The three cubit tensor sphere amplifier, made as a gift for a friend 🌀



I don't have too many friends in this village so when an English lady who has always been generous with our family told me she was moving back to the UK I started thinking about what I could make for her as a parting gift. She is rather unique because in the last year she has developed a clear line of communication with her Higher Guide, a man with a deep voice and an English accent she says. He advises her on life decisions and is currently supporting her with the move back to the UK. Which is good because she needs all the support she can get right now as she is in her seventies and living alone.

I have not always seen eye-to-eye with Suzie and she has tested my patience most effectively over the years, to the point where I denounced her a few times, only to forgive and forget in the end. Pulled back in by the warm embrace of her dinner parties and impeccable hospitality! And also by that sense there was something more to her, with an avid interest in UFOs and a history of crazy stories including spending some time with the Rolling Stones in her youth after which they wrote this song about her.

There is a kind of darkness which surrounds her and even the above song does not paint her in a positive light, but unlike the Rolling Stones I have been able to find the beauty in her darkness and I really appreciated when she came to me a few weeks back with a warning from her Higher Guide that WW3 was just around the corner and that it will affect us here.

I have already considered this possibility I told her and in fact there is nothing to fear and nothing to be done. War or no war, we will just keep doing what we are doing.

Last week myself and a few other lads from the village helped her move boxes & furniture into a van destined for the UK. She has a spiral staircase which does not permit for sofas so the window was the only way out.

I didn't know what I was going to make for her at first and played with many ideas until I settled on this one.

The sphere is made with half size sacred cubit tensor rings. They are not welded because it was made before I started welding.

It sits on a resin base which features at its centre a design which felt natural to me in its creation, despite never having made it before.

Since then I have learned this about it from twistedsage on YouTube:
Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 11.11.18.png

I have also included two Heddeka spirals either side of the Etheric symbol.

The Heddeka is a water symbol and will enable Suzie to place a jug or glass on this base, energising the water within.

Finally the device is surrounded by a full size lost cubit tensor ring. This means the three main cubit measurements are all represented here and the device will have a harmonised effect, particularly with the single terminated quartz crystal in the middle, amplifying the frequencies outward through the sacred cubit sphere.

The stones within the resin are a mix, mostly snow quartz with a sprinkle of a few other things.

Nothing too interesting on the back. I will put a flower of life sticker in the centre.

Really happy with the overall feel.

Particularly the overhead view when everything has been arranged neatly.

Final Thoughts

My gift for Suzie can perhaps be compared to an electronic device which arrived in our home from Slovenia a few days ago. Let's call it my Christmas present to myself!

According to the leaflet which came with it, this is a Lakhovsky MWO.

It was in fact advertised as a Bifilar Tesla coil module with amplifier.

Further info from the leaflet here.

Despite the evident truth of this information I am at pains to understand how something so small can possibly hope to replicate the effects of Lakovsky's sizeable machine?

Regardless, I have full confidence in the product's creator and know the device will be of benefit, even if it is small.

The children were just as excited as me to get into the packaging.

Here is the amplifier connected via mini jack to a phone. With two inputs it can also be connected to a computer or radionics machine which will become the source for your desired healing frequencies.

The lights show us there is a signal playing through it, which is important because the sound is very low and you may not be able to hear it is working.

It can be used to charge up a glass of water, though I wouldn't do this regularly for fear of spilling the water.

When my sphere is placed on the amplifier with a single terminated crystal tower (this one is snow quartz & tourmaline), the frequencies will be projected out even further.

So this is an electronic tool for projecting out very specific frequencies from our device of choice, while my creation is a tool which projects out only the frequencies being produced in and around the device itself.
IMG_0917 2.jpeg

Namely the frequencies of the three main cubit lengths used in the construction process:

  • Sacred Cubit - 144mhz
  • Lost Cubit - 177mhz
  • Empowerment Cubit - 188mhz

The two Heddekas are made from half size empowerment cubits and will have a frequency of their own, relevant to water purification.

All the different stones & crystals have a frequency too.

"Typically, quartz stones used in watches vibrate at a frequency of 32,768 Hz (hertz)" source

Add this to the slightly less tangible fact that quartz crystals will attune to us over time, producing different frequencies to meet our needs, always remembering that which has gone before. Until you clean them!

Finally, the intention I held while I twisted the copper wires together will also produce a frequency. In this case, specific intentions for Suzie.

Be in no doubt, an intention, just like a thought is nothing more than a frequency. And copper, unlike any other metal, has the ability to hold on to these frequencies, worked into it with my hands & focused mind.

When I showed it to Suzie she tried to offer me money but I refused because even the idea of a gift holds a very special frequency to it and as soon as one involves money or any kind of 'deal' the power of this frequency dissipates.

Obviously my creation has no electrical input or flashing lights but it does still have the ability to project out desired frequencies by working with us the human co-creator and I have every confidence it will do exactly what it was built for by looking after Suzie in this new chapter of her life.

I will do a more extensive review of the Tesla coil amplifier and the many potential routes to getting free frequencies for it once I've had a chance to play a little.

So many other things going on I would like to share with you, but I'm running on empty now and need to sleep.

Hope you have enjoyed 🙏

Love & Light everyone 🌱



What a beautiful gift you have made her Sam. I keep saying goodbye it, but it's so inspiring watching you expand in this creative role that you have stepped into. Much love xxxx


Thank you 🙏 Have made a few more of these 'charging plates' since then and the crazy production period continues furiously!

Suzie is taking my UK presents back with her to be posted from there so I am under pressure to get a whole bunch of stuff done by tomorrow morning...



An absolutely gorgeous gift Sam! I'm convinced Suzie adores it.


It was weird the way I didn't know what the etheric symbol was till researching it later. Have noticed that when one plays with copper wire a lot these shapes seem to form naturally over time. It just feels good to make them this way.

Yesterday was insanely productive and I want to show you more images but there is a chance my family may see them here ;)

My very long list is at least finally getting shorter...


You can show me a couple next week when we speak ;)


Wow! You have so many magical gadgets and created a unique gift for your friend.
I found it strange that she’s moving back to England as I felt the place was going down hill in general, though some far away towns could still be safe and sustainable in the near future. I hope her guide was very wise and powerful.

The new gadget looks very interesting. Hope to hear some exciting results in the future.


I thought the same thing about moving back to England but she says that her Higher Guide is directing her there. She knows there are hard times ahead and goes willingly in the knowledge she may be able to help people who are less mentally prepared. I designed her gift with this in mind.

The gadgets are being produced at a faster and faster rate here! Would love to post what I am doing, but they are Christmas presents for my family and to post them here might ruin the surprise ;)

All the best to you!


That’s very kind of her for wanting to help other people. But I have come to my conclusion that it’s very difficult to help friends and families who won’t listen to painful truth.
Hopefully, her guide is a ‘high ranking’ one with lots of higher connections.

At least you gave her a very potent ‘weapon’ to assist her endeavor. I could feel that things are ramping silently everyday.

Good luck.


Wow! This creation is amazing! This gift is a very unique one and I am very certain Suzie will love it


I refused because even the idea of a gift holds a very special frequency to it and as soon as one involves money or any kind of 'deal' the power of this frequency dissipates.

Yes - I really love your reference here to Living In Gift - nice post indeed, dearest @samstonehill !


Am happy to have finally made a post which fits in this lovely group.

Felt really awesome making something I would happily keep myself, only to give it away. I think if we feel like keeping the item we have made, it must imbue it with even more energy to give it away.

Have spent the last four days working on gifts for my mother & sisters.

After a lifetime of being extremely rubbish at sending Christmas presents to my family, this year I know exactly what to make for everyone!


Ahhh, beautiful, Sam!! @samstonehill - yes, it's all about raising the energy, filling everything with energy, eh? I love this feeling of being more and more aligned with things, as my own energy expands and moves more freely - then I'm able to better give and Gift in right alignment too: I have this sense of us all having a perfect place in the symmetry of all things, the sacred geometry of all things; we can learn to best work within that sacred framework for the betterment of all Life - and this involves giving as much as getting! I love the letting go of accumulation!


Hello, my friend! Happy New Year! May 2024 bless you and your family with greater wisdom and a higher state of consciousness!

These creations are so beautiful and I feel the energy they handle. I'm eager to receive the rings. Please check your Telegram when you have the chance, I've left my friend's address in Brest so you can send them to her. She's scheduled to come in February.


Hello there my man! Thank you for your lovely blessing and please permit me to extend the same to you 🙏

Have been a bit 'under the weather' these last few weeks but feeling much more myself today and am keen to complete your gift and get it in the post before your friend leaves in Feb.

Hey, you may enjoy my latest (water/ice related) post:

Reading the ice reminds me of reading the runes and I feel sure there must be a connection of sorts. I would be interested to hear your thoughts on what we are looking at in this ice?


Yes! I read it a while back, fascinating! I'll even do some experiments myself. I've been aware of this property of water for a long time, and I take advantage of it daily when I drink it, as I always pray to it, just like I told Esteban to do.


I think what interests me the most is the way water has a series of shapes it can present to us when the conditions are perfect. They are classified on wiki as being the candle, the spike and the inverted pyramid, though I have unquestionably seen a few others.

My "candle" looks more like a little person to me and who knows what that other shape is?

If indeed water is limited to a small collection of shapes it can make for us above the ice, there is not much difference between this and your runes. Especially the way the water can make a pyramid or an inverted pyramid.


So with your rune experience I am just wondering if you can see any meaning in my ice formations which grew a few days ago? This water is trying to talk to me and I am using all available resources to find that meaning. Appreciate your help!

I started working on your rings now...
