We Will Forge Our Own Sword! - Mount Blade II: Bannerlord #3


Hello, lords and ladies of Calradia, from this greeting you understand what today's post is all about. Today we will continue riding on the steppes of Calradia. We will buy grain, sell beer and increase our wealth.


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Short Summary of the Previous Episode

We traded, we won tournaments, we visited many cities, we met new nobles, we hunted many bands of bandits and protected the villagers from the bandits. Then a man called Radagos came to us and said he knew where we could find our siblings. We will follow him.

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I found the hideout and waited for night to attack him. At night I went into the hideout and my men and I killed some bandits and finally this bastard showed up. Galter has kidnapped my brothers and he shamelessly offers me a duel. How dare you! I only duel with men of honor. My soldiers and I knocked Galter down.
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Because Galter betrayed Radagos, Radagos executed him. I could have executed Radagos for kidnapping my brothers, but on the other hand, he helped me rescue them. So I freed him and he said he would never be a slave trader again.
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Tulag, a Kuzait lord, said he wanted to marry his relative Sechen to my brother Nusun. This, of course, is not a problem for me. There is an animation for it, but I will not show it to you, you will see it for the first time at my wedding.
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Do you remember we created a caravan before? Because in this game, as in real life, I need passive income. That's why I created another caravan and assigned Ayla as their leader.
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I kept winning tournaments, defeating bandits and protecting merchants' goods. Of course, I also traded and made a lot of money. Now that I can make money with my caravans, it's time to buy myself some new toys, right? I bought myself a bow and arrow, boots and a shield, and now I will be stronger both in tournaments and in battles.
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I met a lady named Svana, and I have a feeling that our paths will cross a lot more from now on. Who knows? Maybe I will marry her in the future. Of course, I have to go a long way for that because no one will marry me in my weak state right now haha.
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A group of villagers came and told me that the hunters come every day and extort money from them and asked for my help. Of course I can't offend them and I always have to help people who need help. That way I can gain the trust of the villagers and I can add more and more soldiers to my army. My soldiers and I destroyed this weak group of archers.
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I continue to trade, but I don't make enough money this way. I need a lot more money if I want to build my own kingdom in the future. Another thing that makes money in this game is blacksmithing. If you forge a good weapon, you can sell it at a very high price and you can make as much money from just one sword as you make from trading in a month. Of course you can't do it in a day, you have to be patient and improve your blacksmithing. I will talk about how to do this in a moment.
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First you need to have a lot of lumber. You can buy it in cities or in villages that produce lumber. Make sure you don't buy too expensive, otherwise you will run out of money very fast and you will not be able to get out of the loop.
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Then you can produce charcoal from the lumber and start forging swords. I mean you don't have to forge swords, you can also forge axes or javelins, but I will focus on forging swords here. Forge the best swords you can. The more difficult swords you forge, the better your blacksmithing will be.
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The next thing you need to do is to melt down the swords you forged. This will allow you to learn new parts so you can forge better swords. In the beginning, the swords you forge are not valuable, so there is no point in selling them. In the screenshot you can see me unlocking a new piece. I think the first sword I forged was worth 500 dinars. Let's see how much we can increase it.
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If you want to improve in blacksmithing as fast as possible, you should always choose the top one of the attributes here. Because this will increase the speed at which you learn new components. For example, now that my blacksmithing is at 50, I will learn 100% more components when smelting my swords. Learning more components means that I can learn better swords much faster.
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A sword I forge now costs 4500 dinars after much effort. Now I can forge better swords, but it still doesn't make sense to sell them, because in the future we will be able to get 30000 dinars for a sword we sell. If you are short of money you can sell them, just make sure you don't run out of resources.
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I must say that there are a lot of options in blacksmithing. For example, if you want to forge your own sword and use it in battles, there are millions of options. You can customize everything from the handle to the shape of the sword.
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While I was blacksmithing, the Southern Empire offered me mercenary service. Yes, blacksmithing is good, but I also need to improve myself on the battlefield so that all of Calradia can speak highly of me. My fame will spread everywhere and my clan will grow stronger. But do I want to work for the Empire?

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I guess we will find out the answer to this question in the next chapter. I don't know the answer myself, and I will give it some thought. Thank you very much for joining me on this adventure. Take care and have a great day!

Play More, Live More!

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Good to see you smithing a solid 2h sword! Focusing on that branch is still far-and-away the most lucrative (and lets you make just stupidly powerful weapons in the end).

May your sword bring you great victories.


Yes, I'm very curious about the most expensive sword I'm going to make in this game. For example, can I make a 100k dinar sword? We'll see. Thanks for stopping by, man.


It might be possible! I know I was busting out 40k swords at I think tier 5, and there's a whole other tier after that. Paired with high trade... 100k Denar swords is very likely. I can't wait to see what you come up with.


Çok güzel bir oyun ve şunu diyebilirim ki normalde bu tür oyunlara baktığımda pek anlayamam diye hiç oynamazdım. Ama senin hazırladığın bu gönderi baya açıklayıcı olduğu beğendim ve görürsem oynamaya karar verdim.
Bir de grafikler biraz kötü göründüğü için. Küçükken Kral Oyun' dan oynadığım oyunlara benzetiyorum böyle oyunları. 😅


Normalde grafikler çok daha iyi. Eğer iyi bir bilgisayara sahipsen ultra grafiklerde oyunu denemeni tavsiye ederim. Şok olacağına eminim. Umarım indirimde yakalayıp alırsın bu oyunu 👍


No tenía idea de la existencia de este juego, pero se ve muy bueno la interfaz de equipamiento del personaje es la misma que la de gladiator begins, es un juego de gladiadores muy bueno que me pasé varias veces en el psp, saludos


I'm so glad you like it, man. Yes, it's a war game, but it's so much more. Soon diplomacy will come into play.


It's hard for me to make out exactly what's going on but the graphics looks real crisp for an older game. It looks fun though, hella fun! You can bet im going to jump on it once I finished Days Gone 😎

The thing that is attracting me the most is the fact that you can craft your own armor 😁😁😁



Haha man, this game is not old, it's just that I don't play the game with the best graphics. If you buy this game, I recommend you to play it with the top level graphics. It's a really beautiful game.


It's like being reading a book while you can imagine the scene through the images captured at the right moment, I strongly await the next sequel, greetings from the duckling.


Thanks Duckling! Glad you liked it, I hope to share another post soon 👍


Nonono, none of those games, I'm scared of the graphics it has, everything is so dim, what a horror, I'm sure you're scared hahahaha, download Brawl Stars and let's play, your phone sure runs it.

I must confess that if the game looks great, when I have pc I will not hesitate to play it because I want to sell and overexploit my character a lot, and thus earn more money than you are earning in the game.


If you follow my tactics correctly, you can make a lot more money than me. I'm glad you liked it.

The graphics of this game are not scary at all, don't worry when you execute someone the screen goes black and you don't see anything haha. Unfortunately I can't because my phone is lagging a lot while playing these games.


Congratulations on freeing your brothers. Good thing that kidnapper was punished too. Your character is developing quickly and looking even tougher than before. I agree with your choice to reject a duel with a dishonorable opponent—someone like that would probably cheat and ruin the sanctity of the duel.

I see someone offered to marry your brother. Does that mean you can expand your armies and wealth through alliances from marriages?

Loving how intricate the smithing is. Did you pick swords, instead of axes and javelins, because it is related to a skill that improves smithing quicker?

Also, how hardy and extensive are the weapons? I think I saw that you use mounted archers: are arrows and taking care of horses expensive? In some games, certain weapons have a limited amount of usage before they break or need to be repaired or toughened.

This game is so detailed. It reminds me of a combo of Skyrim and Dynasty Warriors Empires—where you manage larger and larger groups of soldiers and generals during a medieval warring-period—but not nearly as intricate as in this Bannerlord game. I will have to add this game to my must-play list. I like games with this sort of continuous set-up and preparations. Adds a lot to the realism.

Can’t wait to see whether or not you work for the Empire!


I see someone offered to marry your brother. Does that mean you can expand your armies and wealth through alliances from marriages?

Yes, so we can get commanders for our army, or we can lose a leader if we marry off our sister, for example. Although that doesn't make much sense haha.

Loving how intricate the smithing is. Did you pick swords, instead of axes and javelins, because it is related to a skill that improves smithing quicker?

Actually, I used to produce javelins in blacksmithing because it was much more profitable. Now it makes more money to produce a double-handed sword.

Also, how hardy and extensive are the weapons? I think I saw that you use mounted archers: are arrows and taking care of horses expensive? In some games, certain weapons have a limited amount of usage before they break or need to be repaired or toughened.

Weapons have no durability in this game. You can take a weapon and use it forever. But in battle your horse can get injured and that means you need a new horse.

Thank you so much for your great comment, man, I really liked that you read my whole post in detail and commented. Deserve a full vote 💯


You’re welcome, man. Love your posts about this Bannerlord game. The gameplay is so detailed and thorough. I like how complex and realistic the portrayal of rising up in power by accumulating fighting-skill, soldiers, materials, wealth, and alliances is. Very interested to see what will happen in the future with Svana and the Southern Empire.
