Day 13 of the Debmar Atlantic 2024 Project - World Safety Day 2024

Myself and Elvis

Good day everyone. Day 13 is done and it is late and I need to go to bed.

Well... today was Anglo American's Global Safety Day or World Safety Day... the term seemed pretty interchangeable.

This basically was observed with a get together of all the staff on site standing in a horde before a stage where the managers of the site had an introduction and they brought 5 representatives from various companies working on site - of which there are 90... 90 companies... and the delegates speak on the microphone to the gathered people.

Zak, Joshua and Equin

The topic of their presentation was "What does safety mean to me"

Each brought their own perspective. There were some that had lost people close to them to work accidents. Family members and colleges that had been killed or maimed in construction accidents.

Each delegate brought a different view regarding safety and how safety standards had been improving over the last 4 years, 6 years, 10 years and 24 years depending on how long they have been working on this site!

Joshua, Zak, Barry, Michael and George

One thing about this event though is that it was extremely hot and everyone was standing in the blazing sun.

Thankfully Barry (@loadreaper) had brought an umbrella and that saved us from the worst of the heat.

The Crowd Angle 1

I have no idea how many people were there. At minimum 600 people and up.

At the end of the speeches, they handed out chicken coleslaw rolls and drinks.

The Crowd Angle 2

The rest of the day was busy as usual. The start of the day is an intense amount of items that I must juggle.

In the afternoon the Office was uninhabitable as it was too hot and the AC had stopped working due to a phase issue on the generator.


I started around 6:50am on site and I left around 20:00pm from site... And tomorrow will be another one of those... so let me get my butt into bed!

Thank you for reading this post!

May you all work safely and return home safe!


Hive South Africa
