My Writing Review Of My Top 3 Entry Of Vibes Web3 Music Competition Week 31


It is another wonderful opportunity for me to bring to you guys amazing top 3 entry I picked from the weekly vibe weekly contest. It is always a joy for me to always select amazing entries because the truth is there is always beautiful and amazing entries from the fellow hive users. So stay tuned

My Writing Review Of My Top 3 Entry Of Vibes Web3 Music Competition Week 30_20250319_165959_0000.png

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Going through lots of entries for the just concluded Vibes web3 music conception for the week 30 was a bit tough for me because I saw a lot of amazing entries. Arriving or should I say narrowing it down to just 3 was a whole lot of work and great decision for me.
One of the factor I put into consideration on picking who I will pick as my top 3 entries is how well theu comply with the theme of the week.

My Top 3 Pick

(1). @obaro

His Performance video Below 👇

This will definitely be the first on my list..he really did a very great job in composing his entry. He sang hallelujah and I must confess one of the things that I really admire is the fact that he was able to sing calmly without any tension and pressure.

Also even though he didn't make use of any instrument, the sang in the background did a very great job to help provide rhythm to the song he was singing. It was really a perfect entry.

(2). @dubeh-playz

His Performance Song Below 👇

This will also be the second on my list and I must confess that he did a very great job in his entry. One of the first thing that actually attracted me to his entry is the saxophone he used.

This made me to remember years ago when I was a strong lover of saxophone. I must really confess also that he did a very great job in making use of the saxophone for his entry. He really did a perfect job for that.

(3). @nathymusic

Her Performance Entry Below 👇

She will definitely be my last entry. She gave in amazing performance and I must confess that she really did a very great job. The fact that she didn't make use of any instrument and still was able to give in a strong performance is a great job here. I really admire her composure also while singing.

These are my top 3 Pick generally from the vibe week 29 competition. You can do well to check their entry out and I am so sure you are definitely going to love it. A beautiful shout out for @lordbutterfly for organising this amazing contest.

Also find the link to my promotional video on YouTube through the link below



Hey man!
Your post is slightly confusing.
My video is not the one in the first frame.
BTW, thanks for the mention man.


It was a mistake man
I have edited it

Thank you for stopping by


Increíble muchas gracias de verdad primera vez que puedo ser tomada así en cuenta y lo valoro mucho me motiva a dar lo mejor de mi y a aprender todo lo que pueda de la música. Bendiciones me hace sentir que si puedo
