Second Chance

Thank God Football did not accept hate speech. Whenever l hear racism in Football, I knew they are talking about hate speech.
We have seen cases when a fan insulted a player and legal action was taken against her.
A football fan was convicted hate crime after made racist gesture toward former Manchester United defender, Ferdinand.
During the 2021 premier League match between Wolverhampton Wonderers football club and Manchester United, a player made derogatory remarks and hand gesture toward Manchester United defender Rio Ferdinand. The man was arrested immediately by police officer. He was interrogated and charged to court for such acts.
We all know that hate speech is any speech that promotes or causes violence, hatred, discrimination against individuals or groups.
Such a speech made by a fan toward Manchester United player was a hate speech and legal action was the best action to take against him.

What action will I be talking against dafamation both online and offline
Well! The thing is that ‘one man food is another man poison'. I have seen a situation when a legal action was taken against someone due to defamation. Though, it was slander against against her. The man did not know that he had made a defamatory statement until when he was arrested by police.
He was arrested because he said to the woman, “you cannot give birth and it was a result of your bad lifestyle that made you lost your womb".
Though the woman was waiting for fruit of womb for she had married for 10 years without a child.
After few hours, the police came and arrested the man. The woman did not take the case easy, she called her lawyer and charged the man to court.
When the police asked the man, he said, “it was a joke, I didn't mean that to her.
They pleaded the woman to forgive her but she insisted and charged the man to court.
In this kind of scinairo, the man did not know that the statement he made was a hate speech according to the report.
There was woman fighting with another woman in a rented apartment. Just because the second person had married for 6 years without child, she made a statement that, “you removed all your kids while you are young, and that is the reason you could not give birth. You have removed all the children you suppose to give birth to on earth.”
The other woman was smiling without any legal action against her.
If you look at the first and second scenario, they are almost the same; but one took legal action while the other did not take legal action.
For me, I would have told her that she commited slander at first. This is because what is hate speech to you may not be a hate speech to me. By the time she do that the second time, I will take a legal action against her.


This is because some people don't know the meaning of hate speech. It is very common in my area to say, are you crazy? You will die very soon, thunder will kill you and your family. There are many people the have spoke such a negative statement that have died and mad.
Therefore, People say all kind of negative things; saying these kind of things to some people is a slander and they can take legal action against such person because they have seen the effect of such negative statement.
There are instances I will take a legal action without second chance. This is when one make hate speech to threaten my life or kill me. If one did not take legal action immediately, one may ended up be killed while waiting for second time for the offender to make such statement.
In conclusion, the football governing body made rules to stop hate speech against players.

Thank you for reading my post.


Hate is very easy to spread than love , it's seems it's now the modern thing to do now in this Computer, we can see that in several social media post, it's a thing of big concern honestly


Your are right... With the power social media, it is very easy for someone to commit hate speech.


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You see, they believed they can say anything as long as the mouth belongs to them. I think hate speech should be punished because it can affect one mentality.
