Plant Tagetes to keep the garden healthy and beautiful

Planting Tagetes in the garden is one of the best things you can do for your vegetables. It will keep them healthy and improve their production.

The Tagete is a type of daisy that has many other names depending on where you live, such as Moorish carnation, Indian rose, African marigold, etc... It is native to Mexico and there are a large number of species in its genus but they all meet the same function in our garden.

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Tagetes are a very easy plant to grow since it is rustic in nature. It adapts to all terrains and does not have too many requirements in addition to consuming very little water. If we have it in the garden, the residual irrigation of our vegetables will be enough.
It is a plant that has a size between 30 and 80 cm so we will have to calculate it when planting it. It multiplies very easily by seeds so it is not necessary to buy it every year.

Its function in the garden is wonderful, this plant protects and helps our vegetables in several ways. Its roots secrete a substance called alpha-terthienyl that helps fight nematodes, worms that eat roots. Its flowers attract pollinating insects and predators of pests such as bees or ladybugs, which are also good for our garden.
The plant in general generates volatile compounds that scare away whiteflies or aphids.

And if that weren't all, they are beautiful plants that bloom almost all year round and give a very colorful appearance to our garden. So I encourage you to include tagetes in the garden and let me know how your experience went.

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Thanks for letting me, know since my aloe started blooming in the early summer the balcony is full of insects like whiteflies
!discovery 25
