Just Another Cold Night in Paradise!

We're not really used to serious cold around these parts. Although our winters are often rather dreary and wet, anything much below 40 degrees (about 5C) is considered chilly.

So when something like this greets us:


...we pretty much start freezing!

Ironically, we've just had the warmest December in history, and the first ten days of January were pretty warm, as well. Now this. Record breaking cold.

I guess that's "Climate Change" for you. I don't call it global warming, I just call it climate change, because the climate definitely is changing, around here.

I suppose we should be at least a little bit grateful for this cold snap because it means that a bunch of the insects/pests that would go after our vegetable garden this summer will be frozen out.


At least it was sunny this morning... but we're not going anywhere soon, as we live at the end of the road with a couple of curving hills that become all but unpassable when there's a hard freeze.

Good thing we're stocked up on food.

The cold seems to be going around. Had an email from my cousin in Denmark, and they have had snow on the ground since January 2nd. They almost had a white Christmas over there, for the first time in many years.

I find myself laughing quietly to myself as I write these words... when I was a kid, I always thought it was weird that the adults would spend so much time "talking about the weather!"

And here we are...!


A little bit in keeping with yesterday's posts about intentions, I've been meaning to do a 2023 recap post, and set some "goals and ambitions" for 2024. Sometimes it works better when you actually write that stuff down and make it public.

But I think I'm going to skip it, because I have way too much other stuff to deal with. Like end-of-year bookkeeping.

Now there's something ironic: I never spent nearly as much time on accounting and bookkeeping — and I mean timely accounting and bookkeeping — until we got closer and closer to the poverty line.

The ironic part being how much time and effort you have to spend to document that you don't have any money.


Sometimes I wonder what my parents would have thought, had they lived to know their adult kid struggle so much in later years?

Of course, they would have been on their fixed income in a world with rampant inflation, and very low interest rates causing very low yields on their investments.

My parents were "tax refugees," which also meant they weren't part of any retirement schemes. If you don't "pay the man," you don't get any benefits!

On that light note, I guess I'm going to crawl into a warm bed and hibernate...

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great weekend!

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Created at 2024-01-13 00:07 PST



Yup, when we were struggling on a single disability income for decades, the sheer volume of paperwork documenting our lack of income was truly daunting.


Ah, so you know the routine! Around here we have one SSI income, along with my home businesses, which between them really don't add up to enough to cover the cost of Modern Life. So we have to jump through all sorts of hoops to get reductions and benefits for "people who don't have much money."


Yes winter arrived and we as well in central Canada have had a record warm December but with the optimism of warmth January is showing her true self hitting us with minus 23 Celsius weather with wind chill as low as minus 35 trust when I say it’s cold outside!


Wow, that's some serious cold! This kind of cold in unusual here because of our typically mild maritime climate.
