The Wealth of Togetherness



There's been a few important developments in my life in the past couple of years, marking June as an interesting month, just like a reading I got back in April told me. First, on Wednesday I attended a very important Biodanza session dedicated to the sweetness of life. At one point the guide told us to visualize all of the moments where someone was kind, sweet and gentle with us in words or actions, and I was literally overtaken by an avalanche of intensely emotional images. Thousands of memories of looks, caresses, hugs, kisses, gestures and voices sprung up within me and I realized how many of those instances I've registered throughout my experience and how little I think of them. I burst out crying, hadn't done that in Biodanza for at least three years. They were good tears filled with candor and beauty.

Later that night, I discussed with the guide and her business partner the possibility for Rune workshops at her place, though the vibes I got weren't all that exciting, I feel they're pretty distracted and a bit too inclined to manipulate words. They're good magical workers and spiritual practitioners, I respect them, but I also regard them with caution. I got home and joined a Live broadcast on TikTok of a Colombian Rune worker whom I've come to respect too, and he feels the same way about me, promoting my account every time I join his conversations and such. This time, it was special because he invited me to speak Live, it was really awesome and a sign of what's to come for me, the kind of work that I have to do and the collaborations that I should foster.


Yesterday, I also joined one of @clareartista's co-creation sessions, this time accompanied by @vincentnijman and @selfhelp4trolls. It was an amazing talk which lasted almost four hours, and we shared insights on the role of governments, the meaning of freedom, creativity, imagination, emotional and financial stability, fame, hunger, violence, beauty and related topics. I'm most certainly going to keep joining these talks not only because I've come to love these people personally, but also because I think we all need to build quality communities of like-hearted individuals who can work together for collective improvement based on trust and gratitude. This meeting also inspired me to pursue an idea that I've been nurturing for years: doing my readings in public places and/or writing them on little pieces of paper, then putting them across the city so people can see them and, maybe, pick them up. I also decided to start doing Lives on Instagram weekly, starting last night with a Rune reading about June.

Today, with the message below, my will is reaffirmed. Jera is the 12th Rune and signifies the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new process, just like this month of June brings the onset of a new set of tasks and opportunities which will require cooperation and joint labor. I'm not only interested in producing stuff, be it content, items or information, but in doing so with fun. This is how I choose to conduct myself from now on, especially in social environments, and this is what I choose to build. Build well, on firm ground, with eyes on tomorrow.


Rune of the Day: Jera

Work on your land, tend to your projects, ignore distractions, especially if tribulation abounds around you; what you build now, if you build it well, may support you for a long time through many crises. Dedication always begets rewards, put your heart in the task at hand, let your mindset follow suit naturally, the pieces fall into place if you allow it. You can either repair what is broken or throw it away, but leaving it unattended is inadequate for progress. In order to avoid stumbles, it is best to immediately remove the most obvious obstacles in your way; this way, the ones you cannot see so easily will be shown to you as well. Discouraging opinions may reduce your productivity, but they may also be proof that your labor is necessary and valuable depending on your point of view.


"The Truth is Out There"

I mean in here ;<)

Yesterday was awesome. Am looking forward to future sessions and what they will result in and I loved the message at the end. Just what I needed to hear today :<)

Un grande abrazo!


I'm also looking forward to joining more of these sessions, they may turn into something larger eventually! Un fuerte abrazo para ti, my friend!


I'm also looking forward to joining more of these sessions, they may turn into something larger eventually!

I also feel strongly that the latter is very likely to happen ;<)



How beautiful to read your post and the mention of our very special session on Thursday, dearest @drrune ! It really was powerful for me, being with you three wonderfully creative and conscious, passionate and fun men, @vincentnijman @selfhelp4trolls - the conversation had such a good pace and balance to it, and loads of brilliant revelations flowing!

I also felt very much affirmed in what I am doing - all of it! - and your Rune reading is soooo pertinent... How blessed we are to connect in this way - and yes, I've been running the Co-Creation Sessions for a couple of years - the energy has been up and down with them, but we have always had potent intimate conversations, and big insights into our creative work and lives... I sense a big new energy coming in and I feel most positive for the future, in a panoramic sense!



Thaaaaank you for the gift, dear! It was an awesome talk and I think we can grow it even more. Imagine a session like this with seven or ten people! I also see big possibilities in the future!
