RE: Some Silly Altercations
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That dessert looks amazing! 😋 I remember getting grounded for spending too much time at internet cafés playing games like Counter-Strike and Command & Conquer. Now, though, life has shifted, and I’m focusing on my studies for getting a degree and work to build a solid path forward. Still I'm playing chill games now that is not that quite time consuming only when there free time after study.
Haha val not time consuming?
Wow I didn't really have any computer cafes near me when i was studying. It was really different in America haha
Yeah the dessert was nice buy a bit too sweet for me haha
Valo. is considered to be chill gaming & fun for me hahaha
haha valo kinda long though no 13 rounds to play?
Yeah, if you win consistently per round. It's fun
haha u cant be winning every round