One Car, One Family Isn't Bad


One Car, One Family Isn't Bad

Photo by Erik Mclean

Whenever I read about people who have so many vehicles or visit some that have such, I wonder how they cope with all the cars.

A friend of mine who works in Benin, was telling me how there are houses well furnished with cars parked at the garage that no one has driven for months.

I don't want to say that some people are abusing money, but that's a fact. Why buy cars after knowing fully that you won't be able to drive them? Wouldn't it have been better if you had gifted someone the money or even taken it to an orphanage home?

I have this inlaw who has a principal of owing just a car. Anytime he feels he is tired of using a particular model, he returns it to the company and get another one. Since I knew him to date, he has never owned more than a car.

This is someone very influential in his community, because of how kind he is people are currently persuading him to contest for a political position.

I am never saying that owning more than a car is bad. It is very easy for a car to wear out if it's the only one you are using due to the pressure that would be mounted on it but it's still better than having many and allowing them to rust due to lack of usage.

Some people have multiple cars but for their business purposes. To individuals like that, their cars are assets not liable and restricting them would be detrimental.

I am fully in support of the government enforcing law for each family to own just a car but with the exception of those who own many vehicles for business purposes.

Like I said earlier on, some people don't value the money they have. They buy expensive cars, drive them just once and dump them. I don't know what's their perception about being rich but that's a very bad attitude to handling money.

I see that as a form of wastage, imagine the cost of maintenance to keep the car active though you are not using it? And even if you are using it, I believe that it makes you spend extra compared to when it is just a car.

With such a law, the number of vehicles on the road may reduce drastically, there by reducing high traffic, high accident rates and also the rate of pollution.

If a family owns just a car, it's only when one person drives and brings the car home that the other person can take it out, and if the person isn't patient enough, he/she will just have to use public transport and that will not add to the number of vehicles already on the road.

Such a law would be great but it also has its disadvantages especially in the case of emergency. Imagine a father went out with the family vehicle, and someone falls sick at home. I know in other countries emergency vehicles respond swiftly but in Nigeria, it's not so, sometimes, it takes hours before they arrive. If you don't improvise, you might be at risk of losing that individual.

Well, nothing in life is without a consequence, we always go for them because we weighed the good sides and found them heavier than the bad ones.

Thanks For Reading


I agree with you too but sometimes in case of emergency we need other transport too in our home or we need yo use public transport for that time


That is it. If an emergency car isn't home then there would be trouble


Wastage is not good, instead of letting a car to rust and spoil due to lack of usage, it's better to not buy it in the first place.


Exactly, some people don't really know the value of money


I also feel it's a waste of resources even though there are needs for multiple cars.


It's a complicated situation hehheh


I like your points.
Pollution is so much that one vehicle is enough and the vehicle should be driven only when it is being fully utilised. If a person is going to office in a car and is alone in the car, then it is not utilisation of the car. The number of passengers in the car should be equal to the number of seats, only then there is some benefit, otherwise it is better to use public transport.


You really made a lot of sense here, most times I surprises me how that you see a car with just a driver and empty seats. Same person has families who also drive other cars with empty seats.. I feel it would have been far better if we just use public transport in such cases..
