#ThoughtfulDailyPost - Inner Voices & The Answer


Continuing on my campaign to make #ThoughtfulDailyPost a staple on @inleo #premium as subscribers and other Leo users ramp up the shorter form conversational posts. @Wesphilbin waves the flag for us and runs @thoughtfulposts as the curation account that rewards thoughtful posts. Please join us in sharing your positive vibes on the blockchain and consider delegating.

Here is a sampling of thoughtful bits gleaned from a feed populated by an algorithm that knows I like my motivational memes. Plus a little bonus music to match each.


The Voices!


Colin Thomas Frangicetto appears to be many people including a visual artist as well as a guitarist and perhaps a writer. Maybe they are all the same person? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colin_Frangicetto Either way, this one made me go Hmmmmm.

I think the first step in taking on this job of a lifetime is to recognize there is a narrative, or voices (plural) inside of us. I can hear mine clearly often saying 'FUCK THAT WAS DUMB!' or 'I TOLD you we were conveniently lying about this one!' and the like. There is a persistent heckler reminding me to stay humble, venture from comfort, and continue to evolve my intellect and discipline to the point where I am leashing a decent percentage of my real power. Maybe it is that constant heckler that makes me react to the real life hecklers when they care to connect with me.

Knowing there are more than one, we can get to the point of categorizing each of them, discovering where they come from, and deciding which ones to listen to when. Even the most negative or destructive ones must be of value at certain intervals. If we are the sum of our experiences and influences, then these voices have shaped who we are now. Who we are now should change as we go so let's identify each voice and evaluate how to use each like our own personal consulting team as we strive to control what we can in all of this chaos!

Here is some Tool with over 10 minutes of these Culling Voices.

The Answer


I remember featuring a quote apparently from Jim Carrey in the past but pretty sure it wasn't this one. He needs no introduction for his career of character acting but it is his eccentric perspective from the other side of the coin called success that intrigues me. Not that I believe he came up with many of these as much as someone is using his face as an image to capture attention and borrow credibility, but let's see how this one goes.

Oh to have snatched that golden ring! Bitten that elusive carrot on the stick! Oh how great that moment would be! Then what?

What about the moments after that great moment? What next? An even greater moment? When does it stop? Will every moment after that just pale in comparison? Will we have set unattainable expectations for ourselves? For others to have for us? What happens then?

Looking at that sage old clown sure drives home the point doesn't it?

Speaking digitally with @tarazkp this morning here, my mind slips into 'Okay, What are we gonna do about it?' So if rich and famous and able to do all the things is not the answer, what is? Is there an answer? Well, what I am going to do now is come up with an answer that will help me, maybe even a little, harness the wisdom in these words.

Successful and stable may not be the whole answer but they are going to be a part of my answer. I won't blindly sacrifice everything to be wealthy and well known. I won't abandon the pursuit of success and the discomfort/discipline/sacrifice it takes to achieve that, but will know that moments of happiness along the way may be the answer. If I can simplify things to the point where I am connecting with the universe in a positive way, keeping the context of business and personal relationships as part of that equation, less than rich will be closer to that answer. Ignore the fact that I could probably be seen as rich by a vast majority of the planet.

Knowing financial wealth is not the only answer and fame is a byproduct of your impact on the universe, maybe we are closer to that answer....which surely has to be different for each of us.

In case you need a little hate to fuel you through finding your answer, here is some Nickelback! I wanna be a rockstar.


Considering our problems, happiness and how we are spending our lives can only lead to positive changes. If being thoughtful is up your alley, you have the option to delegate to @thoughfulposts to increase the rewards for positivity.
https://hive.blog/introduceyourself/@thoughtfulposts/thoughtfulposts-introduction-or-a-thoughtfuldailypost is the post that started it in 2020!

I invite you to pen your own #thoughtfuldailypost any day of the week and share your insight on the world through your blog.





What IS your answer?

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I believe that life on earth goes on with diminishing marginal utility, thus being rich or having a greater moment will have en end eventually.


Yes. Perhaps it is less figures in a system we have e created and more a general level of how well we are connected to the universe.


Who we are now goes a long way in affecting a lot of things about us and what we becomes


True. We are all we really ever have and that is what we should be preserving and working on.


I don't know the answer, but for the near future my "answer" is going to be to take up the habit of focusing more and more on the here and now. This is something that I suck at...supremely.

And since we are on a music theme, I think this video pops into mind (even though I don't like it that much per se...it popped into my head and won't leave).


Well I am too stupid to figure out how to put a link so...
Go to Youtube and search for Fatboy Slim Rockafeller Skank


Haha worked fine for me! You can't say Right About Now without everyone from the 90s thinking Funk Soul Bruvva.

Right about now, I am happy to open this beer and jam to some fatboy slim.


My opinion of the song musically is meh, but it is definitely one of the catchy earworms that just won't go away. It's hard to be mad or sad while it is playing for sure.


Material riches are fleeting, but joy endures in everyday delights.


We all have problems going on in our lives and they will continue to go on in the same way, so it is better to listen to such beautiful music and take some time to relax the mind.


Jim Carey is a wise man and used to be one of my favorite actors, growing up.

Our (unhelpful) inner voices, that i use to call 'The Other Monsters', are basically the red thread running through the book/multimedia project that I started at the end of Last Summer.
If you're interested in knowing more, feel free to check out my blog.
