Reaching a Dead Point


Hey there, dear readers! Today is about a personal journey that we've all experienced at some point, arriving in what I call the "dead point." You know, that phase where life seems to hit a plateau, then leaving you stuck in a moment of uncertainty and contemplation.

I'm no stranger to life's ups and downs as many others. But finding yourself in this seemingly stagnant place, you couldn't help but wonder if you took a wrong turn on life's roadmap. But as I take a step back, I realise that the dead point is not a dead-end, it's a chance for introspection and growth.

The idea is that I had been marching forward with less resources but still fuelled by the excitement of future progress. But then, life seemed to pull the emergency brake, and suddenly, everything came to a standstill. It kind of feels like I am floating in a sea of uncertainty, unsure of which direction to swim towards next.

During this time, I must admit, frustration and impatience is there, even on summer nights, lol. Life doesn't hand me a roadmap with all the answers because life doesn't work that way, does it? The dead point seems to serve a purpose beyond just testing my patience. It kind of offers me a rare opportunity to pause, reflect, and reevaluate my path. I truly and deeply consider that sometimes, it takes standing still to truly understand where we want to go and who we want to become.

This time of stillness can allow you to appreciate the little things – the moments of tranquility that often go unnoticed in the challenging path of progress. The dead point may feel like a void, but it is also a space for ressurection, somehow like a caterpillar in a cocoon.

I guess the dead point is a necessary part of the adventure of life. Just as a story has its slow chapters to build anticipation for the grand finale, life has its dead points to show us the way for future goals.

So, if you find yourself in a dead point right now, fear not, my dear readers. Embrace it as an invitation to explore and recalibrate. In the end, life's journey is not about reaching the destination as quickly as possible, it's also about savouring the twists and turns along the way. By embracing the dead points, we can see in them fertile grounds where new adventures begin to happen.

As for me, I'm still navigating my way through the ever-changing landscapes of life, accepting ups and downs. At times, the weight of financial instability is overwhelming, but I remind myself of the reasons I embarked on this journey in the first place. I think I just have to revisit my plans, reevaluating new ways of making money, and new marketing approaches. And who knows, maybe the dead point is just a short stop before the next impressive things begin!

So, don't forget, the best is yet to come for each of you!


You did hard work! Post reviewed and approved for an Ecency boost. 😊


Glad to see this: I realise that the dead point is not a dead-end - earlier this morning I read a story that illustrates how we need to HANG IN THERE.
His ideas faced serious criticism. People did not believe in the physical reality of molecules nor Boltzmann’s treatment of them. He suffered from an alternation of depressed moods. Attacks on his work continued ... Eventually, going through severe depression, on September 5, 1906, Boltzmann hanged himself ... Just a few weeks after he committed suicide, his work was experimentally verified! Boltzmann’s tombstone bears the inscription of his famous Boltzmann’s entropy formula as a tribute to the genius.

And this seems as good a place as any to post the little winged being attached by the thinnest of spider webs to my clothesline.
Sorry, no, I didn't get to rescue it. This creature was drained of all life, yet still clinging by that invisible thread.


Very interesting notorious example of Boltzmann - although I didn't know about it, it has a deep and meaningful way of expressing so called ''dead points''. While you are in a certain situation and you don't find an escape, it might come at hand the suicidal thoughts or even the act per se. That's why it is important sometimes to find our strength and to hold a bit more. You never know what it is in store nest. Moreover, sometimes life has its own ways of arranging things for the best although we are not aware of it. Thank you for this precious example along with the poor little winged which is sad but optimistic in some way...


"Dead points" do not point to death, if we can just hold on a little longer.
Winter is not "death" - much is happening in the depths of the dark and cold!
Dark Night of the Soul - you know all this stuff. :)
It can take a really long time for some of us to pull out of dark mode.
Others seem more resilient.
After the winged being who dangled from the clothesline, a bird drowned in our pond. TODAY.
Oh nature is cruel (red in tooth and claw, as another poet said -- Alexander Pope, I think)



Happy Saturday... from my end of the world. I have seen your posting here, in the Thoughtful Daily Post Community. But I have not had a chance to stop by, and say hello! Reaching a dead point... that could be somewhat synonymous with the phrase *writer's block"? Maybe not... as that might be limiting the meaning, to just a topic... that being writing. I think your take on it, is better suited for the universal intent, and your words here, help elevate the meaning:

"But as I take a step back, I realise that the dead point is not a dead-end, it's a chance for introspection and growth."

As many already know... I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis back in 2016. I have had to "come to terms" if you will. With this life-changing situation. But I have coined a phrase (one of many that I have) that seems in line with your energy here...

Some say "Disability". I say "Possibility".

Keep sharing your positive energy with us, dear friend.



Hi, @wesphilbin ! Thank You for passing by. ''Writer's block'', yes, you could say that too...but sometimes the prisons inside us are even more terrible, and yes, we have to elevate meaning. It's a pleasure for me to be enriched by your ''possibility findings'' in a challenging situation, such as multiple sclerosis. Sometimes it can be hard, but we still have to find a meaning and move on...Have a great end of the week! 🙌🌈
