestyle choices and encourage others to do the same.

Thank for reading my post.

This is my response to the hive learners prompt.

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I enjoy PHE classes also but I was never a fan of football, or should I say I was till eventually I wasn't, I kind of lost interest along the line.

I guess we all learn a thing or two during our activities in school, I guess I was just too focused on having fun those times😅


You rightly said that we should do physical activities along with studies so that we can live a healthy and balanced life.


PE was also my favourite subject in short we anticipate the class before we start.


Good to know you developed great communication skills and team-spirit in addition to a sound and healthy life


Thank you for stopping by


PE periods were fun those days, the day or period you are free from seeing your maths teachers face 😂.


Seriously, you said it right
