Starting anew. The Grief-stricken Garden begins its renewal!


Hello Hive friends and gardeners. A little while ago I told yo all about how being in a constant state of grief and managing grief in the family pretty much wrecked the garden.

Well, it was a sunny day out and I decided to start cleaning and clearing up the garden to make ready for Spring and Summer. It is still winter here for another month or so and we will have some rainy days/weeks yet. But I can start planning what to do with the garden so long.

So it starts like this.

Plenty of what I had planted is dead or overrun by weeds and grass.

This was last used for tomatoes. (below) Nothing is really worth saving in here so it is time to clean it up and air the soil.

I will probably water this a few times to see if there are any weeds that wish to grow there before I plant something there. I feel that this soil is still very rich and no additional fertilizer needs to be added.

Next up is the area my little Basil forest was growing. All the plants here became dry and hard. There are some floundering pepper plants here with tiny underdeveloped peppers that really will not go anywhere.

What did survive here that was of use is the large Rosemary bush and three clumps of parsley. Those I will protect and water. At the same time I shall need to add in a bit of compose and ground cover for this area and then do the same as the other bed. Water and see what happens. I do have a corner I stuck all my dry Marigold bulbs and I hope some of them will pop up there again.

I don't need to bet on it but all I need to do is not pick out little green things in that corner until I can identify them as marigolds.

The next tier down was just overrun with weeds. This will all have to go and the soil turned. This is a large area and I will need to figure out what I want to grow in it...

... however, I DID find two more parsley plants that survived in all that grass. Well done little buddies!

I did not have time to tackle this box. I did grow tomatoes up this trellis quite successfully. I can see that there is still some mint plants that have survived and I would like to keep them while removing the grass and weeds.

The garden path is also a little overgrown to my taste. I want to trim it only. I actually do not need it to be super super clean and if it has some green things growing in between it can be pleasing to the eye. But it is a path so it has to be kept short.

These planter boxes need to see some paint I think and a lining inside and I need to actually use them this summer, not just as a place to store things.

This is the resting place of our favourite boy cat, Chai. 😢😢😢😢

I have arranged the bricks around the area again to give it a proper definition. This area needs to be built up with a raised garden as well and something beautiful made for him. Of course Chai was a foodie and ate everything so he won't mind that I plant some food-bearing plants here.

And there you have it. I can see from this shot that the centre part needs to be enriched a bunch.

It is starting to look a lot better.

I can't wait to get out there and do more work!

Thank you for reading!


Hive South Africa


Hi mate.. is the idea to grow the weeds first so that they may more easily be plucked? or to test the soil in terms of whether something would quickly thrive?

I reckon that parsely has got a chance.. with some of your tlc. Everthing already looks way better - nice mate. Keep well.


This garden got neglected for several months due to family deaths...

But yeah, watering and letting come up what comes up before you plant stuff is so you know what is what.


Sorry to hear about the tragedy in your life recently. It really is interesting how a garden is an extension of the gardener. Our plants fell what we fell, and it can work both ways.


Indeed. Both my garden and my garage look spans better and I think mentally I am in a better place.

Cheers !PIZZA
