Just a stone.

(Google translate from Czech)

Už dlouho jsem si nevyfotil žádný kámen. A tak bláto ne bláto, ráno, cestou pro pečivo (3 km tam a 3 km zpět), jsem se zastavil v jednom starém lomu.
I haven't taken a picture of a stone in a long time. And so, mud, mud, in the morning, on the way to get bread (3 km there and 3 km back), I stopped at an old quarry.


Podle mapy tady probíhá geologická linie mezi rulou a žulou. Na takových liniích bývají k nalezení kameny se zajímavou strukturou.
Jenže všude samé listí a mech. Nechtělo se mi moc hrabat (ani jsem na to neměl vybavení) a tak jsem jen chvíli bloumal po lese.

Padla mi do oka malá hromádka kamenů.
According to the map, there is a geological line between gneiss and granite. On such lines, stones with an interesting structure can be found.
But there were leaves and moss everywhere. I didn't feel like digging much (I didn't have the equipment for that either) so I just wandered around the forest for a while.

A small pile of stones caught my eye


Ten velký nesliboval nic zajímavého. Ten menší, zarostlý mechem, už vypadal zajímavěji. Stačilo odloupnout mech a ...
The big one didn't promise anything interesting. The smaller one, overgrown with moss, looked more interesting. All I had to do was peel off the moss and ...


Hodně „divoká skládanka“ :-). Živec, augit (druh pyroxenu), biotit, křemen a nejspíš i nějaká zrna muskovitu.
A very "wild puzzle" :-). Feldspar, augite (a type of pyroxene), biotite, quartz and probably some grains of muscovite.


Potěšil jsem se pohledem, nechal kámen na jeho místě a „klusal“ do obchodu :-)
I was pleased with the view, left the stone in its place and "trotted" to the store :-)



Stones and rocks especially with MOss on them can have such character

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk

have a great day
