Warhammer 40k - Eternal Carnage Preliminaries! May 2023!


So boys and girls of all ages! Four Warhammer 40k players got together to try a preliminary game of Eternal Carnage, a special scenario of our own devising that pits multiple armies and players against one another in a massive meat grinder.

I estimate we played a 2100pts army vs a 1585pts army and it was not the sort of white-wash you might have expected THAT to be.

This is because, unlike other large scale games of 40k (like Apocalypse), this scenario pushes us straight into the game with two forces spotting one another and then maneuvering forward to engage while calling in more support for the rest of the army.

In a regular tournament-type game (matched play) of Warhammer 40k, two armies start super close to one another. In fact, usually far closer than many of the gun's ranges and then actually start shooting and moving.

I feel that in the vast theatre of war, this would not happen. So in this scenario the two armies deploy a Vanguard of 1000pts who encounter one another and the game start before they are actually within range to start shooting.

A Vanguard force has nothing with a range greater than 48" and the two force begin 48" away from one another (minimum deployment).

After this, each turn, forces would Escalate on to the board. This is done in groups made up of 500pts a piece.

When we play the first proper one, we will be fielding 4000pts a side so the Vanguard will be 1000pts and then Escalation will be 1000pts Turn 1, 2 and 3.

We played a preliminary game to see what rules we need to look at or what shortcomings might occur.

Here are the Forces that took part in this epic game!

Faction 1

Marnus - Space Wolves

Jaco - Salamanders

Daniel - Dark Angels


Faction 2

Zak - Imperial Army

Game Pictures.

So we do a simultaneous setup. The armies can see one another and not shoot at each other. I allow everyone to just set up your models and then the teams will roll for taking turn one. I rolled highest so my side moved first.

The enemy deployed something from everyone on the board. It was looking really epic to see all these guys on the board together!

Just look at this! Wolves, Salamander Aggressors and Dark Angels beyond them!

I advanced forward with Dreadnoughts and squads. I made everyone run as they were far too far away from enemies. I had to keep in mind what would happen in a long time from now instead of immediately like in Matched Play.

My first turn saw me place some units into Stretegic Reserve from Escalation 1 and then Run the rest of them onto the board from my Home Zone.

My opponents did the same, running forward and not being able to shoot just yet. There came an escalation of units placed into reserve and the Dark Angels flier zooming forward.

Wolf Scouts popped out and took some shots at Blade Guard.

Wolf Guard deepstiking with Jump Packs! Failed a charge and then got charged with way too many units. Grey Hunters, Bjorn the Fell Handed, Iron Priest and Tech Marine.

The Dark Angels flier flew into my zone at 50" a turn!

An epic battle scene!

Perspective shot.

This Vindicator was well worth his salt!

Ending and take away.

Plenty things died on both sides. The guys, though they had more points did not quite wipe me out but did manage to really put me into the decline.

What did we learn?

That we would need markers to keep track of units on the board. To remember who had taken actions. I feel that we should make markers to indicate that a unit has: Moved, Advanced, Shot, Charged and Fought.

More games will reveal other things.

So far our mechanics for reinforcing, escalation and the like works rather well.

I feel that the player's Home Zones should be populated with terrain as the owners of that zone chooses. Something I will need to discuss with my opponents.

So what's next?

Well, before we make those counters or any further rules we are all waiting for the 10th edition. This will give us a better idea on any changes to turn sequence and what faction rules we will need to tweak to fit this scenario.

All in all, I am super excited to play this again!

Thanks for reading!


Hive South Africa


Have you thought of using terrain to balance out any points differences ? It's something I've done in traditional wargaming that works well, although usually for me it's less about the points and more because we'll be playing a narrative campaign where the terrain is pre-designed and it's quite normal for different-sized armies to meet.


Even though I was out-pointed I kicked some ass there. I think it would be pretty close in the number of points we all removed from the board! Hahaha!

This is just a prelim... the first PROPER Eternal Carnage will be 4000pts each side!


Awesome story,i ❤️ dark angels. That is a nice setup


It was super fun and we cannot wait for the next one!
