Two life challenges that nearly made me think out of box
Would you consider yourself an overthinker or pretty laid back when it comes to things? Share with us an event in your life that made you overthink, or tested your ability to be laid back.
I will say am overthinker when it comes for things. Let me share my life experiences with you that really made me to overthink. First was when i lost my Mom to the cold hands of death. Then, i was 8 months pregnant to my daughter. Among all my sisters, i was only one that my mom didn't carry her child. While i was pregnant with my daughter, i always imagine how i will enjoy my omugwo with my Mother. Only for me to start having repeatable terrible dreams about my mom. When i call my mom, she won't pick up my calls. Later called my eldest sister whom she was living with, she told me that all is well just that her phone got spoiled and she's not around. Not knowing that my mom is lying in the mogue. The dreams continue to the point i will see my mom each time i close my eyes sleeping under uncompleted building refusing to enter inside when i ask her too.
That made me overthink and i became worried to the point i had to call my elder sister on Sunday morning to give our mom phone since they will all be giving to Christian meetings that morning. She couldn't hold her tears again. She just opened up to me that our mom is late and her body already deposited in the mogue. That they doesn't want to inform me because am pregnant. Oh my goodness!! I shouted and cried without control. All my imagination's turned out to be overthinking. I kept on thinking how i will cope alone in the hospital and after delivery. Throughout one month i was thinking and crying 😭. When i finally give birth to my daughter, i was all alone because my siblings was busy with the burial arrangements of our Mom because she was buried that same month that i give birth to my daughter.
My daughter was just 6 days old when my mom was buried. And after her burial, everyone returned to their normal activities. I was just alone with my daughter, mom wasn't there to take care of me and her granddaughter. I was overwhelmed with thinking that i nearly gave up. I was wondering why mom should go when i needed her most in my life. I thinked, cried and mourned my mother for several months.
On 2021, another event made me to overthink. What actually happened then affected my relationship with people. I was into online business which i also introduced to my friends. We all invested some money in the business. The truth is that they were paying and the business was running smoothly. They company now organized a promo that made us to work harder to achieve the goals set. I registered a lot of my friends and they letter embark on system upgrades. Guess what? That was the end of the business till date. I was on the hot sit 🪑 then. My friends kept on calling me for their money. No one cares that i lost money too. They where all after their money. My people, overthinking nearly killed me 😔. I was confused on what to tell them because i was promoting the business with all flesh and blood. When they called me, my heart will fly because i had no money to refund them. Honestly they rate of my thinking then can't be over emphasized. But in all God see's me through.
Lesson: I have learned how to control my thinking now. Though is not always easy for me because it's natural in me . But after all the overthinking, it doesn't stop anything. Rather i fall sick after overthinking myself. Though i still think much when facing with life's challenges. But i tried to let go of somethings now.
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Sorry for your lost😓
It hurt when we lost our love one's
Exactly dear. Thanks so much