The End of The Accidental Theory: For My Kids




You'd think it'd be simple to tell your own story.
We share our stories with each other all the time and hardly even seem to notice we’re doing it.
But perhaps that's because we don't tell the whole story.
In a real story there’s little absolute truth and there’s rarely finite understanding.
There are also no heroes or villains in a true story.
Only choices.
But while we can choose who we want to be at any given moment...
sometimes we aren’t able to be who we are yet.
And even if we are able to do this...

nobody is a hero or a villain all of the time.


Part of The Accidental Theory: A journey to freedom
Read from the beginning >>



Although I don't bother much with politics because politics is always, in my experience again, based on personal motivation and personal motivation is usually based on personal desire/gain...

here are my comments on politics anyway. Or conversations, at least.

Because conversations become political far too often...


Why even bother?

Primary Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion because I don't believe any one of us can say we are "right". Seriously now

  1. There is only, honestly now, one "good fight" in my opinionated opinion - based on the actual wisdom of some very clever individuals. And that is in defense of "truth"
  2. Human beings are driven by the same instinct as all animals on this planet are: survival we just think we're special because of some fancy schmansy books and a couple of opposable thumbs, really. P.S If you're going to leave now I'd be very grateful if you would read the rest... honestly
  3. Human survival instinct is almost always, unless you are a "Sage" based on, and driven by, personal desire/gain
  4. All of those fancy schmancy books have some wonderfully sound suggestions
  5. All of them mention action - based on truth - and not manipulating said outcome of said action - truth again a rational suggestion since we are only animals and see point 3

Q: So how do we know what "truth" is, if we are only human?
A: We don't always know probably
Q: So how do we find our way to some kind of "truth" / or walk a "spiritual" path if we are souls possibly manifest to experience the physical possibly / or only human beings who desire a more conscious, fair and "woke" experience?
A: We walk our truth and we remain accountable so that we can change our walk and keep our focus on finding "truth". possibly... because encouraged by many great spiritual guides and those books wouldn't have become best sellers if they were complete rubbish
Q: But when are we supposed to "fight for truth" if we don't know what the truth is for sure?
A: Only as a defense against harm. Both you and others And yes... lying is construed as harm in all the great books and in proper Psychoanalysis. This is a no-brainer So if we lie, we are "sinning"/avoiding our "Shadow". And if we know someone is lying and don't step up to defend truth we are also "sinning" replace word with religious / spiritual word of choice that is same, please. / avoiding our "Shadow".

The truth actually does "set you free", as it turns out.

Applicable to: religious/spiritual but not religious/only into personal growth/I just want to be happy/personally "sovereign" - all inclusive

Disclaimer reminder: In my personal experience because I've tried and tested it.



At times, we are all "right".

BUT we are also all "wrong" a lot of the time.


On Spiritual Practices

A spiritual "path" is called this because these incredible practices are meant to be "practiced" / walked. if we are to get into heaven / achieve Nirvana / be gifted so many whatevers / be "liberated" / insert motivation of your choice

All of the great spiritual books suggest this.

And the great spiritual guides left us with this very important suggestion repeatedly... truth in action.

Sorry, not sorry but we don't get to cherry pick the words and translate them to suit our own needs, and not practice them anyway, if we want these amazing guides to "work".

In my experience and boy did I talk a lot of sh!t at times. Om Shanti, I was cool as f*ck yeah. I'd be embarrassed or ashamed but I'm over myself, these days. Mostly. Only human, after all.

jewish 2.png


buddhism right.png







And most of y'all were thinking Aweh was about to slander these great books, I bet. 😁

No. that may be your Shadow talkin'

I've been a spiritual "seeker" since my early twenties and have tried to learn as much as possible about many, and even personally practiced some, spiritual paths.

I love all of them and I respect all of them. as long as they aren't manipulated and used to cause harm - see The Golden Rule, please

What did happen, after some years of "seeking", was that my questions were answered. For me, that is. I do not know if my answers are the same for the questions you may have about your experience of this thing we call "Life".

All I do know, now, is that I only found my answers by walking the philosophies I tried personally. And it was by doing this...

that I found what was true, and what wasn't necessarily true, within them.

For me.


I suspect all of these great spiritual practices are one and the same book, you know. Because there are just too many similarities between them. And I suspect that the original manuscript was rewritten by man. I know many great spiritual books have been

 golden rule.png

Original image source: "Is the Golden Rule Really a Rule?"


So great spiritual books translated and rewritten by the hand of man.

And mankind is only human, after all...

And being only human, and making inevitably only human mistakes, makes us most of us, tbd all "right" (at times), but it also makes us (possibly) all wrong (at times).

But this isn't only why I say this.

On my travels... due to whatever is running the show responding to my seeking-seeking or me simply stepping up when some bizarre coincidences/synchronicity occurred we will probably never know - truth...

my studies took me into the field of psychology.

And look here... Jung was deeply into spirituality and mysticism, by the way. I still need to read that book....


Checking in

Do you think I'm arrogant / talking shit / lying / trying to get attention / insert your reaction here, right about now?



Are you sure that's "me" you're "seeing"?


Sorry to tease but it actually becomes very funny when you "see" it.
And it's also very "liberating" ❤️
Shame and embaressment were the biggest hurdles (for me) on my journey, by the way...
Please try to let that go as soon as possible for all our sakes.


Jung on "liberation". I disagree these days with the part about dream analysis. I've experienced a different method of having tea with my "Shadow" that's far simpler. And faster! For me. Again.
Believe it.
Or not. -Ripley



So no.

My "good fight" isn't with anyone, really. And it's not with any particular philosophy or theory either.

It is (and always has been) only with myself. unless someone is causing harm intentionally - see suggestions by great spiritual guides, please

And so, these days, my only "good fight" is for "truth" and truth alone.

Both my truth and The Truth.

Because I am a (deeply) spiritual person and, also, because I didn't believe I was "diseased" or "disordered". Or born a "sinner" (The answer for me is Nurture. for the psychology buffs)

And it did turn out for me anyway...

that the truth really did "set me free".

No. I'm not being "arrogant". see paragraphs on "checking in", please. I'm being direct because I've worked my ass off and done a lot and there will be more... but mostly my work on owning my shit, quite frankly. I'm happy despite being in far more challenging circumstances than a lot of people who should be happy, thanks.

I'm also bored as f*ck with this conversation, these days, and I want to learn to knit and make art. And make some money now. But I keep getting hurt accidentally by other people's "Shadow". So I'm sharing this in the hope that may happen less for everyone on the planet. Including you if you're hating me right now.


We must walk our individual truth in order to be able to "see "truth" clearly know when to "fight the good fight" so that maybe, just maybe...

we are able to take the "right" action to receive...

insert all the pros of practicing the great spiritual practices of the practice of your choice here/achieve authentic individuation/find permanent peace/get well/insert secular motivation here.

I believe if we do this we will be able to change ourselves and find lasting "liberation" from our individual struggles...

and, subsequently, also possibly change our world. ❤️

Another disclaimer: Walking our truth is probably not possible all of the time for most of us anyway, but practice makes better.


The Ultimate Personal Growth - Know Thyself first


But back to philosophies and politics


I don't know how numbers work. This just isn't how my brain works very well.

My brain is, however, very good at remembering experiences and conversations. Very, very good at it. not to blow my own horn, but actual humility is about honesty at the end of the day, right?

I have my concerns about the 12 Step Program spiritual bypassing, to be clear but there is a lot of good shit, "they" suggest, that's an amalgamation of almost all of the popular "spiritual" practices out there. As well as some now popular "modern" therapeutic treatments. DBT and CBT specifically.

Yep. True story.


The 12 Step Program was developed off the back of Carl Jung's work. Brave it if you are curious and brave enough 😉

Bill W, after a conversation with a fellow alcoholic randomly met in a bar, created a program that would "walk" people into a "change in consciousness" of some kind. Edited 6 July 2023 from "spiritual awakening".

And it actually works! Bordering on genius, I tell ya. Up to a point... and no it is NOT a Christian program specifically. I wish they'd remove that particular word already.

Carl Jung had told said fellow alcoholic's family who'd sent the boy to Jung to be cured and who was... for a bit... until he relapsed, that the only success he'd seen with recovery for addiction...

was a person having some kind of "shift in conscious".

He was deep into seeking and that spirituality stuff, old Jung.

And it does work, you know. The man was spot on. Again.

But only authentic practice. Words really mean little with this stuff. In fact... they can be used to get away with an inordinate amount of "evil".

The definition of which, I use, is the intention to do harm. We all fck up. All of the time. This does not make us "bad" people. This makes us only human.

Using religion/I'm spiritual but not religious or any practice, however, to justify, avoid or deny the tough stuff...

only keeps a person "stuck" forever.

And allows "evil" to prevail.

In my personal experience and the concern I mentioned earlier

If you want to recover permanently, or to be happy and joyful despite walking in "reality", in full...

the only way out I've found and I've tried a lot of stuff!...

is by walking "truth" in full.


It's an interesting story. How this all happened. And I wouldn't have found this solution for myself if life or the gods and goddesses / universe / God / Jehova / Allah / Krishna / Gotama... insert you word, word, word of choice, please hadn't intervened and shit hadn't gotten weird.

Although... looking back... this whole experience really began with me simply speaking my truth.

Truth encompasses an entire reality / situation. So blurting out your truth without the "right" motivation - insert golden rule - is not suggested. Nor is it suggested if speaking your truth places you or others in danger.

But we were talking about finding some kind of "truth"...


Here's how I've learned to find more truth in any given situation. It's usually best to illustrate things with an example, I reckon.

So here we go...


How to (maybe) find more truth

Yet another Disclaimer: You may find this difficult, or impossible, if you have not had tea with your Shadow, yet.
A conversation ensues about a situation that a whole bunch of folks aren't happy about.

Someone drops a comment like:

I'm not really comfortable if innocent people are being treated like numbers and are being hurt. It doesn't fit with the way I walk in the world.


Here are some numbers for you anyway

a. Everybody who engages with this conversation is human Possibly 100% correct if aliens aren't among us and there are no Lizard People walking the earth...we can not know for sure. Truthfully.
b. Human beings are, bottom line, motivated by an instinctual drive to survive

Amygdala, "reptile brain" and the Fight / Flight Stress Response - debatable since "science" changes according to often public consensus. And politics. See Galileo. And the laws of physics themselves are currently evolving as I write this. See primary Disclaimer above. And Galileo. Again.

c. 100% probably of participants are, thus, unless there is a "Sage" or see point a among us and if there is please raise your hand because I'd respectfully ask you to mentor me, please only human and their engagement is, thus, personally motivated.
d. The only way one can possibly "see" truth or some semblance of it because all this "Shadow" stuff is very, very 😉 complicated!, is by ignoring what is being said. And focusing entirely on actions.
As an individual, I now do the following...


I assume that nobody is intentionally consciously running around causing harm to others.

Another disclaimer: Some people do do this consciously because they get a kick out of it. But these people are also brilliant with words, words, words and manipulation, so see point d above, please.


I remove my personal judgement. difficult, again, unless one has had a cuppa or ongoing cuppas with their "Shadow"

If I'm:

angry/hurt/annoyed/irritated/enamoured/cockstruck 😆... I know this is my Shadow at work and I step back. Step 1.

I assume that nobody is completely "right" or "wrong" in the situation because this is probably not possible with human nature and the psyche as they are.

The only thing I focus on, these days, is action.

And then I try to see what the underlying motivation is for that action.

Because we are all "right" about some things (at times) and we are all "wrong" about some things (at times).

Sometimes at the same time!


I don't care, these days, what people say. All I observe is who is accountable in the situation and...

who isn't accountable.

This gives me more than enough information to know whose "motivation" is "good". You add accountability on top of "right" action all listed in the big books of spirituality so it's not that complicated and hey ho... please can I be friends with you?

Because the person who acknowledges an only human error is chatting to their Shadow and will always change the behaviour that didn't work out for them / that accidentally hurt those around them.

But the folks that don't own their stuff?

Those guys and gals whose words don't align with their actions?

These folks I keep at a respectful distance because they can be dangerous. I mean... we can only change harmful behaviour if we acknowledge it, right? So until then... I keep a respectful distance.

These days.

Because until such time, they are:

i) either still at the mercy of their own Shadow and will make tons of possibly harmful mistakes that inevitably impact the lives around them too
ii) or are consciously manipulating the situation
iii) or are higher on the scale towards sociopathic. a combination of both ii and iii = "Run Forest, run!" - Pretty blonde gal in Forest Gump


In short:

I don't really mind who is right or wrong, these days. I support the people who are "fighting the good fight".

Because these people are the ones who, despite being very only human, are walking their truth. And who adjust their truth when they understand more at times!

And, since we are talking about numbers here...

they are currently very, very rare to find indeed.

I try to stay close to them when I find them, these days.

Pippins and Nuggets, I call us. But that's another story...

Try to observe the actions/reactions of those involved in the situation. And then look for the motivation behind those actions/reactions. Don't judge the actions/reactions or it may will probably be your Shadow talking rubbish to you. Only observe, please.

Detachment is a superpower, by the way. On the search for Truth.


There is where you may find some actual "Truth".

And this can be applied to your own personal growth quite brilliantly as well, by the way. In fact... I'd suggest we all start there if we do really care about making things better.

For everyone.


The Accidental Theory

Because of my own journey, and being forced to walk "truth" despite and because of 😉 my Shadow and pervading fears, I've come to agree strongly with Carl Jung's Hypothesis.

It has, for me personally, become a Theory now.


Everything we believe is only according to our own very clever definition of these words, words, words a Hypothesis until it is proven with research and results.

And because it was suggested by some fellow travelers, some years ago, to "keep things simple"...

I've found there really is only one "enemy", for me personally, to take on in my only one good fight for truth.


By being pushed to "see" my own fears, and to have had to walk through them and make friends with them, I've found total peace and joy, despite anything that may happen in my external environment.

From being diagnosed with reactions that were so powerful I was diagnosed with possible "Schizophrenia" or maybe "BiPolar Disorder" ...

to an addiction problem that was so severe I was taking meetings online at 10am with a glass of whisky on my desk next to me.








No reply. Went into treatment - no diagnosis. no surprise


"They" say and, again, I'm not sure who "they" actually are but "they" have some pretty great sayings!"...

"And the Truth shall set you Free."

Well, I've tried it.

It works.

But only if you walk it in action.

If you do...

"miracles" really do happen.

And "Anything is possible". Neo - The Matrix

He sure was clever Mr Jung, huh? Wow!


Freud and Jung - The Untold Story: Warning: Sex stuff gasp!🤓


The end...

Of the Accidental Theory: A true story of a journey to freedom.
Also known as "the book that may never be written..."


Late for a #weekendexperiences prompt by @galenkp on truth. Sorry, dude... the long and winding road and I'm still on it forever so...


Original post for the prompt

Your prompt just wrote the end of "The Book That May Never Be Written". Otherwise known as "The Accidental Theory".

Accidentally. Of course.

It's the "truth", you see.

This is what "truth" does. It creates connectivity and connections. It pushes us forward to new understanding. It helps us see things more clearly.

It creates "magic".



I read here that you are grieving right now.

My condolences to you and your family for your loss. I don't think there really are words that can ease things in these circumstances so will leave this at that. It's not enough anyway. The words. I know this. This is "true".

Grieving is a very "grounding" process and, I think, when we are most comfortable to be only human. And, because we are more honest during such times, is also when we grow in many ways.

I was going to write the post, for the end of the book, for this prompt but do not want to burden you with additional admin right now. So I'll write it when it's "right". And just link back to it to credit you for the inspiration then. I'm also tired and will let things unfold authentically.


And then I decided to write the post from the comment because in the moment and who knows what tomorrow brings?


As @galenkp so correctly says:


"tomorrow isn't promised"


One life.

Live it!

Authentically and to the max. To experience it as you are.

Or what's the point, really, I wonder...

of a life spent hiding and pretending?


Doing it or not - been there, done that but thought it was encouraged in that particular circle and had been agreed on by all parties (another part of the story) - if I thought it was under normal circumstances no. I like to feel okay with the person I have to get up with each day. No short bit of any kind of high is more valuable than that to me. Now.

Keeping secrets - "secrets make you sick". The End. And if someone asks you to keep a secret in the first place there is something not okay about it. If it can't be aired publicly then it shouldn't be said.

Confront, report or ignore - report. But give the opportunity to the person who stole it to come clean first. Done and dusted and they did. Enabling someone because I fear the consequences of speaking the truth will hurt both of us. It is not compassionate to allow someone to endanger themselves. And it is not compassionate to myself either to avoid situations because I am afraid. Not much personal growth or learning then at all.

Honesty or not - take it back. Done and dusted repeatedly. Liking myself - see point one. And I wouldn't fully enjoy anything that was tainted with guilt anyway.


They say, in the 12 Step Program (which I no longer follow much, but which has some GREAT advice for walking in this world peacefully)..

"Keep it simple".

I wish I'd actually just done this properly and to the best of my abilities throughout my life. I would've saved myself years of bad decisions, and fucking bad times, because of my own fear.

The small not so truths only hide the even bigger ones, you see.

The ones we really need to accept to, really, be "free".


Things are either "true" or "not true" at any given moment.

Yes, the truth can change according to understanding. And does. But only if we walk it in action and see the outcome. If we don't, anything is just a dream and a wandering.

What I've experienced, in life, is that if I do what seems "right" or "true" at any given moment... I can't possibly go "wrong".

Even if shit unfolds that is awful for a while... it has, ultimately, led to what I now believe to be the "enlightenment" I was "seeking" for so many years. Today, I'm able to walk in this world with less fear than I ever thought possible.

I am "FREE".

There are no "grey" areas with this kind of "seeking". But that's just my story :) And now you know the end of it.

Thank you, @galenkp, for your "moment of truth"! And warmth during cold times, from a chilly Southern Hemisphere. 🌷

To Life, with Love... and always for Truth!

Nicky ❤️


Three Tunes for #ThreeTunesTuesday, by the daddy of keeping the tunes rolling... @ablaze... because who knows what happens next, I may miss it again and because these tunes...sigh Be bold enough to be curious enough to find, and speak (!) your truth. It really will "set you free".



Moving on because the journey continues and Now is where I need to be to LIVE IT!

But I had to go all the way back to move past through it to get here today

I'm gonna make some cool stuff and live a liddle Now. Keep on keeping on. Recovery is possible. No matter what "the experts" tell you. Trust yourself! But you can only do that when you know yourself! so invite your Shadow over for tea 😊


'scuse typos. I'm so excited to move forward from all of this and focus on creating now. Also... I'm not perfect anyway. And that's okay with me as well. Now.


Bonus track because music!


You can find out more about the perspective and approach I used to recover here.


Eternal Seeker
Hardened Dreamer
Peaceful Warrior
Determined Dancer
and Stargazer


Beyond fear is freedom

And there is nothing to be afraid of.

To Life, with Love... and always for Truth!
Nicky Dee


Featured image my own. All graphics and photo editing with GIMP.


Final final final Disclaimer:
All content subject to change as I continue to learn. Please do not come off meds, or change current treatment or programs, without the consent and guidance of a certified medical professional. Of course!
Edited to fix typos because I'm obsessive about my writing and want to be better at it.


There was a knitter in my house on Saturday night. I was very careful around them in case they tried to drop some stitches In my britches but luckily perhaps for both of us they were on their best behaviour 😀


😆 you!

I can't promise I'll be on my best behavior, when I become a knitter, but I won't put stitches in yer britches unless you ask me to 👍🏻


I believe that ones truth is created by perception of events. Two people may have a similar experience but perceive it differently.

I have to recommend The Untamed as an example of there is no right or wrong.

SPOILERS: Wei Wuxian gave up his golden core to his adopted brother because fighting was not important to him. He turned to using magic, which everyone perceived as evil, to protect and defend himself and his loved ones.

The only person who noticed this was his friend Lan Zhan.


Hey! No spoilers!

I need to read a good book. Preferably under a tree. Near water and mountains.

I'll find it. It sounds beautiful. Thanks for the heads up :)

And I'd have to agree. So much of our experience is completely perception orientated. And, since it is, imagine the possibilities... ❤️

It's pretty exciting 💥


Precisely. Imagine. As far as reading the book it was written by an Asian. I seem to be having a bit of a time finding an English translation without purchasing from Amazon.


Oh... hum.

I can't afford new books and Amazon right now :(

I'll bookmark this for when I can do that then. It sounds like a story someone might make a film about? Have they, perhaps?


Yes. The name of the book is Mo Dao Zu Shi translated it is Grandmaster Of Demonic Cultivation. The live action series is called Untamed and can be seen on you tube. Viki and iqiyi apps may have it as well. I refuse to use tencent as they are owned by the CCP or cpc or what ever initials china uses for their political party. 🤣🤣


Oh good lord. I don't do politics so no idea what all that means!

But love knowledge and ever curious. I'll find out more about all that.

I don't believe in demons and angels. Or ghosts. But then anything is possible. Right? :D

Best to know what to do in unexpected circumstances!

Hello wandering moon 🌙 ❤️😊


It is a really good story. Do not let the name scare you.


Sister, my sister

I am most certainly not afraid of ideas! 👍🏻

I am VERY afraid of people who are afraid of ideas though! Very, very afraid indeed!

It's really nice to meet you and hear more from you. Thank you. If you find a video or anything send please.

But no need to go out of your way. I'll do some research when the laundry is done and the house is cleaned and the shopping is done and I've caught up with admin and work. And tried to exercise or meditate. And eaten. And showered! :)

You're an interesting human and I'd like to hear more about you and your experience. Thanks for being curious enough to engage 💖🪷🌙


On Earth, people try on truths like shirts. But there is only one truth - the laws of this Universe (including spiritual ones).


What do you think the One truth is? 🤔

Me... I think the only natural / unviversal law is truth. And I think, maybe, if that is broken things shuffle around and realign.

That's what a super spiritual dude who's been into things deeply for many years shared. It just feels right. For me :)

There are times when life seems to flow really naturally. And times when it's chaotic and bumpy. Usually when I'm not focused on and walking my truth.

Super interesting to check out!


What do you think the One truth is?

The truth of this universe is in the development from simple to complex. Truth for a person is a journey through his thoughts (On Earth, in dreams, after the death of the body).


Maybe it's from simple to complex back to simple if we get it right?


It's something that not everyone will understand...

Sometimes I wonder if I should give such texts to the world. 99.9% just won't finish it. Or they'll forget right after they read it. And that may be the whole point of this life. Trillions in value... Exactly the answer that everyone is looking for in their lives, sooner or later. It is so simple that it becomes incredibly difficult to let in a single paragraph or one sentence.

Well, you know, reading it made me realize that it's still worth giving to the world. Let it be for units. But it's important to those units. I am grateful and will remember these lines often.

Your experience is freaking priceless!



Ah... so interesting. This comment.

You know what?

I used to love particular books and artists. They "spoke" to me somehow. Resonated in some way. I kinda knew they were on to something. And I had the same values and perspective.

But it is only THIS year that I actually fully understand what they were saying. How bizarre is that?! Know why? Because I experienced what they were trying to say. Some stuff now makes absolute sense. And more...

I missed so much of exactly what they were saying. Even though I've loved them since I was a teen.

It's all good. These conversations permeate our awareness and they do impact our consciousness. Even if we don't entirely understand some parts yet.

What I'm trying to share has all been said before in thousands of different ways, by the way :D

But thank you, always, for your love and support! <3 :)


I missed so much of exactly what they were saying. Even though I've loved them since I was a teen.

Yes, the same thing is happening to me. It turns out that really every strong line is important, even if it is not accepted or understood... Hmm, cool!

Thanks, dear!


So funny!

A smart guy once told me a lot of this years ago and I got really angry with him because I wasn't ready to hear it! 😆

He was right though.

But I think we have to walk stuff ourselves to see if it's right for us.

Take care of you while you do it <3


Hey @nickydee

I got half way through your post and had to stop.

I assume that nobody is intentionally consciously running around causing harm to others.

Another disclaimer: Some people do do this consciously because they get a kick out of it. But these people are also brilliant with words, words, words and manipulation, so see point d above, please.

From someone who has been in a situation where I was hurt deliberately countless times, I don't think I can agree with this.

Because the person who acknowledges an only human error is chatting to their Shadow and will always change the behaviour that didn't work out for them / that accidentally hurt those around them.

But the folks that don't own their stuff?

Those guys and gals whose words don't align with their actions?

There are some people who simply don't care and will do whatever they like and want to for as long as they can get away with it. Because some people are simply so broken and evil that they don't have a conscience and are so selfish. The world is full of these people and it's getting worse with the hectic increase of narcissitic behaviours fueled by social media and attention seeking behaviour. It's very sad actually and I got a hard knock of Truth a few years ago which most will say has jaded me and made me very cynical, but I'd rather be cynical than be naive.

I was so angry when I read the mails that you got and can only imagine what you went through, I am so sorry and that you were incorrectly diagnosed AND that they leaked your diagnosis? Disgusting - that is illegal. You should totally sue for that, it's medical malfeasance.


Oh. I'm so sorry you endured that type of abuse.

It's surprisingly common yet hardly anybody understands how it works. :(

And yes. Society encourages narcissistic behaviour as "successful" too often these days.

I hope you're okay.

Your shares make more sense now.

Anger is usually a secondary emotion, you know. It covers up "grief". Not surpassing if you've been near one of those personalities. Incredibly traumatic and destructive. And no. The mechanism that gets them going is unlikely to change. It's the nature of it. It's probably the hardest thing, for an empathetic person, to accept. That there are people like this in the world :(

I've written quite a bit about this but don't want to trigger you further.

If you haven't heard of Richard Grannon (YouTube) yet - he knows this stuff very well. Maybe worth a visit to try and makes sense of your experience. And then some proper trauma recovery is probably necessary. EMDR seems to work fast and well. Less having to talk it out as well!

You do need proper support and trauma recovery after being up close to this. It's not you. And there's nothing "wrong" with you. You probably have C-PTSD <3

Take care of you, please.

And keep reminding yourself that it wasn't your fault! Because it isn't. You can trust me on this part. This was a special area of interest I researched and I know it pretty well!


I've been going down the rabbit hole of trying to understand the pathologies of these people for years. It's dark and very depressing to be honest. I am well versed with Richard Grannon and Sam Voknin's work. He's probably the only self proclaimed true NPD personality that has ever done anything good with his life to help people understand it.

These days I don't get that triggered by reading things anymore, I think that having the knowledge I now have, I'm able to compartmentalise it relatively well. I'm still arguing with my therapist about CPTSD as it's not recognized in the DSM-5 so it's chalked up to a variety of other things which are really just symptoms of CPTSD. Dumb, I know.

As you say, knowing the truth is important. I know it wasn't my fault. The actions were not mine, but inaction is also an action by omission. I wouldn't look good in a jumpsuit though 🤣

Sending hugs 🦋


Oh boy do I hear you.

May I drop a link here of some of my research?

You do what you know is right for you.

Only you know you. Really :)

Sending big hugs back. One thing for sure... you're most definitely not alone on this one.

Although it is definitely one of the most lonely paths to walk. Keep on keeping on. Recovery is possible 👣 <3


@galenkp and @artywink

Hello! An error. I've been working late again because loadshedding, paying work (necessary now) and having to burn the midnight oil again to write. So apologies. This was actually planned for #weekendexperiences but I posted it in SB because so used to heading there and The Minimalist communtiy.

Please don't upvote from your accounts. Post proceeds to be split between both of you as a gesture of thanks and oops. Only human!

Sending love only ❤️


Thank you @nickydee .
Sending lots of hugs.


Hi @artywink

This is still sitting with me. I'm going to give it some thought because I'm tired right now, but I feel this was badly handled and am concerned about users being driven away from Hive because of bad communication.

But far more about the welfare of individuals on the platform. Of course! Lucky for you I'm a tough old bat and have had enough exposure to life challenges to stick around and ask for Parley :)

Before I get going please don't take this too personally. This is a common theme in our "modern" relating style these days. But what is normal is not always healthy.

Someone I know well, with a following of around 22k on Facebook, joined Hive last year at my suggestion. They were in a challenging situation after losing a very successful business and were highly stressed. They did not know Hive and may have made some mistakes and, as it seems to happen a lot around here, there was no communication and they abandoned the blockchain.

101k followers. Gone. Many of whom may have joined Hive.

I feel it is vital to have systems in place to deal with human error respectfully, consciously and maturely. Or we just perpetuate the toxicity of mainstream social media.

Which is why I left. And most people have.

Cancel culture - which was to be my next conversation but perhaps I should have begun with this - is the same as a tactic abusers use to control victims that's commonly known as "the silent treatment". And this is why toxic communities and systems use it. It dehumanizes the indivdual. It "gaslights" the individual as everyone knows there's something wrong but nobody talks about it / not validating a person's reality can (for more sensitive humans) actually cause psychosis.

It is emotional and psychological abuse. End of story. Now normalized because most of us endured it in dysfunctional homes as kids.

And the bottom line motivation behind this behaviour is always power and control. No discussion. No compromise. My way or the high way.

So I'm sure you can understand my concerns here :)

2 mins after I my apology, you replied. Thank you for such a quick response. Timing, huh? Says so much! So thanks for that acknowledgement. Noted. 💖

Don't stress. It's pretty easy to learn new communication skills 👍🏻

Owning my part in the confusion between two / three parties:

Not complicated. Here we go.

Nicky posted after overworking and posted in the wrong community because she was tired and amped to move on from the project. Apologized. Tick!

But I messed up another way too.

My other part in this was that I didn't tell you how the exchange made me feel. Silly of me. But only human and it is hard to share feelings. Especially when we feel threatened. Naturally. Right?

No excuse. I know this! So here's how it goes.

@artywink and @galenkp (and some others but let's not make this too big a deal because we're all learning together- I hope - and if not I'm bailing, quite frankly. COPD and time and joy, you know)

Dear Artywink and Galenkp,

When you ignore me, it makes me feel as though I am "bad" and that makes me feel anxious and afraid. I'd prefer it, if you would just tell me if I have offended you.

I'd recommend a documentary called Plugged In by Richard Grannon. He is an expert on mental and emotional abuse. And the way mainstream social media is running with the now normalized abuse / cancel culture is causing a lot of mental health problems.

This is serious.

I'd strongly suggest all administration of communities on Hive are encouraged to watch this and learn conscious relating skills, as well, for the benefit of Hive.

These skills are not a natural part of human communication. They are acquired via education and practice.

It would be a major plus for Hive if we all skilled up in conscious relating actually. I've been wanting to learn more about it for some time and this interaction made me realize how relevant it is again.

I think even more so for Web3 and the amount of freedom that is supposed to be encouraged? It would mean we would all need to become far more personally accountable, surely? Or things could really go horribly wrong!

Perhaps @kittygirl and The Terminal can consider this as well? To educate people who run or want to start communities. They could then spread it to members of the communities and so it would grown on the blockchain.

Imagine that?! All the people sharing all... well. You know the dream.

As for my support for Silver Bloggers and what to do about this post. I'd suggest we have a private conversation to figure out a solution we could both walk away feeling good about the exchange. Currently, I am not feeling good about the exchange.

Would you like to do that privately or here so that other users may benefit from it, please?

Or if you'd rather not discuss it that is, of course, your own valid choice. Or, of course, both of you can simply ignore me :) That's your choice too!

All this choice, huh? Isn't it exciting!

Sorry for the lengthy comment! I do go on a bit. My eyes are super tired. Lots of additional hours on screen to get the end of the story out so I can move on with more prompts and fun.

It's very disappointing to have posted it in the wrong community after all that work. I think perhaps we should mute it and I can pay the people who voted directly or something?

I can make amends to @galenkp another way. If he let's me know his thoughts.

I'm going to sleep now and will check in tomorrow.

Peaceful evening all. 🌙🪷

Edited to fix typos. My eyes are now shot. Excuse more if so.

Adding video con if so, please. Better for communication. Eye contact. Meta communication. No school like old school. Thank you.


Hi my beautiful friend @nickydee, I'm so sorry you thought I'm ignoring you, how could I ever ignore you.
I've been out of touch with Hive for awhile now. Life has got in the way, I've been in a bit of a dark hole, health wise, and other things happening and decisions to make.
If you feel I've ignored you, I would like to apologize. I've always find your writing amazingly helpful.
You are an amazing person and I appreciate you immensely.
Keep up your good work, I appreciate you and always will
Sending lots of love and hugs to you.


I hear you.

I'm sorry to hear about Life right now.

I guess that's why they say be kind because everyone is fighting a battle we probably don't know about.

Take care.


You too @nickydee take care of yourself.💕




Awesome.. love me some Psytrance! Wish him the best on his journey, too bad about the Hive things.. ah well! :D

And ohhh just an fyi here.. you won TTT! 😂



I miss all the good stuff :/

Thanks for the heads up. 👀

Yeah :D I still love it too. So many good memories. I still use it to get going in the morning! Like the rolling basslines and the stuff that sounds a bit more like rock n roll.

Headphones on.

You really need a big rig to do it justice though :(

Front and center!!

Thanks for letting me know about ttt 🪷👣


He did sign up, you know.

Last year when I told him to come on board. But he didn't let me know and he didn't know the "etiquette".

He left again. 👍🏻


Still pro the good guys.




Duplicate small rant because of unpredictable transaction on mobile - deleted to save readers time and to avoid being accused of being crazy (again) by unethical humans :)


Hey morning!

You're into blockchain gaming. I have a bunch of PsyberX NFTs and some unopened origin crates. Can't play it on my old lap top. And think my boy should be older before he starts.

Asked Witty if he'd buy them off me when I broke my tooth and didn't have funds to fix but he said website was being moved so he couldn't.

Got an absess. Antibiotics. 6 weeks of agony (I'd say up there with childbirth. Wow 👀).

Had to get it pulled out eventually. Big back molar. Tiny lady dentist. 3 more weeks to heal. It's some story :(

Long story short. How do I part ways with them please? I'm new to NFTs.

[Edited to add]: I did ask if these are gonna value as legacy crates and cards. Would be good for investors of the game. So will keep if so?

Have a strong belief in the game thriving. I'm a Fortnite maniac. Love shoot 'em up games. Would been great to play this one. But old stupid Mac 🙄


Well.. I would hold onto them till the game launches.. and then sell them if the price goes up.. which it should. Might be worth the wait.


Awesome sauce. That's what I thought too.

Appreciate the feedback 👍

I'm gonna leave the origin crates unopened :D I think that'll value them even more.

Have a great day, Dude. Pedal to the Metal! 👣



This is a big rig number!

Worth sticking your headphones on for the bass alone. Superb production! 💥

One of my top tracks at the moment.

Thanks for the convo. Happy weekend 🪷👣

Neverstop the music.


Hey @artywink - funds from this post sent through a while back but no response from you again so just letting you know.

Still available to sit with you and clear the air if you have time at some point. Until then, take care. 🌸


Hi @nickydee sorry, I didn't realize, been out of touch with everything these days.
What are the funds for? Don't understand.
As far as I know, there's nothing to clear up, all's good this side.

Have a great day.


Copy that, angel.

Let's reconvene when you have the space and time. No rush ❤️


There is no need to split post rewards with me simply because your post landed in the wrong community. Thanks all the same, but keep it yourself.
