
Cópia de Cópia de Mage Secrets - EXPLOSIVE WEAPONRY.png

Following with another Battle Mage Secrets event, this time we have the curious Heavy Hitters rule, many people do not take advantage of this rule, with that I almost always win a match with it, it is very interesting and very fun to see it working 😄, let's go to the post!




HEAVY HITTERSAll Monsters have the knock out ability.

Heavy Hitters is a very underused rule, with it on the field any stunned unit takes twice as much damage, making the already powerful stun ability even stronger, of course you will have to be lucky here, because you only have 50% chance of leaving a creature stunned, a unit with this condition will be melted quickly due to the doubled damage, not only that, because if it survives it will still lose its next turn 😍.

For this rule I first choose the units that have the ability to stun, at least one, with two it is great, but it is difficult to have two units with this ability as an option, then I think of an extremely strong tank and the rest I try to put the highest amount of damage I have.

I usually look for offensive skills and some for the protection of the tank, I avoid using many supports, because the stun itself is already an excellent one, below I list my favorites and worst for this rule.

Best Skills

ability_stun.pngStunThe best skill for this rule, without it, you won't be able to take advantage of the Heavy Hitters rule bonus.
ability_immunity.pngImmunityThere is a chance that your opponent also wants to take advantage of the bonus of this rule, this ability will make the unit immune to all condition.
ability_void-armor.pngVoid ArmorNever leave home without protection against magical damage 😅, this skill helps a lot to protect yourself from this type of damage, can be replaced by the Void skill.
ability_rust.pngRustAs I usually use teams with physical damage, this skill helps a lot, as any amount of armor is very effective against this type of damage.

Worst Skills

ability_knock-out.pngKnock OutAll units will already have this ability due to the Heavy Hitters rule, so you don't need to place a unit just because of it.
ability_scattershot.pngScattershotIt can ruin the strategy of hitting the stunned unit, making it almost useless in the match.


⚔️ My Team ⚔️


A match with 33 mana and the rules Are You Not Entertained?/Keep Your Distance/Heavy Hitter, with the rule of gladiators I opted for the unit with the highest damage that would hit the opponent's tank, keep Your Distance does not allow melee unit in the game, my strategy revolved around the rule Heavy Hitters I put two units with stun and with all units attacking hard the same unit to take advantage of the possible bonus.
Kelya Frendul_lv5_gold.pngSummoner : Standard blue summoner, speed bonus and armor will be enough for most of my units to get 4+ speed to attack first and take advantage of the Heavy Hitters rule bonus.
Baakjira_lv3.pngTank : Excellent unit, very resistant and still has good support skills, unida sad part is that it does not attack.
Water Caller_lv5.pngOff-Tank: The first unit with stun, plus average damage, can take the first position if needed.
Xenith Archer_lv5_gold.pngDPS: A cheap unit, that attacks from a distance, can buy time for other units if the front line falls.
Supply Runner_lv6_gold.pngDPS/Suport : Low damage, but has an interesting ability that matches the summoner.
Igor Darkspear_lv4_gold.pngDPS: Second unit with stun, it is one of the best with this ability, but only acquires in the highest lvls, with only 2 mana is practically an ever-present figure in my games with this rule.
Edith Emberstar_lv2.pngDPS: Absurd damage, if you hit someone with stun it will practically be a hit kill, it can get even stronger with each unit downed.


🤜The Battle 🤛


Analyzing the match: It comes out at the advantage of summoners, as the main abilities of the opponent's summoner will have no effect here, however its front line is very resistant and Djinn Oshanuss practically nullifies the Absurd damage to my gladiator.

Round 1 - Lots of hits and no kills, didn't manage to stun anyone 😅, going to be a long match.


Round 2 - I finally defeated the opposing Baakjira, and again left no unit stunned 😅.



Round 3 and 4 - The Djinn practically neutralized my gladiator that only does 1 damage to him, another whole round without stun 6 hits and nothing, luckily in round 4 Igor manages to apply this status and again the Xenith Archer takes another unit out of the game, now I have a good advantage.


Round 5 - My units remain intact, and quickly knock out the Chaos Agent, soon after the Water Caller finally manages to stun someone.


Round 6 - Taking advantage of the fact that the target was stunned, Igor takes another opposing unit out of the game, victory is very close.


Round 7 - Finally, victory came, my opponent had only one unit on the field, nothing he could do against my army, Supply Runner ended the game.


🎊 Conclusion 🎊

Heavy Hitters is very underrated, my opponent even did not take advantage of its bonus, this rule has two problems, the first is to be dependent on a unit with stun and the second is luck to apply the status, in this match my first 6 attacks did not apply stun, but it is beautiful to see a unit causing double damage, I wanted to see my gladiator causing 10 damage, but the Djinn Oshunnus spoiled this combo 😅.


Game Link: Splinterlands

Battle Link: ZALLIN Vs. JOJO777

Image sources: and
