One thing of me that was difficult to get rid off



Hivenaija you guys really captured my mind on this week topic, i took some minute and i was just laughing at my self of what i am going to type.
I was looking for an opportunity to share my Little life time story while growing up either verbally or in a written forms.

This has given me the opportunity to write and share little about my self, i say little because i can't express everything even if i am given a book that is as wide as the whole world to write on.
After looking at this week topic again and again i decided to go for the first one why because i was a victim of such while growing up.
When i look at this weeks topic which is to share one habit that always got me into trouble, i begins to reflect my life style as a kid .
Oya let continuous , so Hivenaija you guys really hits the nail on the head 🤣 ooh seriously. Kudos to una.

When i was a kid and of course while growing up, being the second child of my parents and first male child.
The one habit that got me into trouble several times as a kid and as a teenager then that i find it difficult to easily get rid of was stubbornness lols 😂 😂 🙈🙈

It was like my ancestors gather together and decided to bless my life with stubbornness. As i entered the world from my mother womb , i enter with stubbornness.
Everything of mine was different and i don't know why .
When it comes to looking for trouble i am there, when its come to going for party ,the guy is also there.
When its comes to fight, in fact when it's comes to instigating a fight and makes it works out, just know that i am the one that makes it work out.

If you want to steal and you don't know how to go about , just consult me i will get you covered and guide you out.
every step you want to take without making any mistakes just ask me i gat you covered.
One thing i like my self is that i ensured I am not part of you but i will help you to do the wrong thing entirely.
ha God i was something else I was like a consultant of lies to my mates then.
I became wide to the extend that I don't care of the beating I do receives from parent especially my dad any more.

My father will give me instructions not go out, in the next minute i am off to meet my friends at our usual joint and meeting point.
Sometime the old man will lock me inside the house but guys guess what , i will still find my way out through jumping off the fence.. my elder sister can testified. Jess i was stubborn seriously.
No day i don't received lashes from my dad.
My mother will always be there to safe me and always caution him not to kill her son for her. What a lovely mother.
You can imagine how stubborn i was then,
Which kind of cane i didn't received?
Which type of punishment i did not undergoes through?
Is it to drive machine or to raised one leg up??. Abi na to carry one stone up for minutes probably hours ??
I was very special in this aspect of stubbornness.
I later discovered that cane doesn't enter my body any more due to his constant beating. My body change and became used to the cane that when ever my dad beat me, the cane doesn't hurt me any longer.
Do you know that at sometime if i offended my father he won't say anything, he won't beat me right away ooh, i will be thinking the old man has forgiven me but funny enough my guy will still beat me oh and this time around is not during the day but in the night around 2a.m. I will save punishment with thorough beating of my life at that period of time.
Imagine you are saving early morning break fast with tears.
For me to get rid of stubbornness was very difficult seriously because it even landed me into cell.
One day me and my friends involved in stealing of some tubers of yam and we were cut by the owner where it's landed us into cell .
We spend several days in police cell before our parents came and billed us out l.
This particular experience in the cell brought a spark of light in my life.

One day my dad wake me up early in the morning and i thought is the usual routine of cane but i was shocked that the old man didn't touch me .
My father begins to advice me and i quote his words despite your stubbornness i still loves you as my son but my problem with you is that you are more than a witch craft
Ha. I thought within me ,why will my dad call me a witch and not just a witch but i am more than that and he said in the Bible where he read that stubbornness is more than witch craft that why he said that.
So the experienced i had in the cell and my dad advice brought me out of stubbornness.
I became very obedient to them and with couple of leaving teenage stage, the things just disappeared.
Now the guys is good and wonderful boy to be with lols

Thanks for visiting..........

This images is mine.

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Omo, it seems every Nigerian guy gave that trace of stubbornness 😂


Seriously ooh
That thing call stubbornness is normal to us here


Your stubbornness has a higher grade and with everything you narrated here, you must have caused so much trouble growing up. I hope saying thank God you went to the station won't offend you because without that experience, there wouldn't have been a redemption.


With the intervention of the Almighty whom help me to drive it away



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