My experience with soluble coffee (ESP/ENG)

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(Cover designed by me in canva editor)

Portada diseñada por mi en el editor de Canva

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Hello! I am writing this post after having a delicious cup of coffee, I hope you have already enjoyed yours, for most of us in Venezuela morning coffee is almost a religious experience 😄 there are different ways to prepare it, as well as there are many brands and flavors. Normally at home we prepare in normal coffee, that one that comes in a bag and you have to strain or prepare in some coffee maker, greca or electric, however on this occasion I wanted to try something different than what I was used to, because I always like to try something different from time to time, for this reason I went directly to the coffee aisle in the supermarket. I love it because this aisle always gives off an exquisite aroma. 😍


All these brands are very well known and appreciated by the whole country, however, today I preferred to opt for soluble coffee, specifically this brand Nescafe, what happens is that although I had already tried it many years ago, when I was a child and I have almost no memory of it. On the other hand, about six years ago I had a very bad experience with a soluble coffee (of another brand that I don't remember) but it was very bad, the coffee never dissolved completely (in spite of the fact that the packaging assured that it would) in the end at home we ended up boiling the coffee and preparing it in the traditional way. But I know that this brand is very good, very well known in the country, so we will see how it is.

This presentation is 170 grams, has a price of 7 $ and is original from Colombia, this sounds very interesting because everyone here knows that Colombian coffee is one of the most exquisite in the world.


This morning I prepared it as indicated on the package, I put a spoonful in a cup of milk (I like to prepare powdered milk better because the result is creamier) and yes, it dissolved correctly, the mixture did not leave any lumps, but I wanted to add a spoonful of chocolate essence that gave it a magical touch, I have always liked to enrich the flavor of my coffee with some essence, either caramel, vanilla or chocolate. The result was delicious, it elevated the quality of the product to its maximum point. Of course, as I said, this is a personal decision. I still made sure to taste the coffee before adding the flavoring and let me tell you that I loved it 😍 its flavor is balanced, the aroma incredibly intense Wow! It can also be used to make desserts.

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Thank you very much to all of you for allowing me to share my experience trying this delicious product, I hope you have a wonderful day full of blessings, success and energy.

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(Image designed by me in canva editor)

Imagen diseñada por mi en el editor de Canva.

All images in this post are my own, taken with a ZTE Blade A51.

Todas las imágenes de este post son de mi propiedad, las tomé con un teléfono celular ZTE Blade A51.

el oráculo de delfos.jpg

¡Hola! Escribo este post luego de tomar una deliciosa taza de café, espero que ustedes ya hayan disfrutado del suyo, para la mayoría de nosotros en Venezuela el café mañanero es casi una experiencias religiosa 😄 hay distintas maneras de prepararlo, así como hay muchas marcas y sabores. Normalmente en casa preparamos en café normal, ese que viene en bolsa y debes colar o preparar en alguna cafetera, greca o eléctrica, sin embrago en esta ocasión quise probar algo diferente a lo que estaba acostumbrada, porque siempre me gusta probar algo distinto de vez en cuando, por esta razón me fui directamente al pasillo de los cafés en el supermercado. Me encanta porque este pasillo siempre desprende un aroma exquisito. 😍


Todas esas marcas son muy reconocidas y apreciadas por el país entero, sin embargo, hoy preferí optar por el café soluble, específicamente de esta marca Nescafe, lo que sucede es que aunque yo ya lo había probado fue hace muchísimos años, cuando yo era niña y casi no tengo recuerdos sobre eso. Por otra parte, hace como seis años tuve una muy mala experiencia con un café soluble (de otra marca que no recuerdo) pero era malísimo, el café jamás se disolvió completamente (a pesar de que el empaque aseguraba que lo haría) al final en casa terminamos hirviendo se café y preparándolo de forma tradicional. Pero sé que esta marca es muy buena, muy reconocida en el país, así que ya veremos que tal es.

Esta presentación es de 170 gramos, tiene un precio de 7 $ y es original de Colombia, esto suena muy interesante porque ya todos aquí sabemos que el café colombiano es uno de los más exquisitos del mundo.


Esta mañana lo preparé tal como indica el empaque, puse una cucharada en una taza de leche (me gusta más preparar la leche en polvo porque el resultado es más cremoso) y Sí, se disolvió correctamente, la mezcla no dejó nada de grumos, pero yo quise añadirle una cucharada de esencia de chocolate que le dio un toque mágico, siempre me ha gustado enriquecer el sabor de mi café con alguna esencia, bien sea caramelo, vainilla o chocolate. El resultado fue delicioso, elevó la calidad del producto a su punto máximo. Claro que, tal como les dije esto es una decisión personal. Aún así me aseguré de probar el café antes de añadir el saborizante y déjenme decirles que me encantó 😍 su sabor es equilibrado, el aroma increíblemente intenso ¡Wow! También se puede usar para elaborar postres.

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Muchas gracias a todos ustedes por haberme permitido compartir mi experiencia probando este delicioso producto, espero que tengan un maravilloso día lleno de bendiciones, éxitos y energía.

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(Image designed by me in canva editor)

Imagen diseñada por mi en el editor de Canva.

All images in this post are my own, taken with a ZTE Blade A51.

Todas las imágenes de este post son de mi propiedad, las tomé con un teléfono celular ZTE Blade A51.


The addition of chocolate essence sounds like the perfect touch. I love how you experiment flavors to make your coffee even more special.


Yes, I really love coffee and experimenting new things with it. Thanks for reading and commenting


Hi @mairene1, what a nice treat you gave yourself, like you, I have many years that I do not buy instant coffee, but I remember this tasty preparation with nescafe, so at some point I will awaken my senses with it. 😊


Yes, the truth is that Nescafé is the best in soluble coffees, and it is a fast and delicious alternative.


I love nescafe black too,its really good and smells so addicting and taste like no other.


It is true, its taste is unique and delicious.


You had a great experience with Nescafé, it is an excellent brand of coffee, beans of the best quality to delight the palate and the sense of smell.

Thanks for sharing your coffee experience with us.☕

Excellent Tuesday.


I really loved this brand, I realized that they also sell flavored coffee and there are also other additives like cream, I would like to experiment with that too. 😃


I love their 3 in 1 coffee, I always start my morning with that :)


I love how you detailed your experience with the Nescafé soluble coffee, from your initial hesitation based on a past bad experience to the delicious final result with the chocolate essence.


I'm glad you liked my post so much. I like to be detailed so you can have a better view of my experiences.


Your welcome. See you in your next content.


Some people are just drawn to coffee.. I guess, everyone in this community fits in. LOL..

Enjoy your week..


Yes, I love coffee in my country it is almost a cultural thing, we wake up and start the day with the smell of coffee.


Isn't that lovely?

I think coffee is one of those addiction where you just don't feel as bad about.


Wow! I like how you elevate your coffee. It's like you're having a mocha flavor. It's a simple yet satisfying twist to have that perfect blend.
