Vampire Survivors Mobile Review


Hello all, you know the series where I try Indie games, thanks to my new phone, I will now share with you the mobile games I have tried and played. Today, our topic is Vampire Survivors Mobile, one of the new popular games of the game world. Let's start if you are ready.


First of all, I should say that this game is free on mobile. Although the PC version is not very expensive, it is a great advantage to try a game you have not played before for free. If I need to summarize the game briefly, it's a complete chaos! You won't feel like this at the beginning because everything will be very obvious, but as you progress, you will have many different abilities in the game and as I said, chaos will surround you everywhere. Sometimes you won't even notice the creatures in front of you. It can be described as a game where you just move around and use your abilities to cut down the mobs. Now let's detail the gameplay a bit more.


When you start the game, you are greeted with a character selection screen, and you can unlock these characters as you play the game and complete missions like in Halls of Torment. As you can see, I currently have 12 of them. Probably some of them are better on some maps, but I have no idea about that, I have tried many of them on many maps and some of them are very nice and some of them are not so good. @pusen recommended in a post or Youtube video that you should play the newly unlocked characters 1 time and finish their missions. I recommend the same, this will allow you to unlock other characters.

As you play you will level up by killing creatures and collecting XP bubbles. Sometimes this can get dangerous because you want to go and collect them at the cost of damaging your character. Sometimes you can do that, but it's not always a good idea. Keeping your health at a high level will be a better decision for you because you never know what will happen to you. A boss can appear out of nowhere and destroy you. Speaking of bosses, when you kill them, treasure chests will come out of them. Be sure to collect them because they allow you to earn both a lot of gold and a lot of new skills. My record was 5 different skill upgrades from one chest. Even the lights coming out of the chest were very cool haha.

If I'm going to give advice on skills, Garlic is one of the best ones in my opinion, the lightning ring is also a skill that deals a lot of damage. Thanks to Garlic, you can easily dodge a lot of abilities and you can also prevent creatures from approaching you. Also, don't forget to choose abilities that increase your damage and increase your movement speed. Because even if you don't have much difficulty at first, in the later stages you will need to kill a lot of creatures at the same time and you will need high damage and movement speed to escape at the same time. Yes, running away is also part of the battle. Also, don't feel bad when you run away because they will spawn around you again.

It's normal to die in the game, so be prepared for it, and instead of getting angry when you die, don't forget to check your stats so you can get information to improve yourself. For example, you can see how much gold you've collected or how much damage an ability does. These are very useful information screens. Don't forget to use them. You can learn a lot and change your play style accordingly. Also, don't forget to check the quests you have completed or can complete after you die. New abilities, new maps, new characters will all unlock as you complete them. Sometimes you may even need to choose your abilities accordingly. I know it can be hard because I've done it, but if you want something different, you'll have to settle for a bit of a challenge.

Thank you very much for reading, I hope you liked it. If you haven't played the game, as I said, you can download it to your phone for free and try it. If you have played it, I would like to know your opinion. What is your record level in this game? Mine is 66, which was quite difficult. Take care and have a great day! Stay with the game!

Play More, Live More!


I'm not good on this game, like, I suck, but I can't stop playing it haha, the gameloops is so fun that you have fun just going there and dying, like Loop Hero.


Yeah it's so much fun. Even if you play again and again since you choose different abilites game changes a lot. Thanks for stopping by 👋


Very interesting game despite the fact that its graphics are not striking, it is seen that at the gameplay level it is a little deeper and it caught my attention, the statistics window, greetings bro


It doesn't need to promise anything graphically, man, this game is awesome. You start and you can't stop playing for hours. It's addictive.


Hey brother, this style of games are coming out very often on mobile devices, there is one that is similar to this but possibly a little easier, is called Stickman Legends, the style is similar to this but is also complicated, it is also free, but its complexity is a nuisance but still addictive, not to mention that in the first levels you die because of the annoying and the amount of enemies that are there.


Yeah, I know there are other games like that. I can take a look at that. It's hard, but it sounds worth a try. Thanks for stopping by.


ahh I thought it was minesweeper haha the graphics I guess it was my confusion, this game is very exotic for what I'm used to play but it looks very entertaining but with its difficulty no doubt.

ahh pensé que era buscaminas jajaa los gráficos supongo que fue mi confusión, esta muy exótico el juego para los que estoy acostumbrada a jugar pero se ve muy entretenido pero con su dificultad sin duda


Yeah graphics are not perfect but in this game graphics are not what you are looking for. It is addictive and time flies when you play it 💯


Well...I didin´t know it was free on smartphones lol, I mean, I was waiting for the Switch release in order to play it, but I might play the smartphone port first idk, everything you said is what I´ve read in other places about the game, looks really fun.


It's worth to give a try man. I'm sure you'll play it like 2 hours in a row. It's really fun 🚀


Nooo ya con el simple hecho de saber que estaba en PC lo sentía peligroso por el hecho de probarlo para jugar y dedicarle muchas horas ajjaja ahora saber que esta en celular aumento ese riesgo 10 veces es ese juego que a pesar de presentar una premisa sencilla logra que le dediques muchísimas horas para lograr ser indestructible y llegar aun más lejos.


Yeah man, this game is super addictive and more addictive on mobile. I think everyone should try it.

Please make your comments in English when user didn't add spanish to the post man, since we don't know the language 👀
