Gambling: A Ticket To Fortune Or A Path To Ruin


I've always believed in God, luck and chances, they kinda go together in many instances. The phrase where they say "Opportunity when it meets preparedness is a blessing" has happened over and over for me to believe it is something real. Same goes for being lucky in some things that not many got lucky with. The problem comes in when these lucks, chances are depended on.

And I think that is what Gambling is about, we get lucky one time and the rest of our times, we want it to keep bringing that luck not realizing we are depending on it and it's going to cause hurt and even destruction on a long run. Not only those who go to gamble houses, gamble. There are instances where we gamble without realizing it.


If I am to come from the angle of we gambling when we don't realize it sometimes, I'd say gambling shouldn't be made illegal but we all know the kind of gambling we are talking about and that needs to be considered legal or not. The action called gambling is putting in money to get more money at the lose of another gambler.

The first time I walked past a betting shop long time ago, I was surprised at the number and age of people there hoping to make it big with their measly amount in bet. Like for real, I've seen people win big from it but if I'm to give a percent, those who lost a fortune are higher than those who have won a fortune, this leaves us to ponder.

Like in my title, while gambling may be a ticket to a sudden fortune, it is also a path that has led many to their ruin or destruction, total wreck. We can't even keep count of the people who have lost their lives in the process especially those who borrowed money to gamble with. I still see it as the most foolish reason to borrow money.


There is no painting it good even if it could bring a fortune, gambling should be made illegal. It's not news, when someone wins big in a bet or gamble, there is always another or others who have lost big. So where's really the joy in such money? I feel they won't last as long as money made from sweat and hardwork would. Gambling has proven to make people lazy and dependent.

To an extent, gambling also get people addicted, become debtors and all these affects not only their families but the economy of the country at large and there will be less people who are interested in doing the real work to earn money and give more value to what they do in their society. If Government should put a ban to gambling, I think some things would get better.

Taking away gambling may seem like a punishment or enemy of progress to those who have won it big from putting small money, but it's a great way to help people realize just how much gambling is affecting their lives negatively especially those who get addicted and are finding it hard to get on with their dream jobs to earn.

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The first paragraph says it all. People now depend fully on gambling to solve all their problems. Some people already turned gambling to a full time job.


Lol very funny, and they don't see anything wrong with it.


They somehow believe all they had to do is have one big win and their sorrows will end. It takes a lot of persistence to stop them or change their minds. The worst thing is most of them know they've suffered losses yet they wait patiently for their turn to hit the jackpot.


Sometimes I think they'd make it even bigger if they channel that same energy to a better job or skill lol.


Hope is really a dangerous thing. Gamblers would rather dwell on the hope of making a million in one fell swoop than working hard to get a skill that will pay them for life.


gambling also get people addicted, become debtors
The day I gambled with my salary and lost was the day I stopped completely 😂😂


Lol if you had won, you'd have continued until you lose even bigger amount 😂
