My Definition Of Happiness
My Definition Of Happiness
Happiness is free but getting it is one of the most difficult things in life. Most people say they are finding happiness, I bet that is why they never get it. Happiness it not something you find, it's something you build for yourself.
It's so funny how that the definition of happiness means different things to different people, it's a kind of idiosyncratic. How life plays is something else. Some say my happiness is attached to having money, suddenly they get the money and after a while, you see them sad and depressed. If happiness is truly about the money why are you still sad?
Don't you think a lot of us are getting the whole thing wrong? I think life is quietly trying to teach us a lesson, true happiness in found within us and not on people or material things. I can assure you that happiness is a choice. It's something you decide to create for yourself deliberate. Does that mean that being happy takes away one's sorrows forever? no! Yet you can create an atmosphere for yourself where things are going south in your life but you are still happy.
I can't dispute the fact that money, material things and people bring happiness, if I say they don't I am a liar but it doesn't last. There are two kinds of happiness, temporary happiness and stable happiness. LoL, I know why I didn't use the word permanent, no matter how disciplined we are there are days we won't be able to control our emotions.
Material things, money and people, bring temporary happiness, they can make you feel fulfiled as long as they are available but as soon as they are gone, things will become worse, that happiness they brought will go with them. Another crazy thing attached to happiness derived from them is with time when you get too used to them, Incase they don't leave, you will become tired of them and as such they may no longer make you happy.
Take for instance, you went to the market and bought a very nice shoe you have be craving for, I believe at moment you would be filled with joy, you will feel like to use it almost everyday but as you continue to use the shoe, it soon becomes obsolete to you even if it's trending out there. The joy you derive from it will no longer be there. It's same with life. Humans get tired of eternal things easily.
A poor man gets happy when he has money, but the rich don't because it's something they are used to already, a childless woman gets happy when she conceive but the one who has many children doesn't see that as an achievement. Sooner than expected, the poor man when he dwells in money for long, it will stop making him happy. The childless woman, when she starts bearing children, it would no long be something big to her. Achievements, material things, money , people bring happiness but it's just for a while, with time it will fade.
True and genuine happiness rest on our inside, when we are able to tap into it, we will have the true taste of happiness. Some people claim there is nothing like happiness but that's a fat lie, happiness exist. And anyone can have it both the rich, the poor, the sick and the healthy ones . It's doesn't respect personalities, if you just know the right formula you will land at it.
I have experienced to some extent happiness that comes from the external and to be honest, i wished I never experienced them, because when those things left, I had to start from the scratch looking for happiness again. Do you want to be happy? Don't look for it from anything external, create it from within.
To be frank, currently my happiness is not attached attached to anything, it's something I decided to have, I build it like a character in me. Whether in good or bad times, I can tap into it. With or without people, I can still arrive there, With money or no money, failure or success I can still manipulate my ways through.
So beloved, choose to be happy, when good things happen to you be happy, when the worst things are happening to you, decide to be happy as well and with consistent practice, you would be amaze how happy you have become with or without external influences.
Material things can never give Happiness and we can not give ourselves happiness. The best things in life are given to us freely and the most important of all these is love. Genuine love brings true happiness and that’s why love is the greatest according to the Bible.
Hmm!! You really got a sensitive point here, genuine love is the true source of happiness. Thanks so much for stopping by. I am very grateful
If anyone derives happiness only through material things, what happens when all that is gone or not accessible anymore? true happiness in found within us, I agree and happiness is truly a choice, so let's continue to create it and be happy always 😇
That's reality, if material things are our source of happiness, the day they cease to be, we would definitely be robbed of happiness.
Thanks so much for the support, I am very grateful.
Well said, true happiness comes when you see the beauty in everything and when you appreciate the little.
Happiness is free and it's also what you want it to be!
You have said it all, thanks so much for reading ma.
This hit home!
You don't go looking for happiness when it's all obvious around you. You don't go looking for happiness when it's inside of you and all you need do is build on it.
No one can find happiness outside of himself. No one can make you any more happy than you can for yourself. It's just the way things are!
Well-done, bro💪
Omo, that is it sir, happiness is not something lost, but go about looking for it and we end up being frustrated. True happiness lies within us, if only we would allow ourselves fetch it from within..
Thanks so much for reading sir
Thank you
That is why I quoted that "happiness are moments, it might last a few hours or days but eventually it will be gone till another one comes by. Though humans can create a moment of happiness for themselves, if we manage to put our worries and desires aside. Having contentment and gratitude for things we already have.
There are few sources of unhappiness which is unhealthy desires, obsession, greed. It is in human nature to always want more and get tired of things we have gathered but at the same time we have to learn to control this urges because it won't give space for happiness, all you will be thinking about are things you don't have yet.
That is why when a poor man eventually get rich, he realises that, there is more to life than money but only few realises this because some men end up chasing more money for the rest of their lives without having any happy memories. Quite unfortunate.
Pop in from #dreemport
Hehehe, life is such a mystery. The person who says human desires are insatiable never lied. Thanks so much for the beautiful comment my brother 🥰
True happiness can only be gotten from the heart and the mind. A subconscious and conscious will to truly pursue the right kind of happiness, that's the way. Not vanity.
You got it right dear, true happiness doesn't come acquiring the things of this life.
Thanks so much for reading