When the inflation eats away our salary, we need additional income sources

when the inflation eats up our salary we need other income sources (1).jpg

Today, I went through the posts of my friends here on hive and I first saw the the article by @bitcoinflood, later I saw the post by @niallon11 and finally there was the post of my friend @ph1102. What all these posts have in common is that they speak about an economic depression bearing the following titles: The Economic Depression No Ones Talking About, It's tough out there, Signs Of Economic Depression Phase.

It's certainly not a coincidence that I find 3 posts about the same subject on a same day here on hive. The traditional media don't really talk about it but we all feel it. Things cost more and more and we don't have more money in our pockets. We see how the margin of what we can put aside is diminishing every month and it might even come to the point where we need to spend more than we earn.

Additional income sources to fight inflation

In his post @niallon11 suggest to find additional income sources to compensate for the loss of purchasing power. When not enough money comes in to pay the bills, this could be a solution. He then produces a list of potential income sources that he found over a search engine:


I realised that I actually tried out almost all these options already and it's definitely possible to earn some money with them but it's by far not as easy as people might think.

The only thing that I haven't tried out from the list above is Dropshipping but I actually studied it but decided against it. For all the others, I have tried them and made some money with each of them.


I've run several e-commerce shops and I'm still running one for my offline company. I make some sales but it has become much more difficult lately. The problem is that there are so many online shops out there that competition is very fierce and the big challenge is to attract your customers. I believe it's a great solution if you have a customer base already and you provide an additional way to sell your products.

We created an online shop for Liotes for example and we sold and rented out NFT's, token stake. It worked not too badly because we had a certain customer base made up by the members of the Liotes community. We stopped the shop because it was a lot of work for little income and because Splinterlands brought out rental tools that were much more performing than our shop.

Sell digital products

I have created several e-books and actually managed to sell some copies. It was a lot of work to create them in the first place and then it was even more difficult to find a market for them. What frustrated me was that the content of my e-books was actually soon out of date. So either I should edit the e-books on a regular basis or I should stop selling them if the contained information is not up to date. Considering the few sales I made, I decided for the latter.

Create a blog

That was actually the first way I tried to make an income online. I had a website about financial products and I monetized it with google ads. I made some money from clicks on ads but it was definitely not much and it was about 15 years ago, when the internet looked totally different. Nowadays there are so many websites out there that it's very difficult to get a lot of page views. In addition to that the income from ads has dropped significantly over time.

Create a youtube channel

I did that as well and I was even able to monetize it for a time. It was long ago and youtube didn't request the same requirements than now. It has become very difficult to get monetized on youtube and the income isn't that great either. In addition to that, your risk every day to be demonetized and all your efforts were for nothing.

Affiliate marketing

That leaves us with affiliate marketing. There are several categories there. Basically, affiliate marketing rewards you for selling products of other people, for bringing new members to a website or for other things. It can be interesting and a lot of influencers on Instagram or youtube use affiliate marketing to monetize their efforts.

Let's say you work together with an online shop. They provide you with an affiliate link for a certain product. You make a video about this product and paste the affiliate link in the description. When one of your followers uses this link and purchases the product, the online shop will realize thanks to tracking that you sent the customer and they will give you a cut from the sale.

It sounds great but it's actually pretty difficult to put into practice. I tried this for several years and probably made a handful of sales. However, I was much more successful with referral marketing.

Referral marketing

Contrary to affiliate marketing, referral marketing rewards you for bringing new users to a platform. I was running several crypto faucets and on these faucets I used such referral links. People came to my faucet to claim some crypto and I hoped that they would see these links and go to these other faucets and claim from them. The great thing was that once I referred a user, he would remain my referral forever.

I started several strategies for that. I put the referral links in very good positions on my faucets and I used big interesting titles that would attract the attention of the users. I then changed these links regularly to be able to send the users to several sites.

After that I went a step further and I created lists of faucets and I promoted them on my website.

Screenshot from one of my faucets where I promoted lists of faucets in very prominent color and position

I went so far as to learn how to code and use the API of external sites to create dynamic faucet lists. They actually still exist and thanks to the API, they are still up to date. If you want you can check them out: https://www.ref-hunters.ch/dogefactory/new_faucetpay.php?currency=BTC

Promoting websites where people could actually earn money was my biggest success among all the things that I've tried out. It's the easiest thing to sell.

In conclusion, it's not easy to earn money online. I know it since I've tried about everything. The income potential is limited and you need to consider it like a full time job. If you are active on hive, you should think about what you could add to your hive activity that could provide you with an income.

Use the potential of hive to develop additional income sources

With hive you have an amazing tool that can be the base for several additional income sources. You have a free website already and you can actually use it to promote affiliate or referral programs. You have 3speak that allows you to monetize your videos. You can create a shop where you sell physical or virtual products and use hive to promote it.

We are often so focused on getting upvotes that we forget that Hive is also a tool that could help us to build other income sources on the internet!

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I've looked into all of these online side gig options as well. Although they all seemed to be very hard to start with. Actually more: putting a lot of effort in them for maybe ever earning a penny. So I decided to not do it.

But than when I discovered Hive, I wanted to give the blogging one a chanche. Ofcourse here as well you have to put a lot of effort in to write quality and connect with people. BUT while putting this effort in, I can get to know people from all over the world while educating my on a lot of different topics like: personal finance, the games I like to play, how to become a better person, etc.
Definitely glad that I got to know the Hive Platform!


Ofcourse here as well you have to put a lot of effort in to write quality and connect with people.

and just one important thing about HIVE... You are the OWNER of your account and nobody can kick you out or steal your funds... That can easily happen (and happens) on other, centralized platforms...


Yea, completely true. Wouldn't be the first famous youtuber or other content creator who's account got deleted and so lost all his followers!
I totally agree! <3 Hive!


I had some success with my faucet business and managed to generate some profits. However when I found out about hive it was a big game changer for me. In my faucet business I was just fighting bot abuse and updating my security measures. On hive I was actually starting to build relationships and doing meaningful things. I believe it matters a lot that what we do makes a kind of sense and brings meaning to our lives. I'm definitely very glade to be on hive :-)


I experience the same, what I do should be meaningfull and makes sense (besides just making a small amount of money). That's why I really hated some boring students jobs, as they often didn't make sense to me. But I'm going offtopic.
I definitely love hive as well!


The traditional media don't really talk about it but we all feel it. Things cost more and more and we don't have more money in our pockets. We see how the margin of what we can put aside is diminishing every month and it might even come to the point where we need to spend more than we earn.

A fact that can't be denied but sometimes people tend to be lazy to get more income and just feel as long as they get money like what my mother said, "I'm already old and tired of doing new things".

Nice list @niallon11 👍.

I think I've tried all of those too and now I'm staying on what I'm best at which is Selling digital products directly or in e-commerce a.k.a Digital Reseller and creating a hive blog (Better than my late blog).

No talent for Affiliate marketing, No one understands my course (Different brain works), No Idea for more videos on YouTube (For now), Dropshipping has a lower chance of sold than Digital resellers, and from Mr. Achim's list, No talent in Referral Marketing (Over some years, The highest ref I got is 2 people)



"I'm already old and tired of doing new things"

Unfortunately a lot of people feel like that and we should go on learning until our old age. If just to keep young in the mind :-)


Hmmm. Quite so powerful word you actually say here. Using hive to develop more Income source


Hive is an amazing tool and can be used for more than just for blogging.


I also created a short post via dbuzz on similar topic, it's true that economy disturb due to inflation 😕

You're right the affiliate marketing is good way too but people aren't serious in working and they don't have patience because in this era of high inflation they become to rich in one night, so i stop affiliate marketing now 😕


A lot of people have the wrong asumption that by pasting some affiliate link left and right they will make big money. It takes much more than that to be successful with affiliate marketing I believe :-)


Yes actually people use this in wrong way 😒


Online income is not easy, you really need to put the work in I think. Looking to solve some customer problems or using some geographical advantage/arbitrage is another good thing that could work. The best though is to buy some income producing assets or build up a portfolio to earn you some income imo. Hive seems to be a good place to do that I think.


Buying some tokens that give you a return is by far the easiest way to earn online. In addition you can build up your initial investment by blogging. It's all here on hive :-)


Thanks for the mention! Appreciate it!

After checking your list of additional jobs, I can say that I did the same as you... Everything but dropshipping, which I was thinking about doing... Luckily, I didn't as it's not for me... But, you CAN earn additional money by doing any of the listed jobs... It's hard to LIVE from it, but it is possible if you are stubborn and consistent... But, isn't it like that for any job? 🙂


People tend to think that earning online is much easier than offline. That's why they believe they can do it just on the side. I don't believe it works. I think it's possible to be successfull but it's necessary to consider it as a normal job and put 100% energy into it.


Sometimes, the easiest solution is just right in front of us. Doing better at your current job, getting that promotion, moving to better paying company... it doesn't always have to be side hustles.


That's a solution indeed and probably easier than greating a second business that takes energy from your main income source :-)


I have a similar experience myself, but there around 2000-2010. I started with domain registration and I hosted websites for small businesses, but time caught up with me, somewhere up to html 3.5 I was still making websites myself, but when the new standards came out I didn't know how to do it anymore because I didn't learn, and to be honest I was bored with it. And affiliate marketing with AdSense. In the end, there 2006-8 I had farms (over 100 domains) where I was placing adsense ads. And my earnings were pretty solid, around 1500$ a month so I was even thinking about quitting my regular job, but (luckily, haha), Google just cancelled me, and I still don't know why..., and e-book sales, and referrals, and I don't know what else... but all in all, nothing, only now I see in Hive the possibility to develop into something big... it seems to me that taskmaster4450 has a pretty good vision of where it should all go


I see you went through a similar path than me. I also got banned by google from one day to another and lost my main income source. Hive is definitely a nice way to earn money online. Not only you earn more than in most other cases but you also have the feeling that you do something usefull here :-)


You are right. That feeling that you are making a difference and contributing to the community is a good one.


Times are rough and the prices are hard to really justify. I don't think anything will really get any better and the lockdowns really hurt the supply chain. I don't think any of that really solved anything.

Affiliate marketing is nice but I think that is hard. I kind of prefer Hive where I can just blog and be active to earn.


Affiliate marketing is nice but I think that is hard. I kind of prefer Hive where I can just blog and be active to earn.

Hive is by far the most rewarding and interesting way to earn online I believe :-)


It is a fact that in today's time a person who has a salary is not able to pay the electricity bill here in Pakistan because so many taxes have been imposed here that the people who have the electricity bill are less. They also use electricity and their bills are more than 20 thousand.


It's difficult to live with so high prices...


I am even trying to begin writing on other platforms just like Torum and all
The inflation is very crazy and money must be made


It is now has become necessary to have a second source of income, Our salary is isn't sufficient even to bear even half of our expenses.


It's a sad situation that is taking place all over the world...


Hello @achim03 how are you?, wow I see that you have tried almost everything, generally one sees many people say that any of the listed activities generates a large amount of money, but of course they will tell you as a course XD, I always wonder why if they earn so much money in their activities are dedicated to selling courses, they say they are passionate about teaching others that's why they will tell you all their secrets for a small price hehehe

Undoubtedly, you can earn money online but I think it is difficult to make a living from it, but with effort you can have different entrances (some larger than others) in the digital world.



I think that in order to be successful online it's necessary to build a business that includes several income sources. But it's a full time job where you need to create content, create products, do the marketing... It's definitely not that easy. Thanks a lot for stopping by!


All this seemed like time travel for me. Like you and some of the commenters, I already tried many of the options listed. Haven't tried video though, besides dropshipping.

I'd also add to this paid gigs or freelancing. I've also done that, but the competition is fierce and usually at the lower end of the price unless you have some unique combination of skills and experience that not many can match.


but the competition is fierce

I also looked into doing online jobs but you are in competition with people from all over the world and a guy from India can ask for much lower wages than a guy from Switzerland. The competition is indeed fierce.


Actually, I worked together with another guy for over 4 years for a company in NYC as a freelancer. Guess who replaced us? A firm from India... obviously, lol.


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These are excellent recommendations to fight inflation, I think this type of post has very valuable information because they are things that can really help us to have a better economic health.
