Understanding the dangers of violence must be implemented from an early age


Hello Hive

A blessed day for all of us, violence often occurs everywhere, not only in the outside environment, even in the household, violence often occurs, although the government in each region has tried to make laws on violence and provide sanctions in the form of imprisonment for those who do it, but all that is not enough to reduce the number of violence, besides that the implementation of religious norms is also often a priority to reduce the number of violence

Violence also often occurs during school, the learning period in adolescent relationships and violence has become frequent among adolescents where the level of emotional control is minimal so that violence cannot be avoided

there are several factors that influence the increase in violence

  1. family factors, frequent violence in the family makes children tend to practice violence in relationships, maybe here parents play the main role in educating their children not to behave violently, the application of emotional control must be applied from an early age, we often see in families that often receive rough treatment, their children will have a rough character and often cause trouble and violence

  2. Environmental and social factors, often befriending those who have rough and violent behavior will be carried away into bad things, and often watching action films and also violent action films makes them tend to practice them in the real world so that this factor will greatly influence in determining a person's character, personal experience after I watch an action film that practices violence then my soul will feel passionate and there is a drive from within to behave violently, and vice versa if I watch a film of love and affection and religion then my soul will feel blossoming and feel calm as if I am in the world of the film

  3. Social and religious education factors, lack of understanding and knowledge about the effects caused by violence and not being able to control emotions and prioritizing lust often makes people fall into violent behavior, if he is aware then often uttered from his lips forgive me I made a mistake the meaning of the word he commits violence not with a conscious and normal mind but rather emotional lust has controlled his mind and pushed him to commit violence, people are aware and A sane person will not commit violence because he is aware of human rights and this behavior violates religious norms

Why is there still a lot of violent practices and human rights violations out there involving wars over conflict areas and also terrorism? Maybe this is due to a lack of sense of nationalism, a lack of a sense of humanity and justice, a lack of trust between people and a lack of religious observance.

If we look further, the violence and human rights violations that are mostly committed are in areas of conflict and war like now, which we all know has even become world news. The violence and human rights violations that occurred in Palestine are the biggest human rights violations in the history of the world. Even now, they are still in continuous war because Israel still has the ambition to control Palestine completely.

From this incident we can conclude that there is no joy and calm behind the violence and conflict, hopefully all this will pass quickly.

There must be parental guidance on accessing films and advertisements that show acts of violence and an early understanding of the dangers of acts of violence. Elementary school learning about social studies, human rights and religious norms is very important to shape good human characters who are responsible, fair and uphold human rights

About me


who is @yuliadi
yuliadi is a 36-year-old nurse who lives in Indonesia. Since knowing Hive, I am now more active on blogs and writing original content every day. The language used in writing is Indonesian, changed using Google Translate. My blog is my life


Truly children needs to be guided as they grow because the violence in schools 🏫 are alarming. Children Bullying others has caused many so much emotional stress.

Here the parents are to be held responsible. They need to know what
kinds of company do their children keep to caution ⛔️ them from bullying.

Thanks for sharing @yuliadi 😇.


The role of parents is very important in determining playmates for children, because the environment and friends greatly influence children's behavior.



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