Trying out the new COD MWII multiplayer map Vondel Waterfront
It's been a while COD 🫣
I can't believe I hadn't played Call of Duty Modern Warfare II in over 2 months. You'd think in that amount of time that my skills would perish and I'd be terrible at the game. That would be wrong though, as I still have my touch. 20 years of playing COD is hard to erase. Plus I had a weekend playing xDefiant about a month ago, which is a game very similar to COD.
The main reason that I decided to finally hop back on MWII is because the released a new multiplayer map with Season 4 Reloaded called Vondel Waterfront. This small map is based in Amsterdam and has water throughout it. If you didn't know, you can go underwater and also ADS while in the water and eliminate enemies. I have to say, this is one of the most fun maps on MWII, so I'm really glad I logged on to try it out.
I halfway expected to perform poorly since I hadn't played in so long. Somehow I managed to do quite well. I went 20-7 and had several captures during a match of domination. We ended up winning and I had a lot of good plays. I didn't make any silly mistakes either. It was a great welcome back to COD.
Have a look for yourself in my latest gameplay video:
Thanks for watching and be sure to drop any comments you may have down below, I will get back to everyone.
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Nice game! If the mode is in battle Royale, I would just stay underwater or hide under the bridge to be the last man standing haha! because I'm not that good at shooting enemies.
As long as you stay within the circle that could be a viable strategy. Make sure to collect plenty of weapons before so you can survive the final firefight.
Crazy good graphics on this game! That always helps to keep you coming back...
You have played very well.
If I ever return playing game, it will be Call of Duty or Far Cry ;)
Nice, how many kills do you need for the golden version these days?
You must complete the final weapon camo challenges. Each weapon has different challenges.
For the M4:
It's actually quite easy now, they've made some really nice improvements this time.
Before it was just too lengthy and "grindy", it'd take a few days back then. But in MW2 2022 you can get a gun to Gold in a matter of hours, especially if you have access to maps like Shipment and Shoot House. Other than that, most of the grind is quite natural now. I have a lot of Gold weapons that just naturally reached Gold as I kept playing, and that is surely a first in my whole COD experience.
Nice flanks and shots, Dalt, really good positioning. 🔥
This update for me is kinda messed up, the FPS is on the low, low, I've lost around 40/50 FPS after the Reloaded update. Yet, it's still somewhat "playable". I haven't played too much Multiplayer this Season tough. I mostly land on the new Vondel Resurgence Map, and over there this Waterfront area is available, and I did wreck some teams over here haha.
I actually like this place, with all the water and the layout of the buildings, if played smartly then you can pull off some really nice flanks. But all that water can become annoying when someone is hiding down there lol.
Much love, thanks a lot! Not too bad for my first time ever playing on Vondel Waterfront. I like the map a lot. My FPS is still great, but I'm on PS5, not sure what you play on. I haven't played the BR portion of COD in many many months. I prefer Fortnite, maybe because I'm better at it and have more friends that play it too.
The FPS issues are on PC only, it's a mess, but it's tolerable though.
It's alright, not in the the best state at the moment, but they'll fix it sooner or later with nerfs and buffs, I guess.
I play COD because of my friends too, whenever they're not online I focus on some other activity or maybe just play single player games. I've started plying Cyberpunk recently, loving it so far.
Cyberpunk is awesome. I 100%’d that game at launch. It was so good that I was still able to fight through the terrible performance woes. You’re lucky to play it now that it’s actually fixed.
Yep, I took my time and got it on a discount. Paid only about $12 I guess hehe.
Damn that’s crazy, such a great deal. The game is pretty amazing. I got rinsed with the cost for it though. Bought it at launch and then purchased it a second time at full price to gift to my brother for Christmas before I realized that we could game share 🤦🏻♂️
Bummer, we only realize it after the damage is already done.
I just recently gave one of my friends access to NFS Unbound from my Steam account. I just added his account to my Steam Family list and he went straight for the download.
Btw, what do you think about the Cyberpunk DLC? Phantom Liberty I think. $30 sounds like a lot, because I don't know what sort of content I'll be getting access to. $20 would've been nice I guess, then I would've went for it straight. Because I do plan on making quite the record and build on Cyberpunk, as time passes by the game is becoming more interesting.
We’ve been taking advantage of it big time since then. He benefits from it more than I do though since he gets access to my PS Plus Extra game catalog without having to pay for it. Plus any game I purchase digitally he can play, it’s honestly pretty amazing how it works.
The Cyberpunk DLC looks amazing. I’m hyped to see so many new things coming to the game for free. That alone will make getting back into it again easier. It’s been a few years for me now. I’ll probably wait until the DLC goes on sale, but I do want to play it eventually. I’m in the same predicament for Horizon Forbidden West’s DLC.
My cyberpunk character is OP. I was lucky to be able to take advantage of the money glitch when it first came out, so I have so many credits saved up. I purchased every car in the game like it was nothing. I haven’t been back on it since they added houses though.
I'm now working on the sandevistan build, inspired by Edgrerunners.
I got the Epic sandevistan yesterday. I feel like it's better than the Legendary options, it costs a lot less too, probably half. Next is the double jump upgrade. So I'm now saving up for that, and let me tell you, it isn't easy haha. I'm 12k short right now, and I've been thinking about abusing glitches, but let's see, not just yet. Hopefully I get some legit way to make some big money.
I played through most of the game without duplicating items so I could have a ton of money. Eventually I just got tired of being broke and wanted to take credits out of the equation so I could just do anything I wanted. No regrets here.
I think there are still a few glitches. So I'm now comparing the rewards between glitched options vs legit options, and in the end I'll choose the one that's less time consuming lol.
This map looks awesome. ❤ I love this game!!!🎉 You play awesome.
That's awesome! I'm glad you were able to hop back on MWII and do so well. It's always great to see someone who's been playing a game for a long time still have the skills to compete.
You have a lot of skills i saw the video and you are really good at it!
Thanks, man, I can still remember the first time I played COD multiplayer back ing 2006 with COD2. Some of my best memories with gaming ever.
20 kills.. not too shabby. i like the golden gun. great recoil on that..
One of my favorite movies of all-time!
yup 😉🤣
Hey... que bien jugado Call of y avecez e estado sumergido varias horas me encanta este juego es adictivo
Interesante tu información buen contenido.
Súper bien yo e jugado este juego y me parece una manera genial de divertirse y poder enfrentarme a mis rivales
#hive #posh
I myself am very fond of playing such games, I haven't played it yet, but in the near future I will definitely try it out and improve my gaming skills.