Some Things Are Inevitable: Budgeting and Taxes

Lately, I've been spending a little time budgeting for the coming year. It seems like the "adult and responsible" thing to do, although I have historically been more of a fly by the seat of my pants person, financially speaking.


However, with the cost of everything basically skyrocketing month by month, and our income doing nothing of the sort, we have to be more and more careful about how we spend our money.

The thing that always sticks in my craw when it comes to doing a budget is the fact that I have to do constant set-asides for taxes. Whereas I'm not some raving libertarian who is going around shouting "taxation is theft," taxes are nonetheless annoying. And taxes are especially annoying when you're fundamentally broke and you still have to pay them.

Of course, not all taxes are created equal. In this case what I'm having to budget for is our annual property tax payment. Most people, of course, don't really see that because it tends to be part of their mortgage payment, but since we own our house outright the property tax bill arrives in the mail for us here to pay, rather than going to the mortgage company.


Being self-employed, of course, there is no tax withheld from our income; we're responsible for reporting it ourselves and depositing it with the IRS on a quarterly basis.

So that's another set-aside for taxes. And yes, even though we are basically below the federal limit for having to pay income taxes, we still have to pay into Social Security and Medicare and all that other good stuff. And that basically amounts to about 15-16% off the top of all of our gross receipts.

I always thought it a bit strange that people who are at poverty level have to pay taxes, when they often turn right around and end up claiming the same money back in the form of benefits. It ends up being a wash...


Of course, after all this shuffling of numbers, I arrived at the usual conclusion: We can't afford to be alive!

Which creates a bit of a dilemma, because I recently read an article about how the cost of funerals have risen by almost 150% over the past ten years... so we really can't afford to be dead, either...

I guess I find a small measure of solace in knowing that much of the population finds itself in a similar predicament. That just seems to be the world we have built.

There was a time when I thought crypto might be the way out, but even that seems to have been hijacked by Wall Street greed.


As for our budget?

Well, as long as we buy nothing other than essentials, and we have no unexpected major outlays, we might make through another year. And that's as much as I am going to say!

Thanks for stopping by and have a great remainder of your week!

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Created at 2024-01-23 02:18 PST



I lived in the rob Peter to pay Paul thing for nearly 25 years. It's a terrible way to live. Things are marginally better now, but if I have to start paying for a helper, they won't be.

At least taxes is not something I have to deal with unless I buy something that's not food or clothing.

Our property tax bill was always separate, so we had much the same dilemma. That's a thing of the past thanks to a deceased 100% disabled vet husband.


What gets to me is primarily self-employment taxes, rather than actual income taxes. Even though we are down in the subsistence level of income, that Social Security and other bits and pieces still takes out a 16% chunk.

With my wife's SSI and my own meager self-employment income is our only sources of funds, it is often tough to make a go of it.


Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!


Everyone is tightening their belts when reading from around the world.

Taxes come in different shapes and forms in each country, all have the same effect they bite down hard on what you able to spend to live on.

Also had that brief notion crypto may become a way to assist, not so, big players have arrived like BlackRock and the likes stomping that out the window as well.



You're right, it seems like nobody's doing particularly well anywhere. At least of all those who put their bets on crypto as a way to support themselves.

I find it slightly ironic that many of those people who were afraid that governments would come in and regulate crypto out of existence instead are now dealing with the fact that many of the big operators took a "if we can't beat them, join them" approach instead.


Stash a bit of cash, assets and decentralized crypto, be wary of the others!

WHO and WEF plus bandits brigade are trying to squeeze the man on the street into a very difficult future of their design, middle class and lower income levels are feeling this squeeze, since fake covid lockdowns and all the other trash they have brought into fruition. Watch the rich...., before we lose democracy as we know it.


There are so many taxes even aside from the one that the government collect directly from us
Also, man needs to survive with money and that’s just the truth


Yes, if we don't have money chances are we're going to end up having to sleep in a ditch somewhere!


My friend, financial problems are difficult to solve at this time. The prices of products have gone up a lot and we have to solve many problems with little money. We have to be jugglers to make it happen. You have developed a very current topic, thanks for sharing.😃📈


Yes, I think it's very appropriate to compare the financial situation of the moment to a juggling act! Seems like I'm always having to shuffle one thing out of the way in order to make room for another and in doing so something else Falls apart. But we have to keep trying, and keep going forward.
