Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!


Hello everyone. Today I am going to share my battle.

Battle details: I played with death splinter and my opponent used a death splinter against me. Fire and Earth teams were banned in this battle.

Battle Ruleset


It was a battle with 43 mana cap and three rules:


Fog Of War: Monsters lose Sneak, Snipe and Opportunity abilities.


Shades Of Glory: Only neutral monsters may be used.


Are You Not Entertained?: One addicional Gladiator card may be used in battles.

Discussing My Lineup

Battle 1.png

Summoner, Mimosa Nightshade level 3. This summoner removes healing abilities from my enemy team and lowers both magic attack and ranged attack of my opponent.

First Position, Ulundin Overseer level 1. This monster has great health and armor. It also gives my monster in second position a Reach ability.

Second Position, Goblin Mech level 6. This monster has good stats and two abilities: Piercing and Stun,

Third Position, Venari Marksrat level 5. The death of this monster makes nearby monsterss more powerful.

Fourth Position, HYDRA level 3. This monster has Heal, Thorns and Retaliate abilities.

Fifth Position, Creeping Ooze level 1. This monster can slow my enemies.

Sixt position, Scavo Hireling level 2. This monster restores lost armor for one of my monsters.

My Strategy & Tips

I used a tank in combination with my Goblin Mech in order to give Goblin Mech reach ability. I also a sacrifice rat stategy to make my HYDRA stronger. Creeping Ooze had to slow enemy team. And my final monster had to repair lost armor for my tank and Goblin Mech.

Analysis of The Battle

My strategies worked well. My Goblin Mech did a lot of damage while hiding behind my tank. Evenualy both my Ulundin Overseer and Goblin Mech were killed. But I still had one triumf card. Using a sacrifice rat strategy to make my HYDRA even more powerful. My enemy quikly removed this additional power so my HYDRA had to deal with remaining opponents alone. It was not an easy task but my HYDRA had three strong abilities so it managed to slay all enemies and win me a battle.

Battle results.png

I hope that you enjoyed my battle. If you would also like to start playing splinterlands and earning by making posts about your battles or by making art inspired by splinterlands please consider using my referral link:

