Urgot & Sejuani 3 Stars In the Same Game! HiveGC TFT Tournament


Hello my friends! I'm here with the second game of the Hive Gaming TFT tournament. Honestly, this was the game I had the hardest time winning because it was impossible for me to win under normal circumstances. Before I get into the game, I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the realization of this tournament. This time I won't tag them individually because I don't want to be annoying :P Let's take a look at how the game turned out.


You can watch the gameplay video here. You can expect a very high level of banter, which is great XD

The universe of this play was the University. This universe means that the first augment is always prismatic, which means we can see a lot of crazy things. Let's see what I can come up with.

Normally here I would pick something crazy like the Cursed Crown or 2 spec books and just have fun, but since we're in a tournament I have to go for the most stable option. That's why I chose the Starter Kit augment, which allows you to get a champion worth 4 gold and a 2-star champion worth 1 gold that shares a trait with this champion. During the next two phases you get one more champion worth 4 gold. So at the start of stage 4 you are guaranteed to have a 2-star champion worth 4 gold. It also gives you a great early game.

To be honest, I didn't have as good an early game as I expected because my opponents had great starts and beat me by very small margins. The reason why you have a good early game with this augment is that you have two champions that are compatible with each other and one of them is a two-star and the other is a 4 gold champion. For example, I had Urgot and Jhin, I would have preferred Aphelios + Jhin, but this is a very good duo. If I had chosen the items for Urgot he would have been a good carrier too, maybe this is my bad.

For the second augment I chose Frequen Flier, an augment I like a lot. After 8 times of refreshing your market, the gold needed for the refresh is reduced to 1. This allows you to easily make champions 2 stars or 3 stars by constantly spending your gold. The thing you should be careful about is that it does not contribute anything to the fight, so your health may decrease quickly. When you choose this augment, I recommend spending your gold at level 7 to have a stable board.

I had a great mid-game, @perceval forgot to pick up the item he wanted from the carousel and I won Aphelios with a bow on it XD I wouldn't want to play the same composition again, but after the first augment I chose, this was a sign for me and I decided to make a composition with Deadeye's in the lead without using too many bastions this time.

For the last augment I didn't find anything I wanted and took too long to think about it. With the final Grab Bag augment I got 2 component items 12 gold and an item remover. I didn't need to think about it that much but I probably got distracted talking to the kids. The other two augments are far from my main choice.

I killed @perceval and made him last but it was definitely not something I did on purpose. He's definitely learning the game fast and I'm sure if he practiced for a week or so he could have easily made ik 4 in the tournament. GG man.

So this is how I finished my composition at level 8. 4 Deadeye, 3 Targon, 2 Bastion, 2 Invoker, 2 Freljord. I have 4 champions in front and 4 champions behind. How balanced is it? You already know Aphelios' best items. I was using Urgot as my side carry and his best items are Bloodthirster and Titan's Resolve, you can choose any item as your 3rd item. It will be very powerful either way. I had a choice to make here. Either I was going to go to level 9 and put another champion on my board or I was going to spend my gold here and try to make my champions 3 stars. Normally I prefer the first one because it's more guaranteed, but thanks to the 2nd augment I chose, the gold I needed to find champions was halved. Why wouldn't I use this?

My second victim was @oldfool. His Shurima composition hasn't really gotten stronger yet because I don't think I got what I wanted from the first augment he picked. Maybe if he found two Shurima emblems or Strategist would have worked, but he lost because he found weird stuff like Deadeye. So this is my opinion, maybe he thinks differently.

@atobaba was strangely very strong. I think this Challenger composition with Master Yi augments is very good. I want to give it a try. Since all 3 augments are direct fighting augments, it will be very hard for me to beat him.

@sydechan and mage composition was also very strong. I knew I had to do something because I was slowly losing. I could even finish 4th in this game and his Ahri is only 1 star. Fighting against a 2 star Ahri might be impossible.

Unfortunately I lost another round against @atobaba and my HP is down to only 11. If I lose one more round it's definitely all over for me and I'll finish 3rd XD But I have a plan wait!

I managed to make a 3 star Urgot and I think that will be enough for me to win. My opponents might be very strong but can they beat Urgot 3 star with perfect items? We'll see!

I know I seem to have beaten him heavily, but the fight didn't feel that way at all. I almost thought I was going to lose because my Urgot 3 star was dying XD I'm glad he did the highest damage though :P

Surprise!!! I made a Sejuani 3 star next to the Urgot 3 star to guarantee me to win the fight XD Sejuani 3 star is not only a great tank, but also does a lot of damage. I wish I had items to give her like Rabadon and I could show you XD

Unlike the previous fight, this one was of course much easier but I congratulate @atobaba for being a good opponent. He definitely deserved to win. If I didn't have a 3 star champion he would have won too.

General Thoughts About Composition

To be honest, I don't think this composition is very strong, I think the version with Bastion, the one I shared with you in the previous tournament game, is much stronger. The only reason I chose this was because the game gave me a 2 star Urgot. I think I made the right choice.

Thank you very much for reading, thank you to all my friends who participated in the tournament, I will thank them all specially in my next post. I always say that I had a lot of fun. I won, but if I didn't win, I would still have had a lot of fun for participating. Take care and have a great day!

Play More, Live More!


All 3 matches were great fun but this was the one I enjoyed the most because I was in 2nd lol..
It's really hard to make Urgot and Sejuani level 3, this is more than luck, its hack ahahah
You played very well, congratulations :)


Thank you so much, I focused well I think.
I see that you are practising a lot, you'll be much better in the next tournament :)


ahahah yes im trying to be good player :D


That was something impossible, I remember that I was very tilted on that Urgot haha

Nice one bro, such a good TFT Player.


I had to do something impossible if I wanted to win, man. Otherwise you saw how badly I lost xD

Same for you man, you played so good :)


wow, I've never seen two characters like Urgot and Urgot together reach 3 stars, from what I can see they're a blast! What a great video! and good game bro :D


Urgot and Urgot? You mean sejuani I guess :D Glad you liked it mate


Both hahaha really that's what you call strategy, when I play I get the opposite hahaha


Unfortunately I had some commitments that week and couldn't take part in the championship. A shame because I could have easily beaten everyone haha.

Great organization and congratulations on the post, have a great day.


Oh @strawhat do you remember this guy who challenged me on the server XD Apparently he was busy on the day of the tournament, what a pity(!) XD

Just kidding man, thank you, I'm glad you liked it.


Yes, I would have liked to have taken part, but that's the problem with being married: either I choose the game or my wife.


Choose your wife man. Making her happy is more important than joining to a tournament :)


In this game, it looked like you had the cheat engine on haha. Being 6th this game was totally my fault, I forgot to buy a single Cassiopeia for 7 Shurimas, so I lost a lot of damage. BUt you definitely showed in this game what a good player you are.


Dude, I just used the right strategy . I know you're jealous of me because I come first in every game, but what can I do hahahaha? In tournaments like this, small details can make all the difference, just like Cassiopea.


Man, that tournament was amazing, I loved playing with you guys, you are very strong opponents and I still have a lot to learn, now I have learned new things about the game and it has helped me a lot, I summoned the great male nashor again and this time it was much easier than before.


Perfect I'm sure you'll be a tough opponent in the next tournament man, I see you are practising always :)
