Debuting new weapons in The Hunter Call of the Wild [EN/ES]


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Today I want to show you some of the weapons that brought me the purchase of the DLC Weapon Pack 1, I decided to buy it because there is a specific rifle that is ideal for killing small prey in a silent way and you know that very little I have been able to kill ducks and rabbits, although I have not done so bad with turkeys I want to kill many more.

I liked what this pack has, the bows are good, they have a higher power, the gun also has the capacity to kill a bear with one shot, but it is only for defense although some people use it for hunting. In the video I show you in more detail everything he brought.

I also went hunting with my dog Rasputin, this time I did not do so bad, although I was playing for an hour and a half I feel that killing big prey was worth it. I started with a plan to use the bow or the rifle for the first time but in the end all the plans were changed as things happened, that's the hunter's life, one thing is what we plan before going out hunting and another thing is what happens when we are in the forest.

Curious fact that happened to me, a female moose that I did not want to kill for being female, you know that I have put a law that I would not be killing large female animals, but this one something strange happened, I think it was bugged or something, because it attacked me without any sense, and I had to respond, despite so much damage did not die and the arrows looked something weird, the game had a kind of bug at that time, you should see what I'm talking about in the video.

I want to thank @pravesh0 for showing me the pack to buy and salute him for being a good hunter too.

The English translation is not the best but I hope you can understand a little of what I say. Greetings to all and see you in a next video of this wonderful game The HUnter Call of the Wild, I promise that no animal was hurt in the recording of this video.

SPANISH VERSION (click here!)

Hoy les quiero enseñar algunas de las armas que me trajo la compra del DLC Weapon Pack 1, me decidí a comprarlo porque hay un rifle en específico que es ideal para matar presas pequeñas de una manera silenciosa y ya saben que muy poco he podido matar patos y conejos, aunque no me ha ido tan mal con los pavos quiero matar muchos más.

Me ha gustado lo que tiene este pack, los arcos están buenos tienen una mayor potencia, la pistola también la cual tiene capacidad de matar un oso de un tiro, pero es solo para defensa aunque algunos la usan para cazar. En el video les muestro con más detalle todo lo que trajo.

También me fui a cazar con mi perro Rasputín, esta vez no me fue tan mal, aunque estuve jugando por una hora y media siento que matar presas grandes valió la pena. Inicié con un plan de estrenar el arco o el rifle pero al final todos los planes fueron cambiados según se dieron las cosas, así es la vida del cazador, una cosa es lo que planeamos antes de salir de cacería y otra cosa es lo que sucede ya estando en el bosque.

Hecho curioso que me sucedió, un alce hembra que no quería matar por ser hembra, ya saben que me he puesto una ley que no estaría matando animales grandes hembras, pero esta le paso algo extraño, creo que se bugueo o algo así, porque me atacó sin ningún sentido, y tuve que responder, a pesar de tanto daño no moría y las flechas se veían algo raras, el juego tuvo una especie de bug en ese momento, deben ver de lo que hablo en el video.

Quiero darle gracias a @pravesh0 por enseñarme el pack a comprar y saludarle por ser un buen cazador también.

La traducción al ingles no es la mejor pero espero puedan entender un poco lo que digo. Saludos a todos y nos vemos en un próximo video de este maravilloso juego The HUnter Call of the Wild, les prometo que ningún animal resultó herido en la grabación de este video.

Gracias por tu visita, sígueme para.png


Las imágenes fueron tomadas mientras jugaba, portada hecha con elementos del juego en Photoshop y Canva

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Rasputin wants to be the king of the Forest so he wants to kill every animal or he wants them to feel terrified and don't come between his claim of the king. That's my theory... haha

I watched the full episode, it was hilarious, your conversations with Rasputin are funny. Keep doing that!

Now, back to hunting advice... I saw you were not running at all, it is good to run after shot and animal and all animals have ran away. Also, when you are around 150 meters to an animal just crouch and walk slowly or they will hear you.

That encounter with the female moose was funny... she was mad at you and wanted to kill you maybe😂


I am very happy that you have seen it in its entirety and liked it, thank you very much.

It could be that Rasputin wants to be the one and only true king of the whole forest, I hadn't thought of it that way.

Remember that we have a hunting trip pending, greetings.


Thank you for sharing your hunting experience in The Hunter. It's always interesting to see how different weapons can affect your gameplay and make hunting more efficient, especially when targeting specific prey. The decision to spare female animals is sounds lovely.


I wouldn't want to kill females but sometimes they act like they are tired of life and give themselves up even if I don't want them to, F for them.


uno hace lo que sea para sobrevivir en la naturaleza


Así mismo, cazar para alimentarnos XD


Buen gameplay bro jajaja me rei mucho cuando hablabas del perro que odiaba a todos los animales xD. Voy a buscar a alguien que me compre el juego y se lo pago para poder jugarlo, ya que me llama mucho la atención.


Ojala podamos jugarlo juntos en algún momento para sumarlo a nuestros gameplays de noches de noctambulos, joder, anoche pensé que dormiría pero jugué 5 horas seguidas.


Paying money to get better weapons? @pravesh0 didn't mention to me that this game is pay to win. It's weird that animal didn't die, man. You got a good hit from very close but it was like nothing happened haha.


It has some DLC that offers better weapons, it's worth buying them, I think I will buy another weapon pack very soon, I'm craving for it.


Not exactly pay to win, you can still hunt efficiently from all the weapons you get from the base game but there are a couple of weapons which are more suited to hunt a specific type of animals then sure you can buy a few DLC.

Mostly they make money by selling new maps with their own species as DLCs and it is a good concept. Recently they came up with a new one, replicating Australia and you can hunt crocodiles and even

Will buy that soonish


I'm just kidding man, of course they'll do that to get more money and if it's more fun you should buy it too. Just want to tag you with that joke :)
