Worklife - Getting stuck at work has reached new levels!


So this was sort of funny and not funny but I got stuck at work in a whole new way on Saturday.

The Mafuta mining vessel came in to harbour on Friday and we were on board from the first day. On Saturday my one boss, a technician and myself went on board again to complete our on board surveys.

While we were doing this, there was a call on the intercom system to send everyone off the vessel. This was being done because the vessel was being put down on to the chocks.

However, the intercom is not infallible and we were in an area where you could not hear the all clear request for us to get off the vessel!

So they lifted the gangway and proceeded to move the vessel into position to partially drain the dry dock of water to get the Mafuta into a stationary position on the chock.

And now we can't get off.

We got on board at 8:00am... The gangway access was removed at 11:00am and so we continued with our work.

We were given lunch and supper on the vessel and eventually we were let off again at around 18:30... so 10.5 hours later on a Saturday!

I am still writing reports about our findings.

All I can say is that we have a lot of work to do on this vessel!

Thank you for reading!


Hive South Africa


Oh gosh dude, lol, not lol. That's a long freaking Saturday


Wow!! So you will need to really really work!!

What a long day OMG!! I guess you really needed to rest after that!

Thanks a lot for sharing!!
