Dredge - The Beauty of Stellar Basin, and its Dangers!


Hello and Welcome back to my blog!

After some chaotic days of Python scripts and finding out how horrible a programmer I would have been, it was time to relax and enjoy some Dredge. Fishing exotic fish while solving mysteries and helping others is a fun gameplay loop in this game which makes me play it more and more.

Last time I decided to check the lower half of the map. I have already explored a lot of the upper half and the central Marrows but it was time to go for Stellar Basin.

I rested on a shore at night with an old campsite that had strange markings on the beach. Investigating these gave me a shiny Gold ring.

With hopes of selling this to the Collector in exchange for good money, I rested there to skip the dangerous night.

I found an abandoned village by the seaside on a small island. There were little huts but no signs of life around. What might have happened to this little village?

There were some artefacts to be dredged out from here and nothing else. But when I tried to go deeper into the village, a broken bridge was blocking my way. This could be blown off with the help of explosives. But do I want to cause more trouble to these houses? lol

Anyway, I had no explosives with me so this place was lucky. But I will come here as soon as I get my hands on some nice explosives.

There were a lot of Exotic fish in this area. I love those dotted Coral Grouper. They are large too and take 4 spaces so they must be expensive as well (not that I need any more money right now).

The corals were beautiful here, some of them were glowing in hues of blue and looked so good, especially at night. Each big section of the map has an NPC where you can sell your catch. This one had the Traveling Merchant (I wonder how she is everywhere all the time, she must be some magician or travelling at light speed).

This Stellar Basin is like a ring of small islands and in the middle is a huge creator. At night you could see a strange light coming out of it. I always saw this from the Marrows but never went to investigate, now I know that it was coming from this place. But what could be the source of this weird phenomenon?

It was time to put my brave heart on and go towards it. Good thing that I sold my fish before attempting it so I had nothing to lose.

There was a huge Kraken-like Monster residing there and if you get close or over it, this monster will lash out at your boat with one of its huge tentacles. It sank my Boat in a few hits and I had to restart from the last checkpoint.

There is a strange volcanic-like structure in the middle of this crator. This might be the energy source of that weird red glowing light. There were a lot of fishing spots over this creature but it doesn't give you enough time to catch those fish. I tried once again to evade its attack and get one or two fish but he was not that slow and it was almost impossible. Maybe some explosives will help in the future? I don't have a clue.

The good thing was it wasn't moving and staying in its place. At night, there are even more strange and beautiful fish to be caught in this place. There were glowing jellyfish, smaller squids etc. All exotic and fancy looking.

The next day, I found a shipwreck on the beach and it had a chest which contained a large scrap of paper with some markings on it. Looked like a piece of a large map. Maybe a treasure map but I need to find the other pieces and get the location.

I tried to catch all the unique fish I could find here. And there were a lot of them. I saw a floating glass bottle with a message inside it. Someone wrote their heart out in this one. It is pretty old too. I will leave this up for you to read.

This must be a beautiful place to visit and see the natural beauty and no doubt it is really beautiful but with that huge creature here no wonder people left this place and abandoned it. But can we somehow defeat it? I will look for more clues on these islands. Maybe one of them has an NPC that can help us?

Until next time...

  • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
  • Screenshots are from the game, Dredge.


I played Dredge on december, a friend gifted it to me and it's a game I wanted to play for some so I played inmmediatly haha, I have some degree of thalassophobia so it's an intense experience for me, but I really enjoyed it, I have to come back and do DLCs and stuff.

Stellar Basin is probably the place I hate the most, that huge thing in the middle scares the shit out of me haha.


hahaha... that scared me too. I think it was my only second death in the game and it happend quickly too. I was like, what the hell is that thing?


That happened to me too haha, the game does create a really good atmosphere, I really love it because of that
