#BeerSaturday - Hey Jackass! How about a BEER?


It is week 377 for #beersaturday and I am sampling some bottle shop finds after last week's brewery visit!

As we all know, being The Blockchain Beerologist definitely has its perks, including but not limited to getting paid to tour breweries and sample new beers! When I am not globetrotting or brewing my own beer, my fridge looks like a colorful mosaic of regional craft beer I enjoy sharing with the #beersaturday alliance of #beer bloggers on #hive.

This week, I have fond memories of Jackass brewing and dive into some pints that found their way into my fridge at home.




The Pint of the Week is a foamy highlight in Beerology! What we do is hit the town and enjoy a social pint, which is probably the best way to enjoy a beer. This week, it was enjoyed at this bar which is located at Jackass Brewing You can catch a little more detail on the brewery itself in last week's #BeerSaturday post where I brought you along with me to 2 craft breweries in my region.


While I generally like to enjoy the IPA of a new-to-me brewery so I can assess their game in my preferred style of beer, I strayed from the norm here. This is actually their House Lager which I opted for to evaluate hose clean their brewing process is and whether it had any taste. Definitely not the flavour blast of an IPA but it was nice enough to almost be unassuming. Plain clean lawnmower beer suited for people who like beer-flavoured beer.

Sun Kiss


One of the best things about visiting a craft brewery is taking a stop in the bottle shop after a session for some fresh ones to bring home and enjoy later. Having enjoyed Sunn Kiss IPA in the past, I was curious to revisit it again, having brought it straight from the brewery. Surely more fresh than bouncing all over the province and sitting on a shelf a while. It took me a couple sips but I discovered the magic of this beer and the appropriateness of its namesake. You know that wonderful citrussy acidity when you used to drink sun kisst orange drinks as a kid? This has that same effervescent tang to it and a wonderfully subtle dry edge to it that brings you right back.


Another awesome part about visiting the brewery is seeing where all the magic happens. As brewers, we appreciate the awesome shiny toys we would someday aspired to harness and make our brews. As an IPA-swilling hipster, being able to know you are better than everyone else because you have visited and given your stamp of approval, maybe that's the best part. Either way, glad to have enjoyed this pint and see where it comes from for the next time I taste it.




I am a bit divided when it comes to the classification of American Pale Ale (APA.) On one hand, it is too broad a classification if you include vastly different American styles like east and west coast IPA. On the other hand, American hops and malt are solid when used liberally and you have no real idea whether you will be getting light or heavy, bitter or sweet or something totally different when you taste an APA for the first time.
Which will this one be?


Another sweet snag from the bottle shop was this Burro APA Right away, I see that the 6.3 ABV is in perfect line with a standard IPA and the haziness makes me think of a New England variety. The Citra, Simcoe and Mosaic hops are indeed American and I am indeed seeking adventure! It is a little more easy drinking than the Sun Kiss and so well balanced, I might pick it as lighter in ABV and be tempted to treat is like a session ale. Definitely hoppy enough without being sport hopped and a damn good beer by IPA addict standards. Would buy again!


All in all, I enjoyed my trip to Jackass from the fresh draft pints, observing the brewing environment, and the gems brought home to enjoy later. I would recommend a stop here if you mistakenly find yourself in Cambridge Ontario (why else would you be here?) and are in the mood to discover a lot of the same done differently.


Well met Jackass!!




This dood is taking lawnmower beer to the next level!

Join me, @detlev , and the other beerologists because there is always room for more beer bloggers at this week's Beer Saturday gathering... https://hive.blog/hive-187719/@detlev/beersaturday-377

Cheers to our global family of beer drinkers!!




Would you Lager, NEIPA or APA at Jackass?


I like the Burro. I think the classification for IPAs is getting a bit much.


You might be right though there are some distinct ones that are getting their own Cicerone classification attention. APA might be too general for one of those classifications.


That Lawnmower beer looks just fine ..


Oh ya man. I have a light cream ale on that you would probably enjoy plenty with a skinny.


beer flavored beer


Lagers must be pretty bland for you compared to your normal taste preferences.


Ah lagers just piss me off for how complicated they are to make with all the extra steps for such little extra return. Otherwise, I can appreciate a light clean beer as they are difficult to make but definitely have ruined my palate so that it has to be strong and hoppy for me to be thrilled at all. I know I am in the minority in this of the top-10 list at the beer store is any indication ;)


I'm not sure I understand the point of lagers either. 90 day fermentation instead of 30 day and storing at colder temperatures and like you said, what's really to gain in all that? I often find that they are more likely to be a little skunky as well.

Lagered ales are especially bizarre. That's a head shaker. What's the point! Lol
