Do all you can to stay sane.
Hello, everyone.
Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learners' featured post. Lately, with recent happenings and how harsh the economy has become in the world we are living in today, a lot goes on in our heads that we don't even know of, which makes it very important that we take good care of our mental health as well as avoid things and people that can cause our mental health to deteriorate even more. With recent happenings, it is nearly impossible to escape things that affect one's mental health negatively, so doing away with extras that can be avoided is best.
One way to stay sane and help improve your mental health is by avoiding toxic people, whether a friend or a partner; once you realize their character is ruining your mental health and they are not willing to make amends, then it is best you just let it go. Cutting off can be hard, but risking your mental health just so you can keep them is dangerous.
One thing that would affect one's mental health is having toxic people around. When you are in the company of toxic people and you are not, not like them you tend to be the one at the receiving end all the time; you tend to be the one who suffers, and for peace to reign, you are forced to apologize even when you did nothing wrong. Some friendships and relationships are like that: one-sided, and one person has to keep putting in the efforts to keep it going, and if they fail to put in the effort, that is the end of the relationship or friendship. Such a friendship or relationship is toxic and should be avoided.
I once had a friendship that was toxic in all ways one can think of. There was no violence, but I would really prefer violence over certain characters like being unapologetic and lacking accountability. It was a friendship with a girl; whenever she did something wrong and you talked about apologizing, you would hear her say, "It is a ladies thing; we don't apologize." The funny thing was I tolerated it only for a few weeks, but it was a lot, and I had to just do away with the friendship. She is one of those with this entitlement of, because she is a girl, then she is entitled to a share of your money as a guy while she brings nothing to the table; she expects that everything be provided for her and served on a platter of gold.
Every toxic trait you can possibly think of, she possessed; she also lacked accountability. When she did something wrong, instead of accepting she was wrong, she would immediately give you reasons as to why she did what she did. She has an excuse for her wrong deed; instead of owning up to it and making amends, she gives you reasons as to why what she did was right, and she would stand on them, and in the end, you look like the troublemaker.
All these toxic traits went on for some time, and I just had to do away with the friendship, and instead of being close friends like we were from childhood, we became friends from afar. We are only friends when we run into each other, but hanging out or hanging around each other for more than five minutes could be harmful to one's mental health, so we just say hi, and everyone gets going.
It's not always easy to let go especially that of relationship but honestly it's always worth it in the end because when you lose your sanity, you'll be left.
You've done well leaving for real... Our mental health matters
Out mental health should be taken more seriously.
Thanks for stopping by.
You're welcome
I completely agree with you and my thoughts are also similar that if you stay away from toxic people then your mental health will be fine in the beginning but sometimes it happens that we are forced to stay around such people. We should know how to handle this situation and in such a situation we can only avoid these people.
Having nothing to do with toxic people is how you stay sane..
It's not a lady thing to apologize; one of my friends said that to me. I told her that means am not a lady cause I apologized if I was wrong. Entitled people are just not good to be friends with
Many have that mentality of ladies don't apologise, my dear if you don't know when to apologise we cannot work..