The hidden cost of a privately owned society
In public and private sectors, we see people always seem to be rushing towards the public ones as they are relatively cheap, accessible, and affordable to people. The public schools are sometimes free; even if people would pay, they would really pay very small and affordable amounts for all.
A public sector is one that is owned, managed, and controlled by the government, whereas in the private sector it is owned and managed by the individuals. The government already used the public funds to build whatever they are building, and it can be free, whereas little money is also collected for the maintenance of the sector at hand.
The hospitals of the government are relatively way cheaper for the masses, which they can come to, but things in the private sector are always way costlier. The people that own it always want to maintain the infrastructure, get gains, and pay workers for their services to ensure good maintenance and work flow of the places. They don't get help as everything depends on the outcome of the sectors, so it would really seem that the services rendered would be a bit costly unless in the public area where everything is already taken care of by the government.
Things would really not be funny if everything is owned, likewise managed by the people. Inflation would really be at the highest cost, as the people would be the ones to suffer for the higher cost, as those managing it would always try to meet up with whatever they could to keep the places going smoothly. There would be consequences of that, which would not be favorable to the masses at large. Imagine where roads in which one can easily pass by are now owned; that means that some can now go through while others cannot, as trying to meet up with the payments would be a great thing. It now being accessible to individuals would now be a great ordeal that is not good. It is now trying to bridge social inequality, as the roads are now available to those who can afford them and not available to those who can't.
Water for the wealthy would not be a new order as we would now imagine where water is now controlled by corporations, leading to a divide between the rich and the poor where drinking safe and clean water might now be a big deal for people. It is now controlled by people and not how it is supposed to be, and indeed it would always be at the very high cost of being affordable and accessible.
There might really be the hidden cost of a privately owned society, even if it seems to affect us directly or not. Privatization of essential services like the roads we use, water, hospitals, and schools could reshape things in a way that would skyrocket the prices of things.
This is my entry to the Hive Learners weekly contest.
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Positivity is Our Watchword
These days public schools are no longer free o. Huge amount is required.
But no too much compare to private
Yes o
Nice 👍👍