Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #34

Happy #ThoughtfulThursday everyone!

Looking for something to write about this week? Well, we've got you covered!

Cyrillic Bodoni Rough.jpg

Photo provided by @grindan

We're back with another writing prompt, and the rules to participate are simple:

  • ✌️ Share your take in Thoughtful Daily Post Community
  • ✌️ Follow the Community Guidelines
  • ✌️ Have fun! (Unless you don't want to 👀)
  • ✌️ Include a link to your post on this prompt so we don't miss you!

Although there is no formal prize for this prompt, we do want to take the time to appreciate high quality posts. To celebrate the authors in our community, a random selection of HBI/SBI will be gifted to those who present exceptional responses!

Confused on what SBI/HBI is exactly? You can read all about it here!

Prompt #33 was quite the example of "there's not always a yes or no answer"... right? I admire all of you who really thought this one through. These were some great posts! I would remind you to please be sure you've read the community's guidelines. As well as the rules for each prompt! So then... thank you going out to:

@doreenarch - @peacefulsoul - @repayme4568 - @abenad - @rukkie - @giocondina - @ozd - @charjaim - @melove

Snapshot from thoughtfulposts Wallet

Alright, without further ado...

Weekly Prompt

There's a great deal of unrest in the world. In what way's do you try and create thoughtfulness in your every day life? What would YOU do, to make this a better world?


We look forward to seeing what our weekly prompt inspires in the community this week! Happy writing, and thoughtful on! 😎


Did you know that we are paying out a share of our curation rewards to delegators daily thanks to @hivediscomod created by @yaziris? If you would like to help us boost TDP power, as well as earn some rewards in the process, delegations to @thoughtfulposts are greatly appreciated! 🤗✨


Hi Folks. I am taking some time off from Hive to deal with some work stuff. Hoping to be back soon.


Hi @inuke, we hope you have successfully recovered from the health condition that was affecting your health. We are aware of what has been reported. You know where to find us and if you have in your occupations some space and wish to join our weekly calls, or on the contrary share your reflections in our community, your contributions will always be welcome. Success, health and well-being, come back soon !LUV

Hola @inuke, esperamos que te hayas recuperado satisfactoriamente del problema de salud que te afectaba. Estamos al tanto de lo informado. Ya sabes donde encontrarnos y si tienes en tus ocupaciones algún espacio y deseas unirte a nuestras convocatorias semanales, o por el contrario compartir tus reflexiones en nuestra comunidad, tus aportes siempre serán bienvenidos. Éxitos, salud y bienestar, vuelve pronto.


Cordial greetings dear participants, to you who assiduously embellish our community with your famous and distinguished reflections. Today has been for me a day full of heterogeneity, but above all of teachings, the setbacks emerged unexpectedly, united and conspired, to test my perseverance but above all my patience. But I am not easy to beat, sometimes it is necessary to navigate in the storm and to feed ourselves with courage in order not to give up in the face of adversity. Finally, the calm has arrived and I am here. Our Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #33, shook us in its hypothetical representation, which is not far from the experiential, where the most precious gift we can have is questioned: Life itself. As a physician, there have been countless times that I have been cornered by bioethical dilemmas and what this represents, where you must preserve the supreme good of DO NO HARM, by action or omission. It is there when you live the tumultuous moments, where you must go beyond the two options and not give up in the search for alternatives, is to find the solution in the nuances. We thank you for the rich participation, full of valuable contributions for you, for me, for the life of all. We are sure that these reflections, printed in letters, will not lose their validity and will continue to be useful for those who need them. We are sure that these reflections printed in letters, will not lose validity and will continue to be useful and evolving. So thanks to our outstanding participants @doreenarch - @peacefulsoul - @repayme4568 - @abenad - @rukkie - @giocondina - @ozd - @charjaim and @melove, our gratitude for your good vibes and positive energy. Our our founder-administrator @wesphilbin sends you these tokens, I am excited about the task of handing them out (already in your wallets and at your disposal). Cheers and wellness, happy week. Welcome Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #34 !LUV !HUG !LOTUS

Cordiales saludos queridos participantes, a Ustedes que asiduamente embellecen nuestra comunidad con sus célebres y distinguidas reflexiones. Hoy ha sido para mí un día nutrido de heterogeneidad, pero sobre todo de enseñanzas, emergieron intespectivamente los contratiempos, se unieron y conspiraron, para poner a prueba mi perseverancia pero sobre todo mi paciencia. Pero no soy fácil de vencer, a veces es necesario navegar en la tormenta y alimentarnos de coraje para no rendirnos ante la adversidad. Por fin, llegó la calma y estoy aquí. Nuestro Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #33, nos sacudió en su representación hipotética, que no dista mucho de lo vivencial, donde se cuestiona el regalo más preciado que podemos tener: La vida misma. Como médico, han sido innumerables las veces que me he visto acorralada por dilemas bioéticos y lo que esto representa, donde debes preservar el bien supremo de NO HACER DAÑO, por acción u omisión. Es ahí cuando vives los momentos tumultuosos, donde debes ir más allá de las dos opciones y no desistir en la búsqueda de alternativas, es encontrar la solución en los matices. Les agradecemos la nutrida participación, florida de valiosas aportaciones para tí para mí, para la vida de todos. Estamos seguros que estas reflexiones impresas en letras, no perderán vigencia y seguirán siendo útiles para quien lo necesite. Así que gracias a nuestros destacados participantes @doreenarch - @peacefulsoul - @repayme4568 - @abenad - @rukkie - @giocondina - @ozd - @charjaim y @melove, nuestra gratitud por vuestras buenas vibraciones y energía positiva. Nuestro administrador-fundador @wesphilbin os envía estoas tokens, me emociona la tarea de repartirlos (ya en vuestras billeteras y a vuestra disposición). Salud y bienestar, feliz semana. Bienvenido Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #34.

Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #33.jpg


¡@thoughtfulposts! Has recibido un aporte en $LOTUS de parte de @marilour.

Gracias por ser un promotor de bienestar dentro de nuestra Blockchain. Te animamos a continuar publicando contenido de calidad y de inspiración para el crecimiento y bienestar.

Más información sobre el token de $LOTUS en Lotus Token Relaunch


As long as we do not become spokespersons for unpleasant situations, we will be creating spaces for peace. I leave my entry



As I started my day today... trying to get caught up on curation, as well as the usual things that life throws at us. I was quite tickled when I read your opening line to you post submission. Thank you for this... 👇
"As long as we do not become spokespersons for unpleasant situations, we will be creating spaces for peace. I leave my entry"

This just shows that you really took the time to read this weeks prompt topic... thank you, my friend...




¡@charjaim! Has recibido un aporte en $LOTUS de parte de @wesphilbin.

Gracias por ser un promotor de bienestar dentro de nuestra Blockchain. Te animamos a continuar publicando contenido de calidad y de inspiración para el crecimiento y bienestar.

Más información sobre el token de $LOTUS en Lotus Token Relaunch


Thank you for joining us for our Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #34 !LUV
