Money Deadly Lies Against Women ||| LOH Contest #133


men believe women to love money more than they do, others believe something else... What is the biggest lie yard or seen men actually believe about women?

this is my response to this week's ladies of hive community contest answering the question above.

It all started like 'oh, you are a woman, you don't need to struggle to make your own money. Your man will take care of your bills' and then, years later, oh, you like my money, you are after my money...


In this part of the world where I grew up, these are money lies I heard against women. Sometimes it can start like a subtle joke, and if care is not taken a little girl can grow up with this deadly entitlement mentality of I don't need to work in order to pay my bills, my man will pay my bills.

Some families even went very far with these lies by not sending their girls' children to school, in order to educate and empower them. Such parents believe a girl doesn't need education, after all, her man will be the one to work and take care of her.

And in the future if such marriage goes south, the woman will suffer more because she gets nothing of her own. Even in the marriage she won't be able to support her family financially which will leave all the financial burden on the husband.

I'm glad my parents never bought into such deadly money lies, they tried all their possible best for my siblings and I to see that we get education and are able to fend for ourselves. Even when I heard those lies outside I struggled to remain focused on my financial goals without letting those words get into my head. Beside the fear of not being able to do things for myself until someone grants my request scared shit out of me.

Just like men, women need to work for their money. Sadly some women let this get into them. That is why you will see some that trade her body for financial gain, because we are in a society that puts a financial value on our body.

Dear men, we need money as much as you do and if you encourage us to strive and earn a living you are actually helping yourself indirectly because that means we shall depend less on you.

I will be a total colossal embarrassment if the totality of my financial life depends only on my husband and that is why everyday I strive to make a living so that I can support myself and my family financially.

Just so you know, I love money, and I love doing legitimate work to make it. I respect any man that knows this and paves ways for women instead of suppressing our effort.

My total respect to all the woman who never let this lie gets into them, they believed in themselves and knows that like anyone else their financial life is very important so they strive to make it with honor and good virtue. No matter how many times they hear those lies, they smile, because deep inside them they know it is nothing but a trap.


I've seen a lot of cases where women who weren't allowed to work while in their marriage suffer so much with their kids when the marriage goes south... It isn't a good story at all.

Women can be financially independent too, they just have to set priorities right!



I agree with you, it is very important to have financial intelligence from a young age. Do not depend on anyone and less on a man to buy what we need. Greetings, have a great day.


Living is so expensive these days that unless both partners work it becomes challenging. If you are wealthy then there is no problem, but if you are middle class salaried person then it's best that both work and have a comfortable life


Exactly, it will be hard for one partner's income to care one the whole family.
