Amazing Skies at the Watford Flight - Monomad Challenge

Hail to the Hive!

I find it incredible how a place you may have visited dozens of times befdore can be transformed so wildly by the weather on any given day. Tae the Watford flight of locks for instance. We have been up and down this set of locks many times on rainy and sunny days, in Winter, spring, summer & fall and it has felt so different on all of these occasions as most places do due to the weather conditions. But on this winter early evening, shortly before sunset it was the sky that caught my eye. It just filled the canvas and added a real magical quality to an already very cool place.


I want to document some of the travels we are doing in a future post that will be in colour ( and probably a little black and white as i can’t resist sometimes if the photos beg for it) so I selected a few that would lend themselves best to the monochromatic world we love so much.


As i am sure many of you reading this will agree, it’s the clouds that really complete, or round off, these images.

And the reflections also. I also think the wintery quality to everything can really be felt as I have mentioned or alluded to in a previous post. The Black and white kinda captures and enhances that vibe, or maybe it’s because my toes are still cold and the memory of being chilled and stood fopr hours steering the boat is etched on my brain lie a lazer engraving on my psyche.

A friend had joined us for a couple of hours cruising and got to share the views with us and wandered around the flight of locks with me smiling at me buzzing around snapping away like a happy child in the toy shop. In was eating up the images, really happy with what i was capturing and experimenting with angles and lines of sight.

So much fun. I know some of you understand where i’m coming from with this.

And I know you all

Love a bit of #monomad 😜

Same as me




Love the sky reflection on the still water.
Amazing shots! Keep em going!


Thanks @alstonsjournal appreciate the kind words. I was happy with these shots. Th skies affect in the water is amazing
