Discovering a Rose-Like Marvel: A Fascinating Fungi Find!


Who says nature isn't wonderful? Nature's wonders never cease to amaze!
In the unlikeliest of forms, beauty blooms. Behold, the fascinating fungus that masquerades as a rose, proving that nature's mastery of disguise is on full display in the fungi kingdom.

Just as some grasses, like sunflowers, can be mistaken for flowers, certain mushrooms can remarkably resemble blooms. With over 14,000 known species of fungi, it's no surprise that some share striking physical traits with blooms. In the wild, woods, or even your backyard garden, you might stumble upon fungi that mimic flowers in size, color shape etc. There's the Rose Puffball (Lycoperdon roseum), Morel mushrooms (Morchella spp.) and others alike.

Over the weekend, I visited this spiritual retreat center at Okigwe, Imo State and while exploring the grounds, I stumbled upon this rose-shaped mushroom growing on a decaying log.
Unfortunately, I couldn't identify the type of wood, but the fungi's beauty captivated me. Its flower-like appearance was truly fascinating to see. Thankfully, I had my phone handy, and I couldn't resist capturing the moment. I snapped several photos, preserving the memory of this striking find.

This enchanting fungus, though inedible, reminded me of nature's incredible diversity and ability to surprise. Its delicate, petal-like features and vibrant colors made it a sight to behold.

Did you see that grass growing right through it? It's really amazing and it has added another beautiful touch to it.

The log not only had the rose-like fungi growing on it, there were other ones too. Big and small alike.
I'd really love to identify these mushroom species. Any expert insights or guidance would be appreciated!

The log

Nature is indeed a wonder!

Hope you like the photos. Be on the lookout for more fascinating fungi photos in my subsequent blogs. But for now, it's a wrap!

Still the #threadsaddict 😂

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The mushroom formed a rose shape, hmm, this is quite rare as I have never heard of it. I'm glad it caught your eyes and I got to see a rose like mushroom. This is added knowledge to me and I will surely teach my students about it.

Thanks for sharing


Although I've heard about it before and seen it online too but wasn't expecting to stumble upon it there. It was indeed a marvel.
I'm glad to share it and your students will really be fascinated by it.


I have never seen any fungi in a roselike, such as is really an amazing nature. Thanks for sharing.


I'm glad to share it so you can see the wonders of nature!
