health drink in summer



hello friends #drinkslover

The hot weather like now that is happening in our area is very susceptible to illness for those who have weak immune systems consuming cold drinks is not a solution to quench thirst in hot weather like this, on the contrary after consuming cold drinks it will cause a sore, dry throat and will be at risk of inflammation of the throat

I will share tips for making drinks that can be healthy in the summer, increase endurance and can help remove mucus in the throat and lungs for smokers

Ingredients we need =

  1. One piece of ginger
  2. 200gr garlic
  3. 1 tablespoon turmeric powder
  4. 200gr palm sugar








palm sugar

Okay now let's make it, previously I bought these ingredients at the market, first of all peel the garlic, put it in a bowl, clean the ginger skin, then wash it until clean

Now let's cut the ginger into small pieces, as well as the garlic, we cut and chop it into small pieces after finishing we will boil it this boiling stage requires medium heat

Put 500ml of water into a pan and heat until boiling if it is now put in palm sugar and stir until dissolved then put in the ginger and garlic then finally put in the turmeric powder stir until evenly mixed cook for about 10 minutes while stirring



Wow I don't like cooking but I do it for this yes for my friends here usually my wife cooks, okay now it's enough turn off the stove and let's wait until it cools, from the smell it's already great like a refreshing herbal drink



I drank it the next day it didn't taste too bad because there was a mixture of palm sugar and after drinking it my body felt fresh and warm I kept it in the refrigerator so it could last, the dosage is enough 100ml per day, this drink is safe to consume every day as long as the dosage is maintained

What happens if you drink it too much and often? Wow this can be serious you will feel a little dizzy that is caused because your blood pressure will be low can cause anemia, so I hope you try it and follow my advice

That's my drink post, I hope you like it, I'm new here tell me if I make a mistake and also a mistake in writing the tag


who is yuliadi
yuliadi is a nurse who is 36 years old and lives in aceh- indonesia, #HIVE is my only social diary the language I use is indonesian translated into english, my blog is my life.


Hi @yuliadi

This is a healthy drink, which can provide health benefits, excellent.

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I'm sorry 🙏 even though I have read the community rules before, but because I was not careful and didn't understand, I made a mistake, I will try to fix it in the next post, please don't give me a yellow card
